405: Method Not Allowed


i get

405: Method Not Allowed

in my browser when i run the below. I’m trying to use ifttt to set state


any help appreciated

Are you on latest beta?

thank you for responding apologies i took so long to read. Yes i’m using the latest version.

How do use the long life token in the post to HA?


You will get 405 if you try to use a method the server did not accept, if your case you are using GET but the webserver only accept POST.

When you use your browser and go to an url that will always be GET.

my alarm panel at home only responds to SMS. I receive a SMS on my phone and trigger an update of the status of alarm panel. I did this previously by using ifttt via a POST. Apologies im still a little confused as to what changes are required to re-enable such functionality.