433.92 MHz 32-bit protocol e.g. Nexa Remote Switch and rpi_rf

I just bought these Nexa Remote Switches https://www.clasohlson.com/uk/Nexa-Remote-Switch-Set-3-pack/18-2650. The switches are self-learning and can be paired with up to three different remotes.

As I understand, it’s possible to pair a switch by sending a code using the rpi_rf platform in Home Assistant. Problem is that the protocol for these switches is 32-bit and not 24-bit that is common for 433 MHz RF.

How do I set these up using Home Assisant? Do I use the rpi_rf platform? What’s format should the codes have?

Did you solve this? Thanks

I am using the Nexa switches and have reverted to the Broadlink RF sender instead. Working perfectly well.

I managed to sniff my codes (not the protocol nor pulselength) with this (receiveRF433Ctrl.py). The codes come in the form of “1799812476”. I have the same plug as @str33, but in EU-version.

However, I do not know how to get further and in to HASS. @eschumann, could you please evolve your use of Broadlink RF sender?

I use either RF link or pilight to control mine.

Not yet. I will try using pilight.

Solved it now! I skiped hass.io and installed Rasbian on the Raspberry Pi 3. Then pilight. Started pilight-receive and got the codes! Then installed Home Assistant and the pilight plugin. Configures Home Assistant and it worked without problems.

  port: 5000

  - platform: pilight
          protocol: kaku_switch             
          id: xxxxxxxx
          unit: 0
          'on': 1
          protocol: kaku_switch             
          id: xxxxxxxx
          unit: 0
          'off': 1

I will try this right away!
EDIT: Still not getting signal… :confused:

How does your config.jason in etc/pilight/ looks like? Thanks

	"devices": {},
	"rules": {},
	"gui": {},
	"settings": {
		"log-level": 6,
		"pid-file": "/var/run/pilight.pid",
		"log-file": "/var/log/pilight.log",
		"webserver-enable": 1,
		"webserver-root": "/usr/local/share/pilight/webgui",
		"port": 5000,
		"webserver-http-port": 5001,
		"webserver-https-port": 5002,
		"webserver-cache": 1,
		"gpio-platform": "raspberrypi3"
	"hardware": {
		"433gpio": {
			"sender": 0,
			"receiver": 1
	"registry": {
		"webserver": {
			"ssl": {
				"certificate": {
					"secure": 0,
					"location": "/etc/pilight/pilight.pem"
		"pilight": {
			"version": {
				"current": "8.0.8"