I’ve been using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 2. I have a number of 433 MHz sensors and actuators in my setup. Raspberry Pi communicates with them using a generic 433 MHz transmitter and a receiver (link given below)
These are working fine, but the transmission and reception range is not very good. It doesn’t cover the full area of my house. I have tried re-positioning the RPI for better reception and tweaking the antenna a little bit as well. But no luck so far, and most events get missed because of the reception problem.
Are there any other more powerful 433 MHz transceivers that you may have tried ?
I came across the following in ebay, but i’m not sure whether they support raspberry pi. I’m using Pilight so the hardware needs to be compatible with that too
I’m currently using STX882 & SRX882 modules. They are powered by using the 5v supply from the raspberry pi. Both the transmitter and receiver use twisted 17.3 cm antennas that came with them. Perhaps i’ll try the 5cm 2dBi antenna and see whether there is an improvement.