433MHz control over Home Assistant

Hi there

I found a RF 433 MHz switch that i like to install at home, but I want it to be controled by HA. I never used RF before. So what are my options? What I need to have in order for it to work?

I looked at google and found this device on AliExpress:


Can it be used over HA OS on Raspberry pi? What kind of add-on or integration do I need to install?

I would start by reading up on the following;

It would be helpful to know the exact switch you intend to control, from there you can search if there is a library already published somewhere - easiest and ideally if it’s already in RFLink. If it is, once set up it should start discovering devices automatically.

Otherwise I know there are docker repositories that would take whatever you receiver/transmitter you choose and expose devices over MQTT. I don’t have experience on that since I like to run bare metal and not multiple dockers.

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