Hi all. What’s your experience with 433MHz, and specifically Sonoff converted to Tasmota? I’ve read in at least 2 different places that 433MHz is unreliable but maybe that could have been Sonoff specific.
I’m trying to get long lasting door/window sensors that give open and closed messages into Hass. I could use the Shelly wifi ones but those are $$$$. What is everyone using for this purpose and how reliable is it?
This is for possible use as an alarm system with Hass
I use Xiaomi Door/Window sensors (ZigBee) together with a ConBee II stick to integrate them into Home Assistant. They are pretty cheap, I had an offer on GearBest to get 15 pieces for 100 bucks! They are now running for approx. 1.5 years without changing battery. They are rock solid in my experience. No false triggers or unavailability except for one sensor that was faulty, which I had to replace after 1 week.
This sounds tempting, but I’m running HA in a VM and while I’m confident I can eventually get it working I think the USB host controller/tunneling might make it unstable more than it should be.
OK, so i went through this same thing a long time ago… stay with me.
Mine is about 98% reliable… I started with Z-wave but it got to be a PITA everytime I rebooted HA. I tried 433mhz but if the distance was pretty far then it had reliability issues… but I’m using MQTT to overcome that.
I have 2-3 Sonoff RF bridges flashed with Tasmota. ALL of them have the same format for their topic (Ex: house/rfbridge/%topic%/%prefix%/)
In Node-RED I have a flow that monitors the topic “house/rfbridge/+/tele/RESULT”. Since the “+” is a wildcard for that spot then it pulls ALL my bridges into the feed. I then have a switch that takes the open/close strings and processes them in HA accordingly.
Doesn’t really matter if HA gets overlapped incoming since they are the same thing. I get kind of a sudo-mesh setup for all my door sensors.
The entire solution means I can run HA in a VM as you would like and makes it expandable as if you need more coverage you can get another bridge to add to the system.
At work so I hope this was coherent, if not just ask and I’ll be happy to expand however.
My 433Mhz door sensors are reliable. I have both the Digoo new door sensor and the Blitzwolf 433Mhz doorsensors, used with a Sonoff RF Bridge flashed with openmqttgateway.
To echo @francisp I have never had an issue with 433Mhz door sensors and on my sonoff bridge flashed with tasmota never a message missed.
I do not use the sonoff sensors but just a generic sensor from Bangoood (thanks Drzzzs) GS-WDS07
This provides both open and closed codes on all 15 doors in my abode - some are cupboards I’m not loaded.
As far as I have read the Sonoff RF bridge has no limit on what it can receive just what it can transmit!
I have quite a few unrecognized codes in my logs. But then I did introduce some of my neighbors to home automation.
I have to say that I like to mess with my mate across the road with the sensor on his beer fridge…
Of course there are other options but this is just one that works for me!
It’s SOO tempting because of how cheap the sensors are with 433MHz. If i didn’t have to flash the hub and take it apart I would have done it. I might be leaning into the Shelley door sensors since they are easy. However they’re $20 ea and their battery capacity is in question.
Just go for the flashing and save money. done once use many. The guides are out there and can easily be used. Consider it dipping you toe in the water!
I’m new to the 433Mhz scene. I just recently learned of the Sonoff bridge and how it’s Tasmota and ESPHome compatible (with some work). I really love ESPHome. My automation is a real mix of stuff. Insteon light switches, and outlets, 2 Insteon door sensors on our 2 gates, and 1 Insteon motion, and an ISY handling the Insteons… An ESP32 connected to my alarm system wired doors and motions. a few cheap Tuya outlets. 2 Sonoff switches with temp/humidity wired in. A few Shelly 2.5s. Wireless tag temp/humidity in 3 rooms, fridge and freezer. Add to that Alexa and 1 Google home.
I wanted more motions, and 1 more door switch but didn’t want to spend the huge $ for more Insteons, so bought several cheap 433MHZ motions, 1 cheap door sensor (my patio door has no alarm switch for some reason) and a Sonoff bridge. Did the hardware mods, and flashed ESPhome on the Sonoff bridge… It’s working very well so far. My only complaint is the cheap door sensor sometimes isn’t detected, and since it only sends status when it changes, the door status isn’t always accurate. Not sure if it’s the sensor or the Sonoff. I’m just in the process of configuring automation to start my cameras recording on motion, and since I got that figured out, I’ll add the gate sensors as well. My cameras do a pretty good job of motion detection, but a lot of false detections with light changes, shadows, trees etc. So with motion/door sensors added, I can decrease the sensitivity of the camera detection, and eliminate some false triggers.
I kind of understand this but do have to note that it does depend on how you do your motion detection; Zoneminder, blueIris; or motion eye to name but a few. Each has it’s advantages and disadvantages. It is the same with 433Mhz sensors or hubs. I am not adverse to hacking a bit of hardware but it is also not for everyone’s budgets.
I currently run two gateways (both Tasmota flashed Sonoffs). All of my other Sonoff hardware is ESPHome flashed.
Only because I like to mix and match.
I have not lost one status with this setup. not an un-closed door, not an opened door out of the ordinary!
But as with all things ‘you pays your money and you takes your choice’
There never is the easy way and never a definitive argument!
FWIW I’ve recently dipped my toes into the 433MHz world, using the sonoff bridge flashed with tasmota. So far it has been flawless, I haven’t noticed it miss a single signal…it’s a little bit of a learning curve, but it’s really not too bad. FYI not all 433MHz devices are recognized by the sonoff bridge - I have a few PIR sensors and water sensors which came as part of my home security system which it does not recognize…apparently it’s basically a roll of the dice whether any given device will work with it
I also have the GS-WDS07s, as well as the Digoo door sensors, they work very well with an ESP8266 flashed with OMG, battery lasts about 12mths using the supplied cheapo batteries, longer on less used doors. Both send an Open and Closed code, and I think they both also have a tamper switch code.
I also use a number of THESE 9v PIRs, and even in high traffic areas like the kitchen, I get 6 months battery life using cheap 9v batteries. With a Lithium 9v, you’d probably get 1-2 years. They have a red LED that lights up when motion is detected, and a blue LED that lights up when the battery voltage is getting low, so easy to tell when they need changing.
I tried using a Sonoff RF flashed with OMG, but found I had about a 1-2 second delay in response time, so made an RF Bridge flashed with OMG using an ESP8266 and THESE parts. No delay in response time, and works very reliably.