4CH-TH via smartlife but only 2 switches available

hello to all,
i got a 4ch switch of AliExpress. It got many labels: 4CH-TH, TYTHWB4CH-B1RF, 4CH WiFi TH Smart Switch.

So its a Wifi 4ch Switch. Its discovered in the smartlife app. In the app it show as 4-TH (gc4b1mdw7kebtuyz) with firmware V1.0.3.

In the app i got all 4 channels and a mainswitch. I can switch channel 1 or 2 or 3 or 4.

I reloaded (and restarted) Home Assistant and it was found immediately but now to my problem:

in HA it got only 2 channels. what can i do to get channel 3 and 4?

I am running HA on Pi4

Core 2024.4.3
Supervisor 2024.04.0
Operation System 12.2
Frontend 20240404.2

Zeichenfläche 1

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-23 um 15.55.11