5 channel LED controller w/ independent channels?

Hi to all,

as title says: I am looking for a LED strip controller which has the ability to control 5 channels individually.

It seems most models can only to RGB or WW/CCT at the same time.

Zigbee or Wifi needed.

Any ideas for a current, reasonably priced product?

best & thanks,

If you want to use a RGBCCT 5-channel controller to individually control five monochrome strips, you’ll likely need firmware that can split apart the separate PWM channels for Home Assistant. Most Zigbee and Matter-over-WiFi devices don’t allow this, although some Z-Wave products do. I know open source firmwares like Tasmota can, and I suspect WLED can as well, so products like the H801 or Athom might be worth investigating. The latter can probably be flashed with Tasmota.

As with any controller, be sure whatever you choose can handle both your voltage and power requirements.

Thank you very much your detailed hints :slight_smile:

The athom model indeed seems interesting.

I did not want to make my initial post to complicated, but the reason behind the request is this:

Until now I could never find a dual (cct) white LED strip with a satisfying warm white color, especially in low light situations. Best solution for a really warm dimmed white (say 1800K) is adding some red/green using 4 channel RGBW strips. However, this limits bright light quality of the strips due to the missing dual white.

Of course having a 5 channel controller which can output (RGB) AND (CW / WW) at the same time would be great, but they simply seem to not exist.

I really don’t understand why. On most dual white chips warm white is around 2700K at best, which still gives that ugly yellow tint when dimmed down.

So my best next idea was to completely control each channel separately.

Here you go. This guy makes pretty good controllers for what you want, plus he also has handy links to some RGB LEDs with separate WW & CW channels RGB(WW)(CW) LED strips - quinled.info

Thank you :smile::+1:

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I use these flashed with Tasmota (ZJ-ESPM-5CH-B). Not sure they are still ESP based/flashable (purchased a while back - to be confirmed). But they work perfectly as 5 independent channels.
