I recently went through a process of moving HASS and appdaemon/hadashboard from a Pi to a PC. In the process, I upgraded all of the components to the latest versions. It took some time but I got almost everything working. However, even though my automation with appdaemon is working again, I cen’t get any dashboards to work. They all return a “500 Server Error”. If I navigate to the http://hass:5050 page, I get the list of dashboards. However, If I select any of them, I get the 500 error.
I created a hello world dashboard I called test to use to troubleshoot:
title: Hello Panel
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 8
widget_type: label
text: Hello World
- label(2x2)
It gets the 500 error like the others I brought over from the pi.
When I get the error, there are no new entries in the appdaemon log, the appdaemon error log, or the home assistant log.
I reviewed the hadashboard topics that referenced “500 Server Error” but most of them were from over a year ago and the solutions included waiting for the new version of appdaemon that Andrew was working on, to checking persmissions on files (which I have). I, of course, have the latest version (On the old Pi, I made homeassistant (user and group) the owner of all of the files and I have done that on the new, PC-based system.
Here is an appdaemon log excerpt from a restart:
2019-04-24 12:56:11.548847 INFO AppDaemon Version 3.0.2 starting
2019-04-24 12:56:11.549088 INFO Configuration read from: /home/homeassistant/.appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml
2019-04-24 12:56:11.550341 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Apps
2019-04-24 12:56:11.550586 WARNING config_dir: /home exists, but is not writeable, owner: root
2019-04-24 12:56:11.552636 INFO AppDaemon: Loading Plugin HASS using class HassPlugin from module hassplugin
2019-04-24 12:56:11.588326 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: HASS Plugin Initializing
2019-04-24 12:56:11.588458 WARNING AppDaemon: HASS: ha_key is deprecated please use HASS Long Lived Tokens instead
2019-04-24 12:56:11.588641 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: HASS Plugin initialization complete
2019-04-24 12:56:11.588766 INFO Starting Dashboards
2019-04-24 12:56:11.592105 INFO Starting API
2019-04-24 12:56:11.597567 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 0.90.2
2019-04-24 12:56:11.650995 INFO AppDaemon: Got initial state from namespace default
2019-04-24 12:56:13.634140 INFO AppDaemon: Reading config
2019-04-24 12:56:13.651574 INFO AppDaemon: /home/homeassistant/.appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml added or modified
2019-04-24 12:56:13.651652 INFO AppDaemon: /home/homeassistant/.appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml added or modified
I dug into the config_dir warning but can’t figure out what’s wrong. The /home directory is owned by root:root on both the old and new systems and the permissions are 755 on both systems. Below that, the homeassistant and home assistant/.appdaemon directories have the same ownership and permissions.
Are there other places to look to get some hints on what is wrong?