52pi UPS HAT

Hi, i bought this UPS HAT for my raspberry Pi. I already asked for support to the manufacturer but no answer.
The device has i2c bus to communicate with the raspberry and I want to exploit it to safely shutdown my RPI as the batteries are running out of power. I found this which seems to enable i2c communication on home assitant, but as I send via SSH the command $ sudo raspi-config I got back “bash: sudo: command not found”
i followed also this tutorial but nothing seems to happen, nothing appears on the log.
Does anybody has some advices for me please? I tried to find something but seems there’s anything…

Can you read the battery voltage to know when its getting low?

If running Hassio, the service hassio.host_shutdown is available.

I know it, but I’m far away from doing it… First of all I need to make i2c working, then to find the correct address and command to send, it’s not that easy!

Not sure it does use i2c. Looking at the pictures on the wiki the i2c pins aren’t connected.

Mine is slightly different, has contacts on pin 2/3 too!

Ok. So there maybe some information available by i2c.

I already checked and asked to the official support service too…

the right page of the object is that, has some code too… But seems it’s not working on Hassio. Can anyone help please?

Heya, just wanted to check if the UPS worked without any programming with Home Assistant?

I have this UPS on my ras pi.
I want to try to see what i2c data is there. maybe something usable for identifying when it’s off.
I have I2C configured, any way to see those I2C messages?
I’ve tried amounting the i2c devices but they aren’t mountable…

yes, works w/o programming - but ras-pi drops when ups batteries are drained.
Still is a very good thing for short power breaks, especially if you use good 18650 batteries since the batteries can run the ras-pi for a long time.

Hey man, thanks for the reply.