6.2023 Add Network Storage help

Hi All,

i saw that Ha now has Network Server Support built into the UI, but when i try to set this up I am getting an error.

Mounting Krynn did not succeed. Check host logs for errors from mount or systemd unit mnt-data-supervisor-mounts-Krynn.mount for details.

i don;t see much in the logs. I was adding my server address as this:

smb://internal IP Addy/mnt/usr/Realm

which matches the file path for my share. This worked on my other computers so i am not sure what is going on here.

Would anyone please take a moment to point me in the right Direction ?

Any help is depreciated,


The Server value you are using is not in the right format.

This is the domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the storage server you want to connect to

It should just be an IP address, like or whatever your internal IP address is, or a host name. smb:// is not needed, that is configured in the “Protocol” selection.

The share name (Krynn?) should go in the “Remote share” field that is below the screenshot.

You can see the actual mount error in host logs by going to Settings → System → Logs, or Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs. and choosing “HOST” from the top right menu, or by running command host logs in the CLI.

Thank you @freshcoast for the help,

Mayby I am over thinking this but here is what i am getting.
my Unraid server name is Krynn
my share name is Realm (mnt/usr/Realm)

I am still getting the error when i enter in the information. I screen shotted it and screen shotted the log entry as well.

and the log

any help is APRECIATED… (for some reason it came up with depreciated in the previous) :slight_smile:



P.S. I tried it with NFS as well.

The logs are incomplete, and please post them as text, not a screenshot. There should be some messages about mount errors, which don’t seem to be shown.

I believe the share also requires a username and password. At least, that’s the only way I could use it.