šŸ“³ Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Great blueprint with many options covered. A couple of enhancement suggestions would be the ability to report how long the device was on as part of the notification. Also the ability to use the Power Used and Cost of Wash in the optional Custom Actions - perhaps populating them to number variables?


Thanks :+1:

This suggestion keeps coming upā€¦ stay tuned.

You can do this by filling in the power informationā€¦ see 4 to 2 post above.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi @Blacky ,
since dishwasches hat this stupid behavior of 2 peaks (at start and somehere in middle) and then end. Maybe it would be an option for this automation. Count Powerpeaks X for 1 cycleā€¦ somethink like that. maybe with powerpeak range ex. 500-700W


Have you looked at using the ā€œRunning - Dead Zoneā€. If you look at your cycle and work out your dips (not the peaks) and what time the dips are then set the running dead zone past that time so it will ignore your dips.

If you are unsure maybe post your graph of a cycle and I may be able to help more.

Blacky :smiley:

You donā€™t need to be informed exactly at the end. I mean itā€™s not like you are cooking something and the end has to be the end. Set a trigger level, start a timer. You know how long your cycle is.
Unit starts, power above a level for so long, start timer. Wait the amount of time that takes you into the last cycle. Watch for the off condition below some level for a certain time and fire the action you want.

New Update 2.0

New Feature :new:

  • Duration Tracking Option - You can include duration tracking in your end message to track the applianceā€™s operational time for the task or cycle.

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Blacky :grinning:


Wow! @Blacky - your appliance blueprint has evolved a lot.
and I am using it for various purposes in my household.
Many thanks!

How could I stop the automation?
it has detected a run of appliance but not its end. Most likely a configuration issue on my end. But itā€™s still running and seems to wait for the end condition. Which would most likely only occur with the next run of the appliance.

This might lead to a potential extension of the blueprint:
what about adding an optional setting for the maximum duration of a run? If the run time is beyond this setting the automation stops (configurable?) and/or a notification could be sent about the potential misbehavior.


Hi NickNol

Thanks for your kind wordsā€¦ your welcome :+1:

:thinking: I know how to reset it and you probably know to but I get your point. I havenā€™t had this problem yet.

Yeah this can be done easy and I do like the idea. I will put it on the list to do.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

This is related, but maybe out of scope. Blacky, feel free to ask me to make a separate postā€¦

Is this realistic, or do I likely have something configured wrong? Seems low to me, but I donā€™t have a point of reference. Itā€™s a 2-3 year old mid level Samsung washer after a ā€œnormalā€ load. Many load have had similar outcomes.


All good this is about the blueprint and it is nice if we all check it encase something is wrong.

This is my washing machine and it will all depend on your cost per kWh. We pay 35 cents per kWh so 0.22 X $0.35 = 0.08 cents.

So your cost must be around 7 to 8 cents per kWh.


If anyone else would like to confirm. I havenā€™t checked the smart plug is reading correctly.

Blacky :smiley:

Using a slightly older large capacity Maytag HE washing machine and Iā€™m using approx. 0.22 Kwh per normal load. Light cycles are about half that.

1 Like

Thank you both. Our rate is 10.263 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Iā€™ll probably try another plug for comparison, but it seems possible it is that low, just surprising I guess.


No problem, please check it over and if you find anything wrong let us know.

It is good having the ability to find out what things cost and then we can make decisions on how we use electricity. It is always a good idea to check automation like this with another source. Kettles, microwaves, hot water systems, electric stoves and cook tops etc are the hungry ones.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Hi @Blacky
Thank you for this automation, it has everything i need and more.

Unfortunately iā€™m experiencing an issue with it, when the appliance ends i get no notification.

When checking the traces i see the following recurring error:
Error rendering data template: TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
I was unable to find anything regarding this in this topic, after checking the script i see one mention of list which is the days it should restrict the automation from running, however, i have this disabled.

Are there any more troubleshooting steps i can follow?

The entire error might be helpful to troubleshoot.
It should have more info than that regarding where the error occurred.

Hi @Sir_Goodenough, the trace looks like this, is there any specific tab you want to see?
The list error occurs on 3 points in the automation, other than a choice: 0 or choice: 1 its not much more descriptive than this screenshot.

Hey @Blacky, is there a reason that entering a decimal value into the Kw threshold fields results in a red underline rather than blue? I thought at first that it represented a non-supported format but tried it anyways. It does save the decimal value to the file and the automation does in fact respect the value, which is fantastic. My washing machine liks to idle down to 1.8 Kw occasionally for minutes while it considers what to do next, but sits at 1.1-1.2 kw when entirely finished, so I needed 1.5 Kw.

Kind of left me scratching my head as to why it would go red which normally represents an error.


Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on ā€œ</>ā€ and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:


The red line is because your outside the values I have set as default. All good nothing to worry about just click save. When you go back into the automation the red line will be gone.

Blacky :smiley:

Thank you for the reply.
This is the config:

alias: Washing Machine
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
    power_sensor: sensor.washing_machine_outlet_power
    start_appliance_power: 3
    start_time_delay: 0.25
    running_dead_zone: 1
    end_appliance_power: 2
      - 52929393b9eeef75812de0f3d040aaa1
      - 38e080d3e211e101a7d5cb3966d1b107
    end_message: Finished running
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.washing_machine_outlet_energy
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
    include_duration_tracking: enable_duration_tracking
    end_time_delay: 0.25