7 Day Weather Forecast

Could you provide more information on your problem? What version of hass are you on? Are you using the latest weather.yaml file?

Could it be the typo? Should be forecast:

Thanks - glad itā€™s working for you! Iā€™d be happy to post the arrows graphics The .png files I have are white arrows, because my theme has a dark background. They wonā€™t show up if you use the default theme. I can provide black or blue arrows instead - just let me know what you want.

Thanks. DAU User infront of my laptop :slight_smile: It was really the typoā€¦

I have this problem:

I have the new weather.yaml from you. Also automation script doesnt work in my case :confused:

Friendly name templating is not working. You must be using old code. Use my code from post #325. There is no automation needed. Make sure you are on the latest version of hass.

Thank you it helps, but I doesn`t see actual icons now. Just something like eye. Btw: good work man. Very good idea :slight_smile:

Did you download the icons? The top of the yaml file tells you where from.

So far, I use the default theme, so blue arrows would be nice. Otherwise, I can try a dark theme and use the white arrows. Whichever is easier for you. Thanks.

Here you go! Enjoy!



Anyone have any simple automations that trigger based on rain in the next few minutes using this component? So many sensors, not sure which one would provide near time weather. Iā€™d love to get an alert if it was going to rain in the next 10 minutes,

This really depends what weather service works best for you ā€¦ Iā€™m using DarkSky and the yr service and do my rain alert on the latest update on either of themā€¦ unfortunately I canā€™t help you with automation as Iā€™m using Node-Red for that

Iā€™m not using node red, but I generally think I understand it. Itā€™s just intefacing with the sensors in HA, so my question is Which ā€œsensorā€ do you use for darksky or the YR service? Do you know how often they generally update? What do you look for for your alerts? Are you parsing a text weather report for the word rain or is there some other way to check? I see this as more of a ā€œwhich sensor will tell me itā€™s going to rain in the next few minutesā€ problem to solve. So any info at all would be a good start for me, thanks!

for example dark sky on your Iphone will tell you that itā€™s going to rain any minute.

Node-red is not directly using the HA state but calling DarkSky and YR by itself.


  • I have DarkSky refresh for every 30min
  • Iā€™ parsing the the current weather status for ā€œrainā€, ā€œsunā€ or ā€œcloudyā€
  • I have not been able to detect the dark sky rain warning yet


  • I have the YR refresh on default (I think it is 30min as well)
  • Iā€™m using the YR icons to detect any change (Icons here)

I donā€™t think you will get a minute wise update for your location. To detect if it is raining I have installed a cheap Temperature and Humidity sensor from Xiaomi in my garden. This enables me to detect if it is really raining or not at my place.

I will check if I can find out about the (minute wise) rain warning on Dark Sky (did not know about that detail)

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So Iā€™m new to Home Assistant.
I tried Hass.io a few months back and I succeeded in blowing it up in quite a spectacular fashion, to the point of it thrashing the HDD when running.
Anyways after a few months off I came back and Iā€™m now running Home Assistant .80 with more success.

I got Darkskyā€™s sensor and platform working (not running at the same time) and Iā€™ve even integrated my one Sonoff Basic to turn a light on 30 mins before sunset and off at 10:30.

I thought Iā€™d like to spruce up my weather so I implemented a weather radar and then found this project and it looked cool so I thought Iā€™d give it a try.

I went with the weather.yaml script from post #173, changed the secret to match my entry in secrets.yaml and when I went to check the config I get this vague error:

Configuration invalid
Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data[ā€˜platformā€™]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at Sensor - Home Assistant

I figured it was a problem with the darksky api key cause well it says key not provided so I pasted the key in the weather.yaml file and I still get the same error.

The link that is suggested doesnā€™t helpā€¦

edit: I know itā€™s something in the weather.yaml file as I commented out the

packages: !include_dir_named packages

line in my configuration.yaml file and the Configuration invalid error goes away.

I know this does not help too much, but check your YAML closer. I suspect you have a typo, like spacing in the packages for weather.

Mine starts with no spaces

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_key

and in your configuration.yaml it should have spaces in front of it

 packages: !include_dir_named packages

At least thats how mine is set up. I know when I first started I spent a lot of time troubleshooting items, just to find that it was a spacing, or a tab in my yaml

I doubled checked and I have 2 spaces in front of

packages: !include_dir_named packages

As for the weather.yaml file. I copy and pasted it from https://github.com/arsaboo/homeassistant-config/blob/master/packages/weather.yaml

The first time I I got the error I thought, maybe it needs spaces in front of sensor: so I added 2 spaces to each line. That didnā€™t work either, same error.

Did you double check that the parameter name you use in the secrets.yaml file matches the name in the weather.yaml file? Should be darksky_key if you copied and pasted from that link.

I did,
I even pasted the api-key directly into the file and I still get the error

Defintiely dont add spaces in front of sensor: The example I posted above would be the correct spacing for the sensor, and platform darksky, and api key, etc