I’ve updated to .84 and am now using Config Ui (and sometimes Raw Config Editor). For a while I’ve had github backups setup, but before I push the new files (including the .storage directory?) I want to make sure nothing private is saved. It would seem I need to exclude the files “auth” and “auth_provider.homeassistant”. Is there anything else new I’m missing?
My approach is this:
- GitHub is a nice backup option for non-sensitive files, but should be seen less as a backup system and more of a convenient place to keep and share your configuration.
- Don’t chance sharing anything on GitHub by accident and ensure that sensitive information is kept away with gitignores, over-zealously if necessary.
With that in mind, I use Dropbox for off-site backups of EVERYTHING in my configuration folder and keep my GitHub in line with the rules I’ve set.
In fact I’m now running docker and all of the configuration files for all of the containers are in /opt/docker and I have some other configurations in /opt and I now backup a zip archive of my entire /opt directory to Dropbox regularly and if the whole system blows up I can literally set up a new machine by installing debian, installing docker, unzipping the latest backup and we’re back in business.
I’m midway through documenting my entire setup in the form of a wiki on my GitHub if you’re interested. I won’t link it because it is mega work-in-progress at the moment so some stuff hasn’t been written, and some stuff isn’t finished, and it’s very much a reference rather than a guide right now, but by all means check it out and hopefully get some inspiration
Excellent info. I’m actually using dropbox as a backup as well using the Hass.io addon. I was intending on using github to be where I edit my config and then push to hass.io, but I now think this may be overly complicating things.
You can do that, I do it. Only gets complicated when you need to add/edit a secret