January 24, 2019, 1:49pm
Everything has been working peachy. Upgraded to .86 and now get this message when I test configuration:
Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/ Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/ Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->1->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/
All of my automations are individual files. I do not use the Automations editor. No errors were reported prior to this upgrade.
Any ideas on where to even start looking?
January 24, 2019, 1:51pm
Did you read the breaking changes before upgrading?
(StePhan McKillen (Other kiwi Here))
January 24, 2019, 1:56pm
Please use the formating
it look like some thing to do with the minutes I think
so have you a trigger that is a time
platform: time
at: '03:00:00' # haves to be in a time format now NOT hour:
Think this was the OLD way of doing it
platform: time
hours: 3
minutes: 00
seconds: 00
January 24, 2019, 1:57pm
Yep… with undivided attention. Nothing in breaking changes applied to any of my hardware or configuration. (PI3B+, hass.io (current), Wink hub, various IP cameras, owntrack, Mosquitto MQTT resident).
You have to change time to time_pattern in your automation. I did that too.
January 24, 2019, 2:00pm
Time triggers are split into two now.
Another noteworthy breaking change (sorry!), is that the automation time
trigger has been split into two: time
and time_pattern
. If you had a time trigger containing the keys hours
, minutes
or seconds
, update the platform from time
to time_pattern
I’m getting same error and I don’t have any time trigger and neither have the word “minutes” within the automations.yaml
This is my “hassio ha check” log
Error: INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of colorlog==4.0.2
Testing configuration at /config
Failed config
- Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 435). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/
- climate: [source /config/configuration.yaml:321]
platform: netatmo
relay: NetB3c
thermostat: [source /config/configuration.yaml:324]
- Termostato
config: ?
conversation: ?
custom_updater: [source /config/configuration.yaml:91]
card_urls: [source /config/configuration.yaml:96]
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bramkragten/custom-ui/master/updater.json
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuuji/button-card/master/tracker.json
track: [source /config/configuration.yaml:92]
- components
- cards
- python_scripts
customizer: [source /config/configuration.yaml:119]
custom_ui: local
device_tracker: [source /config/configuration.yaml:195]
- platform: google_maps
consider_home: 180
interval_seconds: 300
password: xxxxxxxx
username: xxxxxx@xxxxx
- platform: life360
driving_speed: 18
max_gps_accuracy: 200
max_update_wait: [source /config/includes/device_tracker.yaml:18]
minutes: 45
password: xxxxxxxxx
prefix: life360
show_as_state: driving, moving, places
username: xxxxx@xxxxxxx
- platform: nmap_tracker
consider_home: 180
home_interval: 5
interval_seconds: 30
frontend: [source /config/configuration.yaml:109]
extra_html_url: [source /config/configuration.yaml:111]
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
- /local/custom_ui/custom-weather-card.html
extra_html_url_es5: [source /config/configuration.yaml:114]
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html
- /local/custom_ui/custom-weather-card.html
javascript_version: latest
themes: [source /config/configuration.yaml:109]
dark_orange: [source /config/themes/dark_orange.yaml:1]
dark-primary-color: #c66900
label-badge-background-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
label-badge-blue: var(--light-primary-color)
label-badge-green: var(--dark-primary-color)
label-badge-grey: var(--paper-grey-500)
label-badge-red: var(--primary-color)
label-badge-text-color: var(--text-primary-color)
label-badge-yellow: var(--text-primary-color)
light-primary-color: #ffc947
paper-card-background-color: #263137
paper-card-header-color: var(--text-primary-color)
paper-grey-200: var(--primary-background-color)
paper-grey-50: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
paper-item-icon-active-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-item-icon-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
paper-item-icon_-_color: var(--text-primary-color)
paper-item-selected_-_background-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-listbox-background-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
paper-progress-secondary-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
paper-slider-active-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-container-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
paper-slider-knob-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-pin-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--light-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--dark-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--dark-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: var(--dark-primary-color)
primary-background-color: #37464f
primary-color: #ff9800
primary-text-color: var(--text-primary-color)
secondary-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
secondary-text-color: var(--primary-color)
sidebar-text_-_background: #62717b
table-row-alternative-background-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
table-row-background-color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
text-primary-color: #ffffff
dark_red: [source /config/themes/dark_red.yaml:2]
dark-primary-color: #c66900
disabled-text-color: #545454
divider-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)
light-primary-color: #e06c6c
paper-card-background-color: #1d1d1d
paper-card-header-color: var(--paper-item-icon-color)
paper-grey-200: #191919
paper-grey-50: var(--primary-text-color)
paper-item-icon-active-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-item-icon-color: #d3d3d3
paper-item-icon_-_color: var(--primary-text-color)
paper-listbox-background-color: #202020
paper-listbox-color: var(--primary-text-color)
paper-slider-active-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-knob-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-pin-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--light-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--light-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: var(--dark-primary-color)
paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: var(--primary-text-color)
primary-background-color: #303030
primary-color: #d32f2f
primary-text-color: #cfcfcf
secondary-background-color: #131313
secondary-text-color: var(--primary-color)
sidebar-text_-_background: #62717b
table-row-alternative-background-color: var(--sidebar-text_-_background)
table-row-background-color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
dark_theme: [source /config/themes/dark_theme.yaml:1]
dark-primary-color: var(--red)
dark_green: #017775
dark_grey: #232326
label-badge-background-color: var(--light_grey)
label-badge-blue: var(--pink)
label-badge-green: var(--pink)
label-badge-grey: var(--pink)
label-badge-red: var(--red)
label-badge-text-color: var(--white)
label-badge-yellow: var(--pink)
light-primary-color: var(--red)
light_green: #08a8a5
light_grey: #344249
paper-card-background-color: var(--light_grey)
paper-card-header-color: var(--white)
paper-grey-200: var(--dark_green)
paper-grey-50: var(--light_green)
paper-item-icon-active-color: var(--yellow)
paper-item-icon-color: var(--dark_green)
paper-item-icon_-_color: var(--pink)
paper-item-selected_-_background-color: var(--light_green)
paper-listbox-background-color: var(--light_grey)
paper-progress-secondary-color: var(--pink)
paper-slider-active-color: var(--yellow)
paper-slider-container-color: var(--red)
paper-slider-knob-color: var(--yellow)
paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--red)
paper-slider-pin-color: var(--pink)
paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--pink)
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--yellow)
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--yellow)
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: var(--pink)
pink: #ff0090
primary-background-color: var(--dark_grey)
primary-color: var(--light_green)
primary-text-color: var(--white)
red: #d10404
secondary-background-color: var(--dark_grey)
secondary-text-color: var(--white)
sidebar-text_-_background: var(--pink)
table-row-alternative-background-color: var(--dark_grey)
table-row-background-color: var(--light_grey)
text-primary-color: var(--pink)
white: #f7f7f7
yellow: #fffa0c
midnight: [source /config/themes/midnight.yaml:2]
accent-color: #E45E65
dark-primary-color: var(--accent-color)
disabled-text-color: #7F848E
divider-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)
google-green-500: #39E949
google-red-500: #E45E65
label-badge-background-color: #2E333A
label-badge-border-color: green
label-badge-red: var(--accent-color)
label-badge-text-color: var(--primary-text-color)
light-primary-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-card-background-color: #434954
paper-card-header-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-dialog-background-color: #434954
paper-grey-200: #414A59
paper-grey-50: var(--primary-text-color)
paper-item-icon-active-color: #F9C536
paper-item-icon-color: var(--primary-text-color)
paper-item-icon_-_color: green
paper-item-selected_-_background-color: #434954
paper-listbox-background-color: #2E333A
paper-listbox-color: var(--primary-color)
paper-slider-active-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-slider-container-color: linear-gradient(var(--primary-background-color), var(--secondary-background-color)) no-repeat
paper-slider-disabled-active-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
paper-slider-disabled-secondary-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
paper-slider-knob-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-slider-pin-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: green
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: var(--accent-color)
paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
paper-toggle-button-unchecked-ink-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
primary-background-color: #383C45
primary-color: #5294E2
primary-text-color: #FFFFFF
secondary-background-color: #383C45
secondary-text-color: #5294E2
table-row-alternative-background-color: #3E424B
table-row-background-color: #353840
text-primary-color: var(--primary-text-color)
solarized: [source /config/themes/solarized.yaml:1]
accent-color: #cb4b16
disabled-text-color: #859900
divider-color: #586e75
google-blue: #268bd2
google-green: #859900
google-red: #dc322f
google-yellow: #b58900
label-badge-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
label-badge-text-color: var(--text-primary-color)
paper-blue: #268bd2
paper-card-background-color: #002b36
paper-card-header-color: #cb4b16
paper-green: #859900
paper-grey-200: #586e75
paper-grey-50: #b58900
paper-item-icon-active-color: #dc322f
paper-item-icon-color: #b58900
paper-item-icon_-_color: #FF00FF
paper-listbox-background-color: #002b36
paper-listbox-color: #b58900
paper-orange: #cb4b16
paper-slider-active-color: #dc322f
paper-slider-knob-color: #dc322f
paper-slider-knob-start-color: #b58900
paper-slider-pin-color: #FF00FF
paper-slider-secondary-color: #dc322f
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: #cb4b16
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: #dc322f
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: #dc322f
paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: #b58900
primary-background-color: #073642
primary-color: #2aa198
primary-text-color: #839496
secondary-background-color: #073642
secondary-text-color: #859900
table-row-alternative-background-color: #073642
table-row-background-color: #002b36
text-primary-color: #839496
teal_theme: [source /config/themes/teal_theme.yaml:1]
disabled-text-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
divider-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)
paper-card-background-color: #424242
paper-card-header-color: #FFFFFF
paper-grey-200: #616161
paper-item-icon-color: #1DE9B6
paper-listbox-background-color: #424242
paper-listbox-color: #FFFFFF
paper-slider-active-color: #1DE9B6
paper-slider-knob-color: #1DE9B6
paper-slider-knob-start-color: #1DE9B6
paper-slider-pin-color: #1DE9B6
paper-slider-secondary-color: #33F2D8
paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: #1DE9B6
paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: #1DE9B6
paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: #1DE9B6
primary-background-color: #303030
primary-color: #1DE9B6
primary-text-color: #FFFFFF
secondary-background-color: #303030
secondary-text-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
google: [source /config/configuration.yaml:365]
client_id: xxxxxxx
client_secret: xxxxxxxxx
track_new_calendar: False
google_assistant: [source /config/configuration.yaml:373]
api_key: xxxxxxxxxx
exposed_domains: [source /config/configuration.yaml:379]
- climate
- switch
- light
project_id: xxxxxxx
group: ?
ac_letto: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.ac_letto_on_off
- input_boolean.ac_letto_turbo
- input_select.ac_letto_fan
- input_select.ac_letto_mode
icon: mdi:air-conditioner
name: AC Letto
view: False
ac_sala: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.ac_sala_on_off
- input_boolean.ac_sala_turbo
- input_select.ac_sala_fan
- input_select.ac_sala_mode
icon: mdi:air-conditioner
name: AC Sala
view: False
alarm: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- alarm_control_panel.allarme_casa
name: Allarme casa
view: False
availability: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- device_tracker.broadlinklettofritzbox
name: In linea
view: False
batteries: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- sensor.cubo_battery
- sensor.motion_sensor_giu_battery
- sensor.motion_sensor_su_battery
- sensor.porta_ingresso_battery
- sensor.finestra_cucina_battery
- sensor.pressione_letto_battery
- sensor.pressione_sala_battery
- sensor.pulsante_battery
name: Livelli batterie
view: False
battery_alert: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min
- input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max
- automation.battery_notification
- automation.battery_notification_clear
- automation.battery_alert_slack
- automation.battery_sensor_from_battery_level_attribute
- automation.battery_sensor_from_battery_attribute
- automation.battery_sensor_from_battery_numeric_attribute
calendari: ?
entities: ?
- calendar.irrig
- calendar.differenziata
icon: mdi:calendar-clock
name: Calendari
view: False
camloc: ?
entities: ?
- camera.vialetto
- camera.patio
- camera.porta
- camera.giulia
- camera.mamma
icon: mdi:cctv
name: Camera e Maps
view: True
cycle1_weather_settings: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.cycle1_use_weather_adjustment
- sensor.cycle1_zone1_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle1_zone2_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle1_zone3_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle1_zone4_duration_adjusted
icon: mdi:weather-partlycloudy
name: Morning cycle weather settings
cycle2_weather_settings: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.cycle2_use_weather_adjustment
- sensor.cycle2_zone1_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle2_zone2_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle2_zone3_duration_adjusted
- sensor.cycle2_zone4_duration_adjusted
icon: mdi:weather-partlycloudy
name: Afternoon cycle weather settings
daily_forecast: ?
entities: ?
- sensor.pws_weather_1d_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_1n_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_2n_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_3d_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_3n_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_4d_metric
- sensor.pws_weather_4n_metric
name: Daily Forecast
default_view: ?
entities: ?
- group.alarm
- group.temi
- group.all_covers
- group.all_automations
- group.all_scripts
- group.battery_alert
- group.batteries
- group.rpi
- group.xiaomi
- group.calendar
- group.media_player
- group.availability
- sensor.ps4_today_time
- sensor.ps4_today
- group.yamaha_radio
- group.gh_radio
- group.gh_volume
- group.gh_text
- group.dove
- group.calendari
- group.pihole
- group.fritz
- group.zigbee_group
icon: mdi:home
view: True
dove: ?
entities: ?
- input_boolean.dove_giulia
name: Dove si trova
energy: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- sensor.owl_attuale
- sensor.owl_totale
- switch.presa_broadlink
- sensor.rig_pow
name: Consumo corrente
view: False
fritz: ?
entities: ?
- sensor.fritz_is_connected
- sensor.fritz_is_linked
- sensor.fritz_external_ip
- sensor.fritz_uptime
icon: mdi:router-wireless
name: Fritz Net Monitor
view: False
gh_radio: ?
entities: ?
- input_select.gh_radio_station
- input_select.gh_source
- script.gh_radio
name: Google Home Radio
gh_text: ?
entities: ?
- input_text.gh_testo
- input_select.gh_source_tts
- script.gh_tts
name: Google Home Text
gh_volume: ?
entities: ?
- input_number.google_home_mini_volume
- input_number.google_home_volume
name: Google Home Volume
giardino: ?
entities: ?
- group.luci_giardino_auto
- group.luci_giardino
- group.irrigazione
name: Giardino
view: True
hum: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- sensor.dark_sky_humidity
- sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
- sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
- sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
- sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing
- sensor.dark_sky_summary
- sensor.dark_sky_cloud_coverage
- sensor.dark_sky_precip
name: Umidità, pressione e pioggia
view: False
irrigation: ?
entities: ?
- group.zone_1
- group.zone_2
- group.zone_3
- group.zone_4
- group.reset_zones
icon: mdi:water-pump
name: Irrigation
view: True
irrigation_cycle1: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.cycle1_enable
- sensor.cycle1_next_run_time
- input_boolean.cycle1_manual_run
- input_select.cycle1_schedule_time
- input_select.cycle1_watering_days
- input_number.cycle1_zone1_duration
- input_number.cycle1_zone2_duration
- input_number.cycle1_zone3_duration
- input_number.cycle1_zone4_duration
name: Morning Cycle
irrigation_cycle1_status: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- sensor.cycle1_running
- sensor.cycle1_zone_being_watered
- timer.cycle1_zone_duration
- group.cycle1_weather_settings
name: Morning Cycle Status
irrigation_cycle2: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- input_boolean.cycle2_enable
- sensor.cycle2_next_run_time
- input_boolean.cycle2_manual_run
- input_select.cycle2_schedule_time
- input_select.cycle2_watering_days
- input_number.cycle2_zone1_duration
- input_number.cycle2_zone2_duration
- input_number.cycle2_zone3_duration
- input_number.cycle2_zone4_duration
name: Afternoon Cycle
irrigation_cycle2_status: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- sensor.cycle2_running
- sensor.cycle2_zone_being_watered
- timer.cycle2_zone_duration
- group.cycle2_weather_settings
name: Afternoon Cycle Status
irrigation_information: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- group.irrigation_weather_information
- input_number.temperature_baseline
- input_number.rainfall_threshold
- sensor.last_irrigated_time
- sensor.zone1_time_today
- sensor.zone2_time_today
- sensor.zone3_time_today
- sensor.zone4_time_today
name: Irrigation Information
irrigation_valves: ?
entities: ?
- switch.zone1_valve
- switch.zone2_valve
- switch.zone3_valve
- switch.zone4_valve
name: Valves
irrigation_weather_information: ?
entities: ?
- sensor.temp_high_2days
- sensor.temp_high_5days
- sensor.temp_minus0
- sensor.temp_minus1
- sensor.temp_minus2
- sensor.temp_minus3
- sensor.temp_minus4
- sensor.rain_3days_ratio
- sensor.rain_minus0
- sensor.rain_minus1
- sensor.rain_minus2
- sensor.rain_minus3
icon: mdi:weather-partlycloudy
name: Weather Information History
irrigazione: ?
control: hidden
entities: ?
- switch.irrig1
- switch.irrig2
- switch.irrig3
- switch.irrig4
- input_boolean.all_irrigator
name: Irrigazione
view: False
and this is my automations.yaml
###### Tutti gli irrigatori ################
- id: tutti_irrigatori_on
alias: Accendi utti gli irrigatori
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.all_irrigator
to: 'on'
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.turn_on_all_irrigation
- id: tutti_irrigatori_off
alias: Accendi tutti gli irrigatori
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.all_irrigator
to: 'off'
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.turn_off_irrigation
###### AC Letto On ################
- id: ac_letto_on
alias: Accendi AC Letto
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.ac_letto_on_off
to: 'on'
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.ac_sala
- delay: '00:00:02'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.ac_letto
- data_template:
message: "Accendo condizionatore della camera da letto."
service: notify.telegram
###### Volume Google Home #################
- id: google_home_mini_adjust_volume
alias: "Google Home Mini - Adjust Volume"
platform: state
entity_id: input_number.google_home_mini_volume
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: media_player.salotto_2
volume_level: '{{ states.input_number.google_home_mini_volume.state }}'
- id: google_home_adjust_volume
alias: "Google Home - Adjust Volume"
platform: state
entity_id: input_number.google_home_volume
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: media_player.soggiorno
volume_level: '{{ states.input_number.google_home_volume.state }}'
##### HASS Themes change #########
- id: hass_theme
alias: hass_theme
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.hass_theme
- service: frontend.set_theme
name: "{{ states.input_select.hass_theme.state }}"
############## SPOTIFY #################
- id: zigbee_log_level
alias: Zigbee2mqtt Log Level
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level
to: debug
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level
to: warn
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level
to: error
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level
to: info
- service: mqtt.publish
payload_template: '{{ states(''input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level'') }}'
topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/log_level
- id: enable_zigbee_join
alias: Enable Zigbee joining
hide_entity: true
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.zigbee_permit_join
to: 'on'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join
payload: 'true'
- service: timer.start
entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join
- id: disable_zigbee_join
alias: Disable Zigbee joining
- entity_id: input_boolean.zigbee_permit_join
platform: state
to: 'off'
- data:
payload: 'false'
topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join
service: mqtt.publish
- data:
entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join
service: timer.cancel
hide_entity: true
- id: disable_zigbee_join_timer
alias: Disable Zigbee joining by timer
hide_entity: true
- platform: event
event_type: timer.finished
entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join
payload: 'false'
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.zigbee_permit_join
############## Update stato Shellies #################
- alias: 'Shelly Status Info at Start'
id: shellies_announce
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: shellies/command
payload: announce
January 24, 2019, 2:22pm
In your device tracker file can you comment out this entire platform? I wonder if the config check has gone bonkers and applies the rules outside of the automations.yaml.
January 24, 2019, 2:24pm
time_pattern change from time seemed to have no effect. Here’s one of my more basic automations that now seems to puke:
- alias: 'Reboot Home Assistant Server'
initial_state: true
- at: 02:00:00
platform: time
- condition: time
- sun
- thu
- service: hassio.host_reboot
Don’t you need quotes around times? YAML uses :
so you need to encase that
January 24, 2019, 2:32pm
Great thought… but no change. Tried both single and double quotes.
(StePhan McKillen (Other kiwi Here))
January 24, 2019, 2:36pm
what does line
[source /config/configuration.yaml:321] SAY
January 24, 2019, 2:36pm
I tried to remove Life360 from device_tracker.yaml, but same error
I’m seeing more and more people having the same error, even people with no automation at all
January 24, 2019, 3:01pm
Okay, now it’s getting really weird. I have no automations in the automations editor/automations.yaml. I have commented out the line:
automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automations
I have NO automations anywhere yet when I run a configuration check I get:
Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/ Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/ Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->1->minutes. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/
(note: I even removed the entire automations folder.)
January 24, 2019, 3:03pm
I found the solution thank to @Klagio in the main 0.86 thread
The automations with minutes were in some .yaml files in the config/packages folder.
I just modified from platform: time
to platform: time_pattern
(only the one that contains hours
, minutes
and seconds
) and all is working now.
January 24, 2019, 3:17pm
Geez! That was it! I also just found one of those in a package I had installed a year ago and had been running flawlessly.
Yet more ammunition to my argument that Packages are bad software protocol and just a bad idea in general.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your guidance and support!
January 24, 2019, 4:46pm
You have to admit that, given the rapid evolution of Home Assistant, anything that runs flawlessly for a year and is unaffected by dozens of updates, ain’t all that bad!
FWIW, you can use this Linux command to recursively search through all files for a given string. Change to your config
directory and run this to find any line containing : time
grep -rni ": time"
January 24, 2019, 8:19pm
If you have got battery_alert package installed, you will need to update the file to the latest version 1.2.1
January 24, 2019, 11:10pm
This is indeed a breaking change in 0.86.1. Actually it not only impacting the time trigger, but in my case also automation based on state or numeric trigger where I use form x hours/minuites/seconds.
hide_entity: false
initial_state: ‘on’
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.disk_use_percent
above: 50
hours: 1
minutes: 30
January 24, 2019, 11:17pm
Does it get fixed if you change it to:
for: '01:30:00'
Because if that fixes it then the release notes should be updated to indicate that the elimination of hours
, minutes
, and seconds
isn’t limited to just the time
Let us know the results.