.86 Upgrade - All Automations are missing?

Since upgrading to .86 all my automations in the “Automation Editor” GUI are missing. Automation tab now says “We couldn’t find any editable automations”

Any way to get them back?

check your automations.yaml file for invalid ID’s and Times. The GUI editor only shows automations that have an ID - did you delete those?

nope, all the automations have an ID as I originally created them in the Automation Editor…

check your automations.yaml file for invalid ID’s and Times

all have ID’s…


  - at: '22:30'
    platform: time

not okay to use anymore?

I had the similar issues this morning. An additional HA restart fixed it.

That one’s good. You only need to change it when you state the variables in minutes (maybe seconds also).

as in:

- platform: time_pattern
  minutes: '/15'

just replaced all “time” with “time_pattern” and restarted, will report back.

No luck, changed time to time_patern and rebooted. Even if I make a new automation in the editor, It will not show after saving. I still see “We couldn’t find any editable automations”

Do you have an automations.yaml file in your configuration folder? If so, rename it and try starting with a new file.

same thing for me.
i tried removing the file and recreating it, lucky i have a backup. this still didnt work for me.

however, I then upgraded to 0.86.1, it fixed it for me, maybe try that?

That is not what the breaking changes say. Only „Time“ triggers with attributes hours or minutes need to be moved to plattform time_pattern.

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Do you have any yaml files in the config/packages folder?

Look if there is any platform: time there that needs to be changed.

Strange I have the automation working, but the switches in the GUI, write strange and sensors!swich

check the entity id’s in the dev-tools <> as they have changed and edit lovelace

I don’t use Lovelas. And the entity id’s have changed. Thank you!

Yeah you do use Lovelace… that screenshot with the yellow on it is lovelace…

Honestly did not know that this is Lovelas! I group all you have done. Thank you that enlightened!

Hey guys, I just upgraded to 0.86.2 and it fixed the automation issue!

I am running 86.4 and seeing the same. I can add and edit a new automation from the interface (lovelace) and see the contents of automations.yaml fill in with the proper info (so far as I can tell) - but HASS still says it can’t find any automatons to edit. Quite puzzling. I tried starting with a new automations.yaml and nothing. I ma using time_pattern as a trigger and calling a service every 60 min.

Ahh - as I was typing this - I tried something else - I added one more automation - something bogus, using just time as a trigger. Now I see both - this ‘feels’ like an enumeration issue in the GUI or something along those lines.

Then I edited the 1st one (the only automation I had wanted in the first place) and changed the name…saved it - it disappeared but the 2nd one stayed in the list. Odd.

I’m also finding (coming back to edit post more) - that anything to do with time_pattern seems to cause this. If I create time at vs time_pattern - the automations stick - but time_pattern will not show up. I think we may have a bug here.

Other thing I’ve noticed it that when I try to save - the name does not go from New Automation in the upper left hand corner of the automation interface to what I named it when an automation is not going to work. But when it is going to work, the name changes from New Automation to what I named it in the upper left hand corner.