A blank canvas... what would you do...?

Afternoon all,

Apologies if this has been asked already, it’s a big community and I’m a noobie here and have only scratched the surface but I’ll get stuck in and get learning asap .

I have a question for the community, given your knowledge now… if you had a clean slate and was just starting your smart home journey what would you keep and what would you do differently?

To provide some context, my names Dan and I’m a nerd based on the UK. I’m a tech lead at a Software Development company working in the geospatial industry (hoping to contribute some of my skills in this area once I get my feet under the table and have some spare time). I’ve recently bought a project house with my better half, I plan to go smart where possible. I’ve just completely re-wired the house with the tuition of a sparky friend and run cat 7 all over the house so I figured if there was a time to lay the foundations for any smart house now is that time.

In the spare time I had before buying the house I was developing an aquarium monitor using a series of sensors, sonoff basics (with tasmota) and pi’s with a 3b running mqtt and node-red for orchestration and dashboards but that project has been replaced by the house and the tanks have been closed down and the pi’s repurposed.

Any help or advice very much welcome and appreciated.
