A couple of bubble card questions

Im trying to get this working for the phones in the house and I have had some success, but it’s definitely a process. lol

Can you put a bubble card pop-up inside a bubble card pop-up? I havent found a way to do that, so if not, my alternate would be to reference another bubble card in the same dash as the bubble card I am currently using. I also have not found a way to do that either :expressionless: newb…

I think I know the answer to this one. How do you get the bubble cards off of the bottom of the screen? I have too many and I dont like side scrolling to get to whichever one I want. My guess is to make a grid card or something, and then add them to that. but I wanted to check with people much more knowledgeable than I.

Many thanks for any help!

was this just a set of really dumb questions?

Not dumb. But, what??
I am trying to imagine what you would accomplish with a bubble inside a bubble?
(Note, I have only barely experimented with bubble cards).
Perhaps if you explain what you actually want to accomplish?

haha! yeah I guess that would help…

I have a bubble card pop-up that is for my den, but I want a separate bubble card pop-up for the remote for the nvidia shield tv.

so my thought was to make a bubble card pop-up in the bubble card pop-up to pull up the remote and all the crap that goes with it. I would do this for the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and sunroom as well, so it isnt just for one room.

Maybe also ask this in the bubble card GitHub - there’s a discussion section.
I sometimes find these forums difficult to get an answer…Maybe just too many diverse topics.
I know what you are asking for though. I don’t like having the horizontal buttons that trigger the pop ups to be off screen and scrolling. Not intuitive.

But - you can have as many pop up vertical stacks as you like although I would imagine performance would be terrible if you have too many. Could you not just call a different pop up by using the navigation function in a button to call the #popupname? I think this would replace the current pop up and could be a more detailed set of cards as you’ve suggested?

Could you not just call a different pop up by using the navigation function in a button to call the #popupname?

I have tried this without success, but its very likely I am doing it wrong. I think I will do as ytou suggested and go ask over on Github. Thanks

This takes me not only to the right part of the dash, but also pops up the remote i want. Very helpful indeed! Thank you for the push in the right direction!

Here is what I did so that it may help someone else:

type: custom:button-card
name: Den Remote
action: navigate
navigation_path: /dashboard-phones/2/#dentv
icon: mdi:remote
size: 25%
- animation:
- blink 2s linear infinite

“I don’t like having the horizontal buttons that trigger the pop ups to be off screen and scrolling. Not intuitive.”

Same. Drives me crazy to have these pop-ups ONLY at the bottom of the screen and you have to scroll to get to them. Awful. And Its just a black screen (if you have dark mode on) so it looks crappy on top of that.