A couple of example apps I wrote

Hi everyone, I recently converted a few of my automations over to AppDaemon apps and I was really pleased with the experience. It’s pretty intuitive to me as a Python programmer, so I wanted to share my examples in case they were useful to anyone else.

bedroom_heater.py – This app turns on a space heater downstairs in the bedroom at 8PM, but only if the outdoor temperature is less than 50F.

motion_lights.py – This app flashes a strip of RGB LED lights in my hallway red and white if motion is sensed on my entryway camera.

I hope people find these useful, and I’d appreciate any suggestions for improvement!


add the yaml for people and they can download it completely and just change the yaml :wink:

but in any case thx for sharing.

Good idea, done!

Add the topic to your github so it appears here. :

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