A custom component to track Kansas Gas usage

Will give you sensor entities for:

  • Account Status
  • Last Payment Amount
  • Credit Rating
  • Due Date
  • Consumption
  • Service Address

Just add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: ks_gas_sensor
    username:"your username"
    password: "your password"

Works great, thanks for this!

Any chance you’re still using this, @thebradleysanders ? I’ve not been able to connect for some time now.

Yes, I can take a look, I haven’t maintained it, I’ll do my best to get it working again.

@terryhonn It looks like they have added a hidden recaptcha field to the form. So far I am unable to get the component working, i’ll keep working on it.

@thebradleysanders I sincerely appreciate your effort!

Any chance you were able to get this working again? I’d love to use this.

Thanks for reminding me. I will revisit this!