A different take on an alarm system

I used a USB mains Adapter removed the mains pins and solders the a cable to Live and Neutral terminals on the board, where the red cables are on the pic and then put back in the plastic housing and put it in the hole where the light switch was.

For the USB connector, I couldn’t find any connectors, i brought from Ebay a wireless phone charger coil that you would stick to the back of the phone to charge, i hacked that apart and soldered it to the power cable out of the main adapter

To power each tablet was less than £10, here is a pic so u can see it from a distance.

I have done this to 6 tablets with no problems


That’s very innovative.

So I’m guessing for the light switches you sacrified your using smart bulbs permanently powered hence making the switch redundant? I’ve considered doing the same at our front door using something like this:


But your solution is a lot easier.

I saw them when i was thinking about it doing it, but my idea, had the case and protection already included and didnt have to worry about it.

I am trying to remove all light switches from the house, as the family have a habit of using the switch and that break my automation…

I am very impressed with the Xiaomi products too, had loads of stuff arrived yesterday, including the temp sensors… have an idea on an outside alarm siren too… and I am working on another secret project lol

So how are you controlling the Xiaomi products through a zigbee usb stick or through the hub?

I understand the hub doesn’t come with a UK plug so needs an adapter that would protrude from the wall?

I have again a blank page alarm page, no errors this time. Emptied chrome cache, phone cache etc and still blank empty alarm page.

How to debug, what can be the cause?

Could we make an app/custom webpage for the alarm?

For exemple, i would like my guest to be able to turn on/turn off the alarm but not all my lights?

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Yes mate through a Overseas Travel Plug for visitors to the uk, it protrudes a little, but its not too bad, see the pic below.

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Do you get any errors in home-assistant.log or the web browser console. In chrome right click the webpage and select inspect. then click on console

do you have these parameters in your configuration.yaml?

  - name: alarm
    sidebar_title: Alarm
    sidebar_icon: mdi:security-home
    url_path: alarm
      alarmid: alarm_control_panel.dageraad

Hi Mate

Been doing some testing this evening and added all my sensors into the alarm code now :slight_smile:

I have notices on a Mac Safari and Firefox show the countdown, clocks etc, and Chrome does not… lol

Trying to get the sensor check code you wrote a few days ago to work, and failing … this is probably more me lol than the code…

This project is awesome, but I am unable to get it to work and would be very appreciative of any help you guys can provide.

I am having the same problem as @elRadix. I do notice an error in chrome of “failed to load resource date.format.js”. Not sure where to get that resource, I don’t see it in the github repo.

I changed the name of the house in the alarm.yaml and was indeed not reflected in the configuration file. Adjusted and now it works.

Strange that no error is shown entity id is not matched/found

@brian-winters maybe also check this.

Thank you @elRadix, that worked for me as well. Just to be clear if anyone else stumbles upon this problem - I changed the “alarmid” in my configuration.yaml to match “name:” in my alarm.yaml file. like so:

in configuration.yaml


  • name: floorplan
    sidebar_title: Floorplan
    sidebar_icon: mdi:home
    url_path: floorplan
    config: !include floorplan.yaml
  • name: alarm
    sidebar_title: Alarm
    sidebar_icon: mdi:security-home
    url_path: alarm
    alarmid: alarm_control_panel.house <—bold text is what was changed

in alarm.yaml

platform: bwalarm
name: house
code: 1234
pending_time: 25 #Grace time in seconds to allow for exit and entry using Away mode
trigger_time: 600
alarm: automation.alarm_triggered
warning: automation.alarm_warning
clock: True


I dont understand 1 thing. I would like to have doorsensor frontdoor to trigger the alarm directly when the alarm is in “House Mode”, but in “Away Mode” it should have the 40 sec for disarm. Is this possible?

Good spot tbrasser I’ll update the readme on the github to reflect this.

Date.format.js was something I was testing but forgot to remove again I’ll push an update for this.

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Hi Mate,

Unsure as to why Chrome isn’t working, do you see anything in the chrome web console? I gather you have tried ctrl+F5 (clear cache) etc?

What version are you on?

I haven’t actually implemented the sensor check to the github yet still working through some gui kinks.

Add frontdoor sensor to both ‘notathome’ group and ‘delayed’ group.

I may change ‘notathome’ group name to ‘Home Mode Ignore’

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For those using the xiaomi smarthub with this, do these devices come with a battery built in in the event of loss of power?

Nope. Mains power only

I am thinking about putting the main set of sensors on a Gateway connected to a UPS, but then I would need to have the BT HUB6 Router, Home Assistant Server, Zone Minder Server on the UPS, and then realized I would need quite a big one, to keep it up for say 30 mins.

So i have gone down another route and I am using a free account from Pingdom, that checks the UI is available over HTTPS, so if it goes down, I will be notified, plus the Server is set to auto restart, so I could log back in and reset when its all come back.

What we need is the alarm state to be saved so when the Home Assistant services come back up, the alarm state is automatically reinstated…