Thanks for your reply. But I still don’t know how to fix it. I have changed the time zone to asia, but I find out that me theme color’s change is not following my time zone, could you tell me how to change it ?
How can you have the big text for the time?
@Mattias_Persson this work is stunning both function-wise as well as visually.
I am completely new to HA (working with itf or a couple of weeks and trying to figure out stuff) and I can understand your ability to help everyone here is very limited…but I am confused, shouldn’t it be that if I install HA with your repository, visually speaking it should look the same? (functionality not given obviously). But I feel like it is missing all custom CSS settings (background colors, font styles, layout etc.) How do I add those and where can I find the CSS settings?
Trying to put a dashboard together for my parents that’s both nice looking and easy to use…
Thanks so much in advance
If all CSS is missing you probable haven’t selected the right theme
Click on your user account picture (on desktop bottom option in the HA sidebar) and select the theme “tablet”
Also: This dashboard is not exactly for users who are new to HA, there is a LOT in here, custom components, templates, themes, popups, and everything works together in the specific setup… but unless you have the exact same setup as Mattias, it will take tinkering to get this to work as you want
I am not really new to HA, I have been using it for a few years, but it took me around 3 weeks to get everything setup, granted I have made a ton of changes, but still understanding how everything works and interacts takes some time
Multiple ways to go about it, but generally you want to incorporate your sensors in the example config files, or the other way around, whichever seems easier…
For me the easiest method was to backup my complete HA config, add it to a seperate (VM) HA instance so I could always see my old config, then replace my entire config with Matthias example config and port all my old stuff over one by one…
But again: whatever methods suits you best
If you have been using an older version of this dashboard, in the august update the way the clock is rendered has changed.
Check out your template.yaml somewhere between line 10-20 and compare it with the august updates, it adds span class=“time”
Which is referenced in button_card_templates.yaml in the sidebar block under extra styles (the .time block)
Hi everyone,
It’s been a long time but now it’s time to update the dashboard to have the responsive. Thanks for this feature
However, I have a problem on one of my button-card.
If we look at the old version of my dashboard.
I have a temperature button with a grah. To make this button I made a button + a minigraph using the same coordinates to merge in one and it worked fine.
My old yaml code :
- type: custom:mini-graph-card
- color: '#0066ff'
entity: sensor.temperature_chambre_william
top: 23.9%
left: 23.8%
width: 47.7%
height: 47.7%
height: 325
line_width: 12
align_state: left
group: false
lower_bound: 18
points_per_hour: 2
hour24: true
hours_to_show: 12
{fill: fade, icon: false, name: false, state: false, name_adaptive_color: true, legend: false, points: false, labels: false}
- type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.temperature_chambre_william
name: William
top: 23.9%
left: 23.8%
width: 47.7%
hold_action: !include popup/temperature_chambre_william.yaml
tap_action: !include popup/temperature_chambre_william.yaml
- thermometre
- icon_thermometre
I want to reproduce this button with the new responsive dashboard.
Does anyone have a clue? I think I’ll have to do some custom css on the minigraph
I do have custom mini graph card setup in some cards
Relevant ui-lovelace.yaml code:
- type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature
name: Temperatuur
tap_action: !include popup/temperature.yaml
action: none
- sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature
- temperature
- icon_temp
popup_name: Woonkamer
relevant button_cards_templates.yaml code
- base
show_state: false
circle: >
[[[ {
const temperature = Math.round(entity.state);
return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20.5" stroke="#313638" stroke-width="1.5" fill="#FFFFFF08" style="
transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;" />
<text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${temperature}°</text></svg>`; } ]]]
type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
line_color: "#3182b7"
line_width: 4
font_size: 75
name: false
icon: false
state: false
legend: false
labels: false
name: [top: 57%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute]
graph: [bottom: 0%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute]
top: 6.5%,
left: 54.5%,
width: 3.5vw,
position: absolute,
letter-spacing: 0.03vw,
- width: 67%
- fill: "#9da0a2"
I suspect you will be able to figure it out from this
To me it’s not really clear what you mean with “slice percent” can you elaborate?
Hi, friend. Could you share the code of the icon and the others you made? include, popup
Thank you
Sure, I have NOT created these myself, only converted them to a working format for this dashboard
- width: 70%
- fill: >
[[[ return variables.state === 'none' ? '#9da0a2' : '#3181b7'; ]]]
icon: >
return `
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<path d="M36.8 9.1H26.1V4.9h10.6v4.2zM41 .6v46.8H7V.6h34zm-2.1 2.1H9.1v42.5h29.8V2.7zM12.3 30.4A11.65 11.65 0 0 1 24 18.7a11.65 11.65 0 0 1 11.7 11.7c0 6.5-5.3 11.7-11.7 11.7s-11.7-5.3-11.7-11.7zm20.6 3.5c-.5.2-1 .2-1.5.2-1.1 0-2.2-.4-2.9-1.2a1.38 1.38 0 0 1-.3-.4c-1 1.2-2.6 1.8-4.2 1.8s-3.2-.6-4.2-1.8c-.8 1-2 1.5-3.3 1.5-.5 0-1-.1-1.5-.2 1.5 3.6 5 6.2 9 6.2s7.5-2.6 8.9-6.1zm-18.5-3.5c0 1 1.1 1.6 2.1 1.6.6 0 2.1-.3 2.1-2.7h2.1c0 2.3 2 2.9 3.2 2.9s3.2-.6 3.2-2.9h2.1c0 2.4 1.5 2.7 2.1 2.7 1 0 2.1-.6 2.1-1.6 0-5.3-4.3-9.6-9.6-9.6s-9.4 4.3-9.4 9.6zm-1-21.3c1.2 0 2.1-1 2.1-2.1 0-1.2-1-2.1-2.1-2.1s-2.1 1-2.1 2.1c-.1 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1z"/>
- width: 70%
- fill: >
[[[ return variables.state === 'none' ? '#9da0a2' : '#3181b7'; ]]]
icon: >
return `
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<path d="M37.3 9.2H26.2V5h11.1v4.2zM16.2 30.3c0-4.1 3.5-7.4 7.8-7.4s7.8 3.3 7.8 7.4-3.5 7.4-7.8 7.4-7.8-3.3-7.8-7.4zm2.2 0c0 2.9 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3s5.5-2.4 5.6-5.3c0-2.9-2.5-5.3-5.6-5.3s-5.6 2.4-5.6 5.3zM12.9 9.2c1.2 0 2.2-.9 2.2-2.1S14.1 5 12.9 5s-2.2.9-2.2 2.1c0 1.1 1 2.1 2.2 2.1zM41.8.7v46.5H6.2V.7h35.6zm-2.3 2.2h-31v42.3h31.1V2.9zM11.8 30.3c0-6.4 5.5-11.6 12.2-11.6s12.2 5.2 12.2 11.6S30.7 42 24 42s-12.2-5.2-12.2-11.7zm2.2 0c0 5.2 4.5 9.5 10 9.5s10-4.3 10-9.5-4.5-9.5-10-9.5-10 4.3-10 9.5z"/>
Curtains (opened and closed)
- width: 70%
- stroke: >
[[[ return variables.state === 'closed' ? '#3181b7' : '#9da0a2'; ]]]
icon: >
[[[ if (entity.state === 'open') return '<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<path d="M10 3v44.5M2 1.8v46.5M48 1.8v46.5M1 3h48m-6 44h6m-5.5-11.5v12.7M40 46h3.5m1-43v17.5M40 3v44.5M5.5 3v17.5m1 15l-.2 12.7M10 46H6.5m.5 1H1" stroke-width="2.5"/> </svg> ' ;
else return '<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"> <path d="M2 3v44M48 3v44M.8 2.5h48.4M38 47.5h11.2M34.5 35v12m.5-.5h3M43.5 2v18M25 3v44M7.5 2v18m9 15v12m-.5-.5h-3m0 1H.8M38.5 32v15m-26-15v15m3.5.5h19M19.5 8v18m12-18v18" stroke-width="2.5"/> </svg>'; ]]]
icon: >
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<path d="M32.8 28.2V8.4A8.28 8.28 0 0 0 24.5.1a8.28 8.28 0 0 0-8.3 8.3v19.7c-2.5 2.3-4.1 5.6-4.1 9.3 0 6.9 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4s12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4c0-3.7-1.6-7-4.1-9.2zm-8.3 17.5a8.28 8.28 0 0 1-8.3-8.3 8.2 8.2 0 0 1 2.8-6.2l1.4-1.2V8.4c0-2.3 1.9-4.1 4.1-4.1s4.1 1.9 4.1 4.1V30l1.4 1.2c1.7 1.6 2.8 3.8 2.8 6.2a8.28 8.28 0 0 1-8.3 8.3zm-2.1-29h4.1v24.8h-4.1V16.7zm2.1 14.5c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2s-2.8 6.2-6.2 6.2-6.2-2.8-6.2-6.2 2.8-6.2 6.2-6.2z"/>
Thaks brother
how stupid…seems like a fckn basic thing to do
is it weird that I got the stuff you described as difficult working but wasnt able to changr thr theme?
anyway, I have a completely different setup (like literally not using anything he does except plex)
But so far yesterday evening I was able to get the main dashboard and info screen working with my devices (replaced lights, user, NAS with QNAP, Device with iPad)
TVs are not replaced yet so its gonna take a bit more work but I think I made good progress. Thanks for your help! It finally looks how it is supposed to look fml
Until now it was mainly replacing entities but I guess there is much more coming up
@Mattias_Persson - Can I ask, is there a sensible way to merge the changes you make at your github repo with the local versions?
As obviously everyone is modifying the local lovelace-ui.yaml to add in their own entities etc. is the only option for us to edit in the changes you make by hand using github commit logs, or am I missing a smarter way to do this?
Thanks, my issue is solved !
Maybe a stupid question but what is the best way start using this amazing lovelace? I have tried different things like copy/paste all github files etc but it resultst in allot of config check errors. Is there any basic files that you can copy to get started.
Currently there is no better way, than copying everything and going through it by hand to solve the issues
Thanks for the quick response. For now I copied the main things I need for the Lovelace to work but I keep getting a error that custom: grid-layout can not be found? I also don’t see this specific linked in the ui-Lovelace.yaml and can’t find the js file in the zip folder.
@Mattias_Persson did you run into an issue with popups not working for the hold_action
on the light buttons at any time?
The information and vacuum popups work fine from the sidebar but when I hold a light button nothing is happening, any tips on troubleshooting would be really appreciated!
Double sorry, it would have helped if i had updated the button_card to the latest version before posting!
Problem solved