A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Thx a lot. As i see it’s bigger then the Fire Tablet. So more space for the buttons :wink:

Yea, and I believe there’s a difference when using Fully Kiosk as well. Might be wrong on that. But it works well - they way it’s set up right now. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Can you share Information ha card??

action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: Information
    .: |
      :host .main-title {
        pointer-events: none;
          $: |
            .card-content {
              padding: 1.5em 2.2em 2.3em 2em;
            ha-card {
              animation: border 1s forwards;
              border-radius: 0;
            /* phone */
            @media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
              ha-card {
                animation: none;
          $hui-horizontal-stack-card$: |
            #root {
              justify-content: space-evenly;
              margin-top: 1.9em;
              margin-left: 0.8em;
    type: custom:layout-card
    layout_type: custom:grid-layout
      grid-template-rows: 1fr
      grid-template-areas: |
        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-template-columns: 1fr
          grid-template-rows: repeat(1, 1fr)
          grid-template-areas: |


      #                                               #
      #                HOME ASSISTANT                 #
      #                                               #

      - type: entities
          grid-area: hass
        title: Home Assistant
        show_header_toggle: false
          class: header
          style: |
            ha-card {
              margin: 0px !important;
          - entity: sensor.hass_version_installed
            name: Installed
            icon: mdi:home-assistant

          - entity: sensor.hass_version_latest
            name: Latest

          - entity: sensor.hass_version_latest_beta
            name: Beta

          - entity: sensor.database
            name: Database
            icon: mdi:database

          - entity: sensor.home_assistant_log_size
            name: Log file

          - entity: sensor.home_assistant_uptime
            name: Last restart

          - type: custom:bar-card
            width: 55%
            height: 2em
            decimal: 0
            unit_of_measurement: '%'
            positions: &bar_card_positions
              icon: outside
              indicator: 'off'
              name: outside
            severity: &bar_card_severity
              - color: '#303435'
                from: 0
                to: 89
              - color: '#6d2525'
                from: 90
                to: 200
            entity_row: true

              - entity: sensor.processor_use_percent
                name: Processor
                  action: call-service
                  service: homeassistant.update_entity
                    entity_id: sensor.processor_use_percent

              - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                name: Memory
                  action: call-service
                  service: homeassistant.update_entity
                    entity_id: sensor.memory_use_percent

          - entity: input_boolean.notify_visible
            name: Notifications

          - type: custom:hui-horizontal-stack-card
              - type: custom:button-card
                name: Home Assistant
                icon: mdi:reload
                  services: |
                      return `[[[
                        hass.callService('browser_mod', 'toast', {
                          message: 'Restarting Home Assistant...'
                        hass.callService('homeassistant', 'restart');
                template: icon_name

              - type: custom:button-card
                name: Theme
                icon: mdi:reload
                  services: |
                      return `[[[
                        hass.callService('browser_mod', 'toast', {
                          message: 'Restarting Theme Service...'
                        hass.callService('frontend', 'reload_themes');
                template: icon_name


@Mattias_Persson Just admiring your new update. How did you get sensor.docker_hub and beta?


Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

• Local installation
• Docker Hub → Stable
• Docker Hub → Beta

1 Like

@Mattias_Persson I like the organization you made much better. Nice changes. I make a query. Did you remove the rounding from the cards?

How are you? Could you share the spot icon and the air conditioning icon? Thank you

No? :sweat_smile:

mmmm That line is I am in trouble :joy:
I found the mistake. You are using this variable that does not exist

Is this possible to correct?

It is possible to wrap text in the update pane for the phone view?

This is the calculation used for the circle in this case, you just need to pass the % of the circle you want to be filled

    circle_input:  >
        return entity === undefined || Math.round(states['zone.home'].state / 3 * 100 ) ;
1 Like

Hello @Mattias_Persson i’m moving to your new release 2022.8 but I’m having some probelms with the fonts.
I updated fonts.css in www folder and downloaded updated fonts in www/fonts.
At the same time I also added the css in the dashboard resources but when I load the page it loks like fonts are not loaded.
I checked with Chrome dev tool and it looks like the css resource is loaded but not the fonts itself, how is it possible?


Have you defined the font here?

Did you download from here? I changed the link 20h ago

What happens when you enter the direct link in the browser?

Hi @Mattias_Persson, thanks for the answer, I partailly fixed my problem.
Since I have also dashboard on previous version of your config I have both themes (old and new) and old theme was referring to old fonts.
Now fonts are loaded but clock is shown with a smaller size even if in my theme I have:
sidebar-time-font-size: 5.2vw
sidebar-time-line-height: 4.3vw

You can edit this line directly till you’ve fully migrated

Thanks brother

it looks like it is not enough unfortunately.
I cleaned everything and I’m using new theme and button_card_templates.

sidebar template is:

  • sensor:
    • unique_id: sidebar
      state: template
      time: >


what is weird is that when i look at the time span font-size is defined as inside the extra_styles.yaml

  1. font-size: calc(var(–button-card-font-size) - var(–z-axis-adjustment));

any idea?

the sidebar doesn’t load any styles from extra_styles.yaml so it has to be this