A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

I’m obviously very new to HA.
The instructions may be really easy to understand - but I am missing a few things…

  1. do I clone the whole repo? and if yes… where to?
  2. it says to copy 4 files from repo manually… but to where?
    • I copied them to config root…
    • I applied the code to configuration.yaml
    • also installed the 4 mods via HACS.

I see a lot of files in the repo… but I only copied 4…

sry if all this should be obvious.

Thanks! Updated original reply.

In the sidebar I wanted to insert custom: button-card to the button pusto, I added columns: 3 in the grid and I made a template of my liking …
the problem I find is that if I insert 3 / 6o9 card with the mobile it is not visible.

    template: base
    show_state: false
    show_name: false
        - grid-template-columns: 1fr
        - grid-template-areas: '"icon "'
        - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)
        - box-shadow: none

Hi everyone, i have tried this dashboard, followed the guidelines but all was not successful. Is there any one in the community who can share already made version in English language. without any code writing please.

I’m trying to resize my background.png to make the aspect ratio fit my iPad 2017. However changing the background resolution and aspect ratio doesn’t seem to change a thing.

I’ve tried emptying the cache and rebooting home assistant but it doesn’t work.

Anyone have any clue what I do wrong?

Thank to Mathias and all the contributors!
Learned a lot and with a severe copy and paste activity and a lot of debugging I’m now on the right path (I look now like Mathias in HA and most of the wording is in swedish,…)
need some direction tough:
-battery level: the reports shows the state (chargin/not chargin) instead of the level. Tried some corrections with no luck. Any idea?
-the sidebar format is worong: I’m not able to change the fonts and it occupies only the area needed, the lenght is not down to the bottom. Maybe this pic will help in understanding
-also the backgorund style is not loaded
edit: Found replies to pit 2 and 3 above…


Could you share your code? Especially styles for the person cards :smiley:
It is looking really great!

Hi all, been playing around a little and have a question re: grid layout.

In the current setup, what would be the quickest / most straightforward way to turn the 3 columns (each have 4 buttons) in 2 columns with 6 buttons each?

Just change grid in ui-lovelace.yaml and then put more cards to columns :slight_smile:

Is there a way to use another entity color?
I’m using a shelly that turn on a hue light and would like to have the hue entity color instead of the base blue one
I’m trying to pass a variable to icon_hue template with no success (while it works for the light template)

Can you give me the complete code and where you added it?

Where did you add the button in lovelace.ui? When i add it it hides one of the grid layout sections. is there a way to add it “hidden” so it doesnt mess with the rest of the UI?

Sure. Here is a part of my Lovelace UI.

  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
            - display: none

  #                                               #
  #                    SIDEBAR                    #
  #                                               #
  - type: vertical-stack
      grid-area: sidebar

Reverse it, use hue as entity and add a tap action to toggle shelly instead.

but if you must here’s a quick example

  circle: >
      let e = states['light.dator'],
        h = e.attributes.hs_color[0],
        s = e.attributes.hs_color[1];
      return `<div style="background-color: hsl(${h}, ${s}%, 50%);">test</div>`;

rejectattr on the entities you don’t want

here https://community.home-assistant.io/t/a-different-take-on-designing-a-lovelace-ui/162594/1981

The other files are specific to my config. Like if you copy automation.yaml to your config you’ll get errors because we don’t have the same physical devices

Yes, https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card#custom-fields

I made it

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: light.100_giardino_hue
            name: Luce giardino
              - light
              - icon_hue
              action: call-service
              service: switch.toggle
                entity_id: switch.100_giardino

your second suggestion will be used for different task. Nothing is wasted

ok, clear.
Any way to retrive iphone (apple…) battery level instead of its state?