A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Spans two files… ui-lovelace.yaml (in the particular grid you want to display):

- type: custom:button-card
    entity: climate.family_room
    name: Living Room
    aspect_ratio: 1.3/1
        - base
        - climate
        - icon_climate

From the button_card_templates.yaml

      - circle
      circle_input: >
        [[[ return entity === undefined || entity.attributes.current_temperature; ]]]
    state_display: >
      [[[ return entity.attributes.hvac_action ]]]
      circle: >
          if (entity && entity.attributes.current_temperature) {
            let input = variables.circle_input == null ? ' ' : `${parseInt(variables.circle_input)}<tspan font-size="10">°F</tspan>`,
              stroke_color = '#b2b2b2',
              fill_color = variables.state !== 'idle' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.04)' : 'none';
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20.5" stroke="${stroke_color}" stroke-width="1.5" fill="${fill_color}" />
                <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${input}</text>
        - background-color: >
              if (entity.attributes.hvac_action === "heating") {
                return 'rgba(204, 51, 0, 0.4)';
              } else if (entity.attributes.hvac_action === "cooling") {
                return '#0099cc';
              } else {
                return 'rgba(115, 115, 115, 0.2)';

        - width: 75%
        - margin-left: -10%
        - fill: >
            [[[ return variables.state === 'cool' || variables.state === 'fan_only' ? '#5daeea' : '#9da0a2'; ]]]
    icon: >
    <svg viewBox="0 0 128 128">
        <path d="M59.2.065C38.633 1.373 19.793 13.16 8.583 31.733c-1.657 2.745-3.988 7.853-5.218 11.43a69.144 69.144 0 0 0-2.236 8.25C.25 55.78.053 58.063.053 64c0 5.661.036 6.215.655 10.133 4.163 26.383 24.568 47.56 50.812 52.737 1.822.36 2.333.441 4.747.758 3.98.521 11.486.521 15.466 0 2.415-.317 2.925-.399 4.747-.759 4.359-.861 8.235-2.047 12.427-3.8 20.254-8.474 34.959-27.22 38.385-48.936.619-3.918.655-4.472.655-10.133 0-5.661-.036-6.215-.655-10.133-3.158-20.012-15.802-37.489-33.876-46.822-7.072-3.652-13.73-5.666-22.43-6.787C69.678.089 61.045-.052 59.2.065m-7.413 16.193c6.234.956 10.842 5.534 11.947 11.872.138.788.16 4.003.16 23.794v22.883l1.043 1.077A21.143 21.143 0 0 1 70.99 90.69a21.155 21.155 0 0 1-9.709 17.78c-12.097 7.875-28.327 1.54-32.046-12.507-.644-2.43-.838-6.717-.4-8.816.989-4.737 2.732-8.13 5.805-11.303l.985-1.017.002-22.511c0-24.16-.006-23.816.535-25.756 1.934-6.94 8.655-11.371 15.626-10.302m-3.859 6.998c-2.3.595-4.188 2.37-5.004 4.707l-.31.89-.029 24.718-.028 24.718-.772.525c-3.32 2.263-6.158 6.793-6.158 9.833v.313h28.376l-.066-.453c-.544-3.735-2.899-7.482-6.045-9.62l-.932-.632V71.04h-8.853v-3.413h8.853v-7.254h-8.853V56.96h8.853v-7.253h-8.853v-3.414h8.853V39.04h-8.853v-3.413h8.853v-3.242c0-3.135-.009-3.271-.265-4.156-1.077-3.716-5.006-5.945-8.767-4.973M104.8 49.813l8.746 8.747H78.454l8.746-8.747c4.81-4.81 8.77-8.746 8.8-8.746.03 0 3.99 3.936 8.8 8.746m-.027 28.4L96 86.987l-8.773-8.774-8.774-8.773h35.094l-8.774 8.773"/>
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Hi Folks, am really interested in this dashboard but i have failed to intergrate it to my home assistant. i have followed all the steps. When i restart my home assistant it goes in safe mode and when i delete the files and restart the system goes back to normally opening. I have poor langauge in programming. Please can someone help me with the updated ui code and guides or ready codes.

Perfect! , Thank you, like the way u have used hvac_action, makes more sense for my setup.

Did u tried below link? It worked perfectly for me.

Hi all, first post in this thread from me.

I have been working on setting up this dashboard and its going good so far, however, I can’t for the life of me find out where (sensor.template_domain_counter) the domain counters are coming from in the history popup.

My best guess is they are added from a appdaemon script, I don’t want to add appdaemon just for them at the moment so if that is the case then ill comment them out and move on.

Any one know how the sensor is set up?

I can see the issue, the row that the control card is in is having its height set by the media card.

what you will need to look at doing have the sections on the side all one section and then use a vertical stack to remove the gap.

under the hood this is just a css grid, so you can use this as a reference CSS Grid Layout

Hi all,

I need a little help, i try to use the notify variable in the footer template with this yaml

          - type: custom:button-card
            name: >
              <ha-icon icon="mdi:battery-heart-outline"></ha-icon>
                !include popup/battery.yaml
              notifiy: >
                    let nbrbat = states['sensor.template_etat_batterie'].state;
                    if (nbrbat) {
                      return nbrbat;
            template: footer

normally nbrbat contains an integer , which comes from my sensor states[‘sensor.template_etat_batterie’].state

May be i don’t understand what does the notify section, for me the notify is use to show a litte number around the button ? Can’t someone help me please ?

I’ve not updated the readme yet

false = no notification
true = !
int = number

let nbrbat = states['sensor.template_etat_batterie'];
if (nbrbat) {
  return parseInt(nbrbat.state);
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Thanks for you response, i try your solution but no number appear i think i miss something :p, i look forward when you put it in the readme :p, i got lot of thing to do before this come to an hurry :wink:

Yeah, also this

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My bad !! you’ve better eyes than mine !! thanks a lot, it works like a charm !!

Hello Gerard,

I love your work, can you share the button_card_template code ?

THX :slight_smile:

Any recommendation on where i can find svg’s for Securing Home(Armed, Unarmed, Away ), Media Room (FireTv, XBox or movies)?

Thank you so much!!

Sounds like you got it fixed, happy to help.
Sadly looks like no one helped with my question.

i use this link to find icons https://materialdesignicons.com/, then i use this link SVG Path Editor · aydos.com to scale them up to use in the cards , depending on the icon the scale factor is 1.3 to 1.7


Not yet managed to fix it. I’m trying right now.
JS grids have always been a pain point for me.
I wish I could help with your question but I don’t use that part of the code so I know nothing about it

@danieljarhult I’d love to see the code for those weather widgets, batteries and the emoji ones!

edit: wiat I think I see you shared above!

Thanks for the links!

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Not a problem, let me know how you go and if you need any more help, I’m ok with the layout and I’m getting ok at templates. It’s just the home assistance specific things that I have no idea about and google can only get you so far.