A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Hey @Mattias_Persson I’m having issues trying to get the primary Media button to display my Plex playing any media. At the moment if I have my Plex playing a video, the primary Media button only displays the recently added thumbnail and the swipe page shows the Plex button is playing/paused. This is what my code currently has:

    #                                                  #
    #                      SELECT                      #
    #                                                  #

  - select:
      - name: conditional_media
        state: >
          {% set recently_added = 'Recently Added' %}
          {% set paused_timeout_minutes = 15 %}
          {% set media_players = [
            states.media_player.kok ] %}

          {% macro media(state) %}
          {% set state = media_players | selectattr('state','eq',state) | list %}
          {% set last_changed = recently_added if state | length == 0 else state | map(attribute='last_changed') | list | max %}
            {{ state | selectattr('last_changed','eq', last_changed) | map(attribute='name') | list | join }}
          {% endmacro %}

          {% set playing = media_players | selectattr('state','eq','playing') | list %}
          {% set timeout_playing = False if playing | length == 0 else
            (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(playing | map(attribute='last_changed') | list | max)) < paused_timeout_minutes * 60 %}

          {% set paused = media_players | selectattr('state','eq','paused') | list %}
          {% set timeout_paused = False if paused | length == 0 else
            (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(paused | map(attribute='last_changed') | list | max)) < paused_timeout_minutes * 60 %}

          {% if playing %}
            {{ media('playing') if timeout_playing else media('paused') if timeout_paused else media('playing') }}
          {% elif paused %}
            {{ media('paused') if timeout_paused else recently_added }}
          {% else %}
            {{ recently_added }}
          {% endif %}
        options: >
          {% set recently_added = ['Recently Added'] %}
          {% set media_players = [
            states.media_player.kok ] %}
          {{ recently_added + media_players | map(attribute='name') | list }}
          service: select.select_option
            entity_id: select.conditional_media
            option: >
              {{ option }}

      - name: vacuum_speed
        state: >
          {% set fan_speed = state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'fan_speed') %}
          {{ iif(fan_speed == None, 'Standard', fan_speed) }}
        options: >
          {% set fan_speed_list = state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'fan_speed_list') %}
          {{ iif(fan_speed_list == None, ['Standard'], fan_speed_list) }}
          service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
            entity_id: vacuum.morty
            fan_speed: >
              {{ option }}

      - name: hdmi_lg
        state: >
          {% set source = state_attr('media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv', 'source') %}
          {{ iif(source == None, 'HDMI', source) }}
        options: >
          {% set source_list = state_attr('media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv', 'source_list') %}
          {{ iif(source_list == None, ['HDMI'], source_list) }}
          service: media_player.select_source
            entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
            source: >
              {{ option }}


      #                                               #
      #                     MEDIA                     #
      #                                               #

      - type: grid
        title: Media
          grid-area: media
        columns: 1

          - type: custom:swipe-card
              speed: 550
              spaceBetween: 40
              threshold: 5

              - type: horizontal-stack

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state_not: LivingRoom

                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state_not: Bedroom

                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state_not: Spotify

                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state_not: Kök
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: sensor.plex_recently_added
                      name: Recently Added
                        action: none
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_plex

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state: LivingRoom
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_lg_lg_oled55b6p_u
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_plex

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state: Bedroom
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: media_player.sovrum
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_apple_tv

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state: Spotify
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: media_player.spotify
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_spotify

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state: Kök
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: media_player.kok
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_nest_mini

              - type: grid
                columns: 2

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_lg_lg_oled55b6p_u
                    name: Living Room
                      - media
                      - icon_plex

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.sovrum
                    name: Bedroom
                      - media
                      - icon_apple_tv

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.spotify
                    name: Spotify
                      - media
                      - icon_spotify

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.kok
                    name: Nest Mini
                      - media
                      - icon_nest_mini


@Mattias_Persson I use your button card templates and mostly all of your card code in a normal Lovelace view. But here I have problem with the tilt.js on safari.

I did some research on this and found a solution that I need to apply “-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);” to the parent element of the cards. This works when I put it in with developer tools. I would like to have this done in the card templates. is this possible or is there another way to fix tilt in safari in normal Lovelace view?

@Br3b hi, your weather button looks amazing… would you share the code with me? thx in advance


Hello. Is it possible to make an automation that checks when you make a modification in your repository?

Hi all,
i try to make a card which deplays the state of an input_boolean and the state of an zone in the top right circle. Like in the person template i would love to see the circle, no matter if the input_booolean is on or not.
But on problem occur:
The circle is not displayed and the value not in the right position.
Moreover: Is it possible that the circle is half fuilled if one person is home, full fuilled if two person are home ?

Here is my code:

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: input_boolean.home_empty
            name: Unterwegs
              action: none
              - base
              - icon_away
              - circle
                  - clip-path: circle()
                  - width: 77%
                  - pointer-events: none
                  - display: grid
              circle: >
                  if (entity) {
                    let entity_zone = states['zone.home'];
                    return entity_zone === undefined || entity_zone.state;
                    stroke = entity_zone.state === '2'
                      ? '#b2b2b2'
                      : 'none',
                    fill = entity_zone.state !== '2'
                      ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.04)'
                      : 'none';
                    return `
                      <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                        <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20.5" stroke="${stroke}" stroke-width="1.5" fill="${fill}" />
                        <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${entity_zone}</text>

Thanks all and what a wonderful interface!

hi @gekberlin and welcome,

so, after i stole the idea and added it to my dashboard :wink:
this is what i got.

edit: updated to use the number of people home not the percentage of people home.

Recording 2022-06-12 at 22.11.35

in your case use 2 not 3 in circle_input, but that should do it.

- type: custom:button-card
  entity: input_select.state_home
  name: Home
    circle_input:  >
        return entity === undefined || Math.round(states['zone.home'].state / 3 * 100 ) ;
    action: more-info
    action: call-service
    service: input_select.select_next
      entity_id: input_select.state_home
    action: call-service
    service: input_select.select_previous
      entity_id: input_select.state_home
    circle: >
          let input = variables.circle_input,
            radius = 20.5,
            circumference = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
          let inner_text = states['zone.home'].state
          return `
            <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                circle {
                  transform: rotate(-90deg);
                  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
                  stroke-dasharray: ${circumference};
                  stroke-dashoffset: ${circumference - input / 100 * circumference};
                tspan {
                  font-size: 10px;
              <circle cx="25" cy="25" r="${radius}" stroke="#b2b2b2" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none" />
              <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${inner_text}</text>
    - base
    - icon_home
    - circle
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@Quinnod34 thanks for the icons loveing the work, they look much better that what i had. I am using the downlight, garage, and washer icons. id love a soundbar icon if you get bord again, im useing the monitors icon at the moment, but it looks odd with the name.


this is what i had for the garage and its about as creative as i get. icons are from mui icon set

      icon: >
          if (variables.state === 'on') {
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                <path d="M37.4 15.3V34H34V18.7H6.8V34H3.4V15.3L20.4 8.5 37.4 15.3M32.3 20.4H8.5V23.8H32.3V20.4Z" fill="#9da0a2" />
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                <path d="M37.4 15.3V34H34V18.7H6.8V34H3.4V15.3L20.4 8.5 37.4 15.3M32.3 20.4H8.5V23.8H32.3V20.4M32.3 30.6H8.5V34H32.3V30.6M32.3 25.5H8.5V28.9H32.3V25.5Z" fill="#9da0a2" />

How to change update 2 available to 5?

Works like a charm. Perfect, thank you for your help. I made a few changes so that the state of the card is defined by a different entity then the input_select entity.


I just noticed your card tilt has depth (with the icon and circle style in the foreground)

Mine lacks this, have I somehow implemented the code wrong, or have you got some unpublished updates for it?

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happy to help
the state of the card is for my settup, i can toggle between home, away, guest, and party, and that state is used to limmit automations, i have a system state aswell thats auto, passive and off that limit the running of automaitons aswell, this is set in the config popup that i added to the footer.

hi @arifroni

the square shape is from the grid card, try this

      - type: grid
        square: false
        title: Weather
          grid-area: weather
        columns: 1
          - type: custom:weather-chart-card
            entity: weather.tomorrow_io_daily
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How to get sensors?


I think you can just use the “Version”-Integration. You can configure it from the UI.

I tried using a Fire HD 10 Plus for my dashboard but the popups are really slow. It sometimes takes 3-5 seconds loading them. Everything else - even the swiper elements - seems to be quite responsive and there is almost no delay. Is there something I can do to make the popups come up more smooth? Or do I have to switch to a better tablet to get rid of this?

has perhaps someone a animated icon for a pool or pool pump?

1 Like

i have the same tablet (2021), and yes sometimes it takes 2 seconds in my setup, but not 5 seconds.

hay do you have an update on the weather card? i started using it but some of the backgrounds are not used in the code you shared above

you should have a sidebar template sensor, under attributes, you can add a new attribute and it will show up in the sidebar.

i did go one step further, i have a few dashboards of the above style so i split all the attributes out into there own template sensors. so i can reuse them as needed
so my sidebar llooks like this

unique_id: sidebar
state: template
  time: "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_time') }}"
  date: "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_date') }}"
  greet: "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_greet') }}"
  temperature:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_temperature') }}"
  rain:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_rain') }}"
  mason_timeline:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_mason_timeline') }}"
  washer:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_washer') }}"
  dryer:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_dryer') }}"
  bins:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_bins') }}"
  litter_box:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_litter_box') }}"
  cats_fed:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_cats_fed') }}"
  nas:  "{{ states('sensor.template_sidebar_nas') }}"

and template_sidebar_cats_fed looks like this

unique_id: sidebar_cats_fed
state: >
    {% if states.input_datetime.fed_cats_last_updated is defined %}
      {% set fed_cats_time = as_datetime(states('input_datetime.fed_cats_last_updated')).astimezone() %}
      {% set fed_cats_ago_time =  (now()- fed_cats_time ) %}
      {% set fed_cats_ago_day =  (now().day - fed_cats_time.day ) %}
      {% set fed_cats_ago_minutes =  (fed_cats_ago_time.seconds / 60 )| int %}

      {% if fed_cats_ago_time.days > 0 %}
        The cats were fed on <span class='error'>{{fed_cats_time.strftime("%A at %-I:%M %p") }}<span/>
      {% elif fed_cats_ago_minutes < 1 %}
        The cats just got fed
      {% elif fed_cats_ago_minutes < 60 %} 
        The cats got fed {{fed_cats_ago_minutes}} minutes ago
      {% elif fed_cats_ago_minutes < 120 %}
        The cats got fed 1 hour and {{fed_cats_ago_minutes - 60}} minutes ago
      {% elif fed_cats_ago_minutes < 780  %}
        The cats got fed {{(fed_cats_ago_minutes / 60) | round}} hours ago
      {% else %}
        The cats got fed <span class='warning'>{{(fed_cats_ago_minutes / 60) | round}}<span/> hours ago
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}