A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Do you have sensor.hacs_installed ?

I managed to figure out how to get SVGs to work eventually.

However, when attempting to use fill="var(--light-color)" the colour does not come through, it’s just black.

This happens when I use

        - width: 78%
        - margin-left: -5%
        - fill: >
              [[[ return variables.state_on ? 'var(--light-color)' : '#9da0a2'; ]]]

and even when I try fill="var(--light-color)" in the SVG path such as:

    icon: >
        return `
          <svg viewBox="0 0 900 798">
            <path fill="var(--light-color)" style="stroke: none;" d="M393 1.4c0

It does change the colour if I use [[[ return variables.state_on ? '#3282B6' : '#9da0a2'; ]]]

Could it be due to the light using xy colours and not RGB?

  - platform: command_line
    name: hacs_installed
    command: |-
      python3 << EOF
      import os, json
      installed = {"repositories": []}
      path = "/config/.storage/hacs/"
      for file in os.listdir(path):
          name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
          if ext == ".hacs":
              hacs_file = path + file
              with open(hacs_file, "r") as file:
                  dict = json.load(file)
                  name = dict["data"]["full_name"]
                  installed["repositories"] += [name]
    value_template: >
      {{ value_json.repositories | count }}
      - repositories
    scan_interval: 86400

Review @Mattias_Persson’s code in the other templates and see how he does it with his SVGs. You’ll see your answer there.

I’ve found the problem with my sidebar. If I delete the entries birthdays and waste_collection in my sidebar template the sidebar works. Can anyone solve the problem with these templates?

waste_collection: |
            {%- set start_time = state_attr('calendar.hercherweg_18', 'start_time') %}
            {%- set end_time = state_attr('calendar.hercherweg_18', 'end_time') %}
            {%- set abfall = state_attr('calendar.hercherweg_18', 'message') %}
            {%- if start_time != None %}
              {%- set time = as_timestamp(start_time) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
              {%- set time_end = as_timestamp(end_time) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
              {%- set hours = as_timestamp(start_time) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int(default=0) / 24 %}
              {%- set count = (as_timestamp(start_time) - as_timestamp(now())) / 86400 - hours %}
              {%- if count <= 0.0 %}
                <b>Heute ist {{ abfall | replace('Entsorgung: ', '') }}</b> {{'\uD83D\uDE9A'}}
              {% elif count <= 1.0 %}
                Morgen ist {{ abfall | replace('Entsorgung: ', '') }} {{'\uD83D\uDDD1'}}
              {%- else %}
                In {{ (count + hours) | round }} Tagen ist 
                {{ abfall | replace('Entsorgung: ', '') }} {{'\uD83D\uDDD1'}}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          birthdays: |
            {%- set start_time = state_attr('calendar.geburtstage_2', 'start_time') %}
            {%- set end_time = state_attr('calendar.geburtstage_2', 'end_time') %}
            {%- set geburtstag = state_attr('calendar.geburtstage_2', 'message') %}
            {%- if start_time != None %}
              {%- set time = as_timestamp(start_time) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
              {%- set time_end = as_timestamp(end_time) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
              {%- set hours = as_timestamp(start_time) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int(default=0) / 24 %}
              {%- set count = (as_timestamp(start_time) - as_timestamp(now())) / 86400 - hours %}
              {%- if count <= 0.0 %}
                <b>Heute hat {{ geburtstag }}</b> {{'\uD83C\uDF89'}}
              {% elif count <= 1.0 %}
                Morgen hat {{ geburtstag }} {{'\uD83C\uDF82'}}
              {%- else %}
                In {{ (count + hours) | round }} Tagen hat 
                {{ geburtstag }} {{'\uD83C\uDF82'}}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}


I have a problem with the person circle. If i start the MQTT Broker i only get “NaNd” in the circle. If i stop the broker i get a time but no update. It worked before the last update i think. Maybe there is a resolution for this error. Thx

Do you have automation done that sends to mqtt when you change the zone?

Yes and nothing changed … only the last update. Now i have to stop the MQTT Broker to get a time in the circle.

I have a question about the mediaquery, I have the following grid in my view

  - type: custom:grid-layout
    name: home
    theme: witbol
    path: 0
      grid-gap: var(--custom-layout-card-padding)
      grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr) 0
      grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(6, fit-content(100%))
      grid-template-areas: |
        "sidebar  .        .       .        ."
        "sidebar  col1     col2    col3     ."
        "sidebar  col4     col5    col6     ."
        "sidebar  col7     col8    col9     ." 
        "sidebar  col10    col11   col12    ." 
        "sidebar  col13    col14   col15    ."
        "sidebar  footer   footer  footer   ."
        #mobile portrait
        "(max-width: 414px)":
          grid-row-gap: 10px
          grid-template-columns: 3px repeat(1, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows:  repeat(17, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            "left sidebar  right"
            "left col1  right"
            "left col2  right"
            "left col3  right"
            "left col4  right"
            "left col5  right"
            "left col6  right"
            "left col7  right"
            "left col8  right"
            "left col9  right"
            "left col10 right"
            "left col11 right"
            "left col12 right"
            "left col13 right"
            "left col14 right"
            "left col15 right"
        #mobile landscape  
        "(max-width: 735px)":
          grid-row-gap: 10px
          grid-template-columns: 250px repeat(1, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows:  repeat(16, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            "sidebar  col    right"
            "sidebar  col1   right"
            "sidebar  col2   right"
            "sidebar  col3   right"
            "sidebar  col4   right"
            "sidebar  col5   right"
            "sidebar  col6   right"
            "sidebar  col7   right"
            "sidebar  col8   right"
            "sidebar  col9   right"
            "sidebar  col10  right"
            "sidebar  col11  right"
            "sidebar  col12  right"
            "sidebar  col13  right"
            "sidebar  col14  right"
            "sidebar  col15  right"
            "sidebar  col16  right"

In the default view my sidebar is displayed, in the mobile portrait not as expected.
but also not displayed in the mobile landscape view. but I can’t figure out why?

@r00nster did you fix the issue with “Custom element doesn’t exist: light-popup-card”. I do have the same error, but I don’t know how to fix. light-popup-card seems to be loaded correctly …

Hey @mobiustorr, thanks for the reply.

Apologies, I’m not proficient enough at coding yet to understand what is going wrong.

I believe my current code is correct, as when I try it against a different light entity, the colour shows correctly. Yet when I try it with my Nanoleaf Shapes, it comes through grey.

These are the current attributes for my Nanoleaf light:

It states as using hs as the mode, yet both options are 0, so not sure if that is the issue.

I have reviewed Mattias’ code numerous times, and I always end up back at this section:

  extra_styles: >
      if (entity) {
        let hs = entity.attributes.hs_color === undefined,
          h = hs || entity.attributes.hs_color[0],
          s = hs || entity.attributes.hs_color[1],
          l_min = 28,
          l_max = 48,
          l_calc = entity.attributes.brightness / 2.54 * (l_max - l_min) / 100 + l_min;
        var light_color = entity.attributes.color_mode === 'color_temp' || entity.attributes.color_mode === 'brightness'
          ? `hsl(204, 58%, ${l_calc}%);`
          : `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${l_calc}%);`;

      return `
        svg {
          ${ variables.state_on && entity.attributes.brightness !== undefined
              ? light_color
              : variables.state_on && entity.attributes.brightness === undefined
                ? 'var(--state-icon-active-color);'
                : 'var(--state-icon-color);'

can someone help me with this?

fifty889, It might help to explain a little about what exactly you need help with.
From what I can tell, I can only assume that you need help to place the footer correctly, but that might not be the case - or the whole story.
If I’m correct in my assumption, you might want to take a look at the themes.yaml file.

          $: |
            #root {
              flex-wrap: wrap;
              justify-content: center;
              overflow: visible;
              margin-top: 1em;
              padding-bottom: 2em;
            @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
              #root {
                flex-wrap: nowrap;
                justify-content: space-between;
                overflow: visible;
                margin-top: -1.5em;
                padding-bottom: 0.8em;

Play around with the following values:
margin-top: -1.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.8em;

Another thing I often do is that I use the developer tools in a browser from a PC. (F12 on the lovelace website)
Use the Select element tool and point at the footer.



After finding the element, look for the code I mentioned and try changing the values.


If changing these values gets you what you need, change them in themes.yaml and restart the Themes service in HA, then refresh lovelace and verify the changes.

With what exactly? You aren’t saying what you need help with

This looks very nice and want to give it a try.

Can i set this up without loosing my current dashboard views? I’m not sure if I can make everything in 1 day but would still like to use my current view. When everything is done I can easily delete my old setup.

I’m not sure but you can always copy the yaml code of your current dashboard and then create a new one and paste it

1 Like

my promlem is that dashboard is too high for the screen. it always looks like the bottom part is cut off. to see the footer completely you have to scroll down.

@Laffer André thanks for the tips, I’ll take a look at it

I posted the problem here:

Just make another dashboard in Settings->Dashboards

Maybe try this :