Thanks for your reply!
I’ve tried your suggestion about using the above code from @mobiustorr and that did the trick! Many thanks!
About the placement of the temperature line; I would love to have it on the bottom or aligned with the lowest footer buttons. What I’m trying to do is move person.Y and person.X above the temperature line. So you get something like this:
So, just a quick Paint edit of how I would love to see it (you’ll get the idea, I’m not an Paint pro haha)
I also just came to the conclusion my tap and hold actions dont do anything. As stated in docs Matthias says that all light cards should automatically transfer them to pop-up to do settings like brightness etc.
This is not working none of the tap or hold actions are working. They do work on the footer but not on the button cards above.
I tried to create a pop-up for the media card for instance which result in doing nothing.
To the OP: Thank you for this absolutely epic work.
To everyone else:
Over the past few weeks I have integrated some additional things I use such as frigate cameras, security system mode, adapted media controls, etc. The documentation provided is good however for me (despite being a programmer by trade) it took me a while to figure some things out.
I am considering doing a video tutorial on setup addressing some of the harder aspects like icons, sounds, haptic and the laundry timer, custom timers, alternate vaccum integrations, etc.
I have also made a framework for having multi dashboards on different size tablets in the same house with distinct content based on which device is used (the layout is already responsive but the bedroom tablets vs living room should have different content ideally). Among other basic things like room presence logic built in for conditional media cards, etc.
Anyway, if anyone thinks a video tutorial would be useful and could let me know I will commit to doing one. I am asking simply because it will take hours of recording and editing to make a coherent tutorial and if everybody else had no issue setting this up it’s pointless, I could just be the hard head.
Anyway thanks again to OP, this is absolutely epic. Using it with 4 tablets (wall mounts) and a static large screen wall display. It’s absolutely amazing thanks to you.
go for it, for me conditional media was the hardest thing to wrap my head around (an I am also a programmer by trade), but it was my 1st time looking at home assistant templates, I implemented this dashboard day one of home assistant.
if you want any feedback fell free to send the video my way.
some of the enhancements you mentioned sound fantastic. would love to get some more detail on how you handle multi dashboards. I have a room section for lights but hold is navigation to that rooms dashboard. I don’t have mutable size dashboards however.
I do recall needing to add some CSS to get this to work, but I can’t recall what it was, look into how the laundry timer works in the base code from @Mattias_Persson
@masoncrawford1994 first of all thanks so much! definitely in the right direction now!! from a width perspective it looks good and works now (@Mattias_Persson great idea on putting in the debug!). Now I’m having a problem with the height - both the starting point (green circle) as well as the area which is not all on the button, any idea which parameters I change to fix this? Thanks!
When fully closed the current_position is 0, which is not displayed.
I can see that the light template manually sets the circle_input to 1, if the lights brightness === 0 && the light itself is on
However I would like to show 0% open in case of the cover card. How do I achieve this?
This does also affect the slider, which I have ammendet in the circle.yaml to also apply to the cover domain.
the code that needs to be change should just be the value in margin-top:, do you have a screenshot with the debug on so I can see what your issue is? it is ok if the blue bar is not in the button card see mine.
the height of the slider is more or less the same on all screens but the size of the button will change depending on the size of the screen, so don’t worry about fitting the blue part in side the button card
As I said you can use your web browsers dev tools too change the values in left and margin to get the position right.
you can override the RTL language preference on the slider as that is inverting the starting position, by adding direction: ltr !important; under margin-top: 13%;
or you could move the location of the circle to the bottom if that would be more natural for you.
Thanks for your support. It’s all still a work in progress, but I can share it once I am happy with the behaviour. I can understand that 0 can create issues, but could it not being caught somewhere in the circle.yaml in a way that the input is not processed but leads to a correct display of the input value?
As I have also defined circle_input_unit to '%' replacing the circle_input with your proposal is only a workaround.
I have seen you are discussing the slider position and size. My slider seems a little small compared to yours. I tried playing with the values in extra_styles.yaml, but have had no luck so far.
Ideally I would like to keep the circle to indicate the cover position, but replace the circle slider on the cover card with a swipe_up and swipe_down action on the full card (i.e. a swipe up or down anywhere on the card should trigger an action). But at the moment I do not know how I could realize this. This would allow me to action cover.open_cover on swipe up, cover.stop_cover on swipe down and cover.stop_cover on tap.
Note: I have not yet created a cover_icon.
Also I have not yet paid attention to the font of the displayed name and status. I should make it a little bigger. But first I need to understand where it is defined.
so changing to LTR is actually something I played with and it works, but it doesn’t look natural, per your last comment regarding moving the circle - how do I change the vertical position of the circle (and of the bar itself)?
just to confirm, you would like to drag from the bottom of the card to the top of the card to lower the brightness of a light and from the bottom of a card down to increase the brightness?
I don’t see a need to change the vertical position of the slider, but as I said it should be margin-top
as for changing the position of the circle that would be in the base.yaml
look for
keep in mind you are pushing the limits of what the templates are built for, you might run into more and more issues the more your change, this will also make it harder for the community to help as your changes are so far from what everyone else is working with.