A different take on designing a Lovelace UI


I don’t know how you did it…
it doesn’t work for me or state.
or the time will be NaN:NaN
I have already released the location because it only places it in the original location, not where the circle is.

I can ask for help or the final code.


i’m happy to help out if you have issues but I can’t understand what you are saying.
can you provide the yaml and some screenshots that outline what your issue is?

I have posted a kitchen timer card that might help, depending on what you are trying to do.

1 Like

I’ve tried searching but wasn’t able to find a definitive answer in this thread. Does the fanart for conditional media cards work with Google TV / Chromecast? I realize the conditional media data isn’t available with the android TV integration, but it is with the cast integration. However, the background image comes through as

background: url("undefined") center center / cover no-repeat rgba(115, 115, 115, 0.2);

The “Plex Recently Added” does work however.

Is there a workaround or have I missed some variables that need to be changed?

1 Like

I think @Laffer has a shield, and he has made his config public. You could look at how he has set up conditional media cards with his shield. see this link

I don’t have google TV so I can assist you more but I can’t think of why it would not work, but it would depend on the app you have open.

I have added a custom background under background-image in button_card_templates/media.yaml

I show a custom Nintendo Switch image

      - background-image: &media_background_image >
            if (entity) {
              if (variables.is_youtube) {
                  return `url(${states[this._config?.triggers_update].state})`;
              } else if (variables.state === 'Nintendo Switch') {
                  return `url("/local/img/Switch.jpeg")`;
              } else {
                let data = entity.attributes.data;
                return data && (data[variables.i].fanart || data[variables.i].poster)
                    ? `url("${data[variables.i].fanart}"), url("${data[variables.i].poster}")`
                    : `url("${variables.entity_picture}")`;

I too would like the code for this icon please.

The thing I’m not understanding is where data[variables.i].fanart comes from. Is that an attribute of the apple tv integration? Does it come from Plex Recently Added or is there another sensor / integration that needs to be installed? I’m under the impression that the Plex Recently Added integration is fairly new in the configuration.

Edit: BTW all the media being played is through plex on any device. I’d be perfectly happy if it worked just with plex.

the Plex Recently Added integration has been in uPreformatted textse for well over a year, just changed dev recently.
Plex Recently Added should have nothing to do with what is currently playing.

this line is an if statement

return data && (data[variables.i].fanart || data[variables.i].poster)
                   ? `url("${data[variables.i].fanart}"), url("${data[variables.i].poster}")`
                   : `url("${variables.entity_picture}")`;

it read like so
if we have data (data is the entity attributes)
if that data has an attribute called fanart or poster (Eg Plex recently added)
then use a url that consists of the fanart and poster
if we dont have any data
if we dont have an attribute called fanart or poster
then use the variables.entity_picture (set is base as entity.attributes.entity_picture)

so in short, if you dont have an entity_picture attribute you won’t have a background.

looking into @Laffer setup he has this

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: select.conditional_media
                        state: SHIELD
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: sensor.shield_real_state
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_nvidia_shield
                        - media_volume
                        player: '[[[ return entity.attributes.player; ]]]'
                        entity_picture: sensor.active_media_players
                        volume_control: media_player.denon_receiver
                        - sensor.active_media_players

see this line entity_picture: sensor.active_media_players
looks like he is setting a custom entity_picture like so

    - unique_id: active_media_players
      name: 'Active Media Players'
      state: >
        {% set media_players = [
        ] %}
        {{ media_players | selectattr('state','search','(playing|paused)') | list | count }}
        active: >
          {% set media_players = [
          ] %}

          {%- set media_players_playing = media_players | selectattr('state','eq','playing') | list %}
          {%- set media_player_id_playing = media_players_playing | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') %}

          {%- set media_players_paused = media_players | selectattr('state','eq','paused') | list %}
          {%- set media_player_id_paused = media_players_paused | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') %}

          {%- if (media_players_playing | length > 0) -%}
            {{ media_player_id_playing }}
          {%- elif (media_players_paused | length > 0) -%}
            {{ media_player_id_paused }}
          {%- endif -%}
        app: >
          {%- if this.state not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null', '0'] %}
            {% set players = (state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'active')).split(', ') %}
            {% if players[0] is defined %}
              {% if 'plex' in players[0] %}
              {% else %}
                {% set app = state_attr(players[0], 'app_name') | lower %}
                {% if app not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null'] %}
                  {{ app }}
                {% else %}
                  {% set app = state_attr(players[0], 'app_id') | lower %}
                  {% if app not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null'] %}
                    {{ app }}
                  {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        media_title: >
          {%- if this.state not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null', '0'] %}
            {% set players = (state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'active')).split(', ') %}
            {% if players[0] is defined %}
              {% if 'plex' in players[0] or state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'app') == 'plex' %}
                {% if state_attr(players[0], 'media_content_type') == 'tvshow' %}
                  {{state_attr(players[0], 'media_series_title')}} - {{state_attr(players[0], 'media_title')}}
                {% else %}
                  {{state_attr(players[0], 'media_title')}}
                {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        media_content_type: >
          {% if this.state not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null', '0'] %}
            {% set players = (state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'active')).split(', ') %}
            {% if players[0] is defined %}
              {% if 'plex' in players[0] or state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'app') == 'plex' %}
                {% if state_attr(players[0], 'media_content_type') %}
                  {{ state_attr(players[0], 'media_content_type') }}
                {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        entity_picture: >
          {%- if this.state not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null', '0'] %}
            {%- set players = (state_attr('sensor.active_media_players', 'active')).split(', ') %}
            {% if players[0] is defined %}
              {%- set entitypic = state_attr(players[0],'entity_picture') %}
              {%- set app = state_attr('sensor.active_media_players','app') | lower %}
              {%- if app is defined %}
                {% if 'plex' in app %} /local/images/Plex_bg.png
                {% elif 'infuse' in app %} /local/images/Plex_bg.png
                {% elif 'com.apple.tvwatchlist' in app %} /local/images/ATVPlus_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'airplay' in app %} /local/images/AirPlay_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'com.amazon' in app %} /local/images/AmazonPrime_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'disneyplus' in app %} /local/images/dp_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'youtube' in app %} /local/images/yt_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'tv2' in app %} /local/images/tv2play_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'hbo' in app %} /local/images/HBOMax_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'netflix' in app %} /local/images/netflix_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'nrk' in app %} /local/images/nrk_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'viasat' in app %} /local/images/ViaPlay_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'viaplay' in app %} /local/images/ViaPlay_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'viafree' in app %} /local/images/ViaFree_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'kanal5' in app %} /local/images/discovery_bg.jpg
                {% elif 'twitch' in app %} /local/images/twitch_bg.jpg
                {% else %} null
                {% endif %}
              {%- elif 'plex' in players %}
                {{ '/local/images/Plex_bg.png' }}
              {%- endif %}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endif %}

    - unique_id: shield_real_state
      name: 'SHIELD Real State'
      state: >
        {% set players = [
        ] %}
        {% if players | selectattr('state','eq','playing') | list | count >= 1 %}
        {% elif players | selectattr('state','eq','paused') | list | count >= 1 %}
        {% elif players | selectattr('state','eq','idle') | list | count >= 1 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
        player: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set app = state_attr('media_player.shield', 'app_name') %}
            {%- if app is defined %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        app_name: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set app = states.media_player.shield.attributes.app_name %}
            {%- if app is defined %}
              {%- if app != '' and app not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
                {{ app | lower }}
              {% endif %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        app_id: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set app = states.media_player.shield.attributes.app_id %}
            {%- if app is defined %}
              {%- if app != '' and app not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
                {{ app }}
              {% endif %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        entity_picture: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set current_app = states.sensor.shield_real_state.attributes.app_name %}
            {% set picture = states.media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv.attributes.entity_picture %}
            {%- if picture is defined %}
              {%- if picture != '' and picture not in ['unknown','unavailable','none'] %}
                {%- if current_app is defined and current_app == 'plex' %}
                  {{- '/local/images/Plex_bg.png' if current_app == 'plex' else picture -}}
                {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        media_artist: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set artist = states.media_player.shield.attributes.media_artist %}
            {%- if artist is defined %}
              {%- if artist != '' and artist not in ['unknown','unavailable','none'] %}
                {{ artist }}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        media_title: >
          {% if states.sensor.shield_real_state.state | lower not in ['unknown','unavailable','none','off'] %}
            {% set media_title = states.media_player.shield.attributes.media_title %}
            {%- if media_title is defined %}
              {%- if media_title != '' and media_title not in ['unknown','unavailable','none'] %}
                {{ media_title }}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        media_content_type: >
          {% if this.state not in ['unavailable','undefined','unknown','none','null', '0'] %}
            {% set app = state_attr('sensor.shield_real_state', 'app_name') %}
            {% if app is defined and app == 'plex' %}
              {% if state_attr('media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv', 'media_content_type') %}
                {{ state_attr('media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv', 'media_content_type') }}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
1 Like

So, the trick here is that the plex integration is required, and the plex media player entity must be used. Given that, the default config from Mattias works fine.

yes that will work when watching Plex, however, not only will you not get any image when using the shield for anything else, you also won’t get any info at all.

I would recommend following the approach @Laffer used and set the entity_picture to the entity_picture from Plex when the plex app is open on the shield.

1 Like

I’m definitely going to look into that, however, the entity picture has been unreliable at best with the android tv integration (which doesn’t return media info, only app being used) and nonexistent with the cast integration. 99%+ of my viewing is with plex, so this is a pretty nice fit. I’ll probably alter the data being displayed, but the only other thing I’m planning is integrating a ps5 game image from sensor.ps5_activity.

Edit: got the PS5 sensor integrated



I’ve been on HA for a while now and I’m trying to set up my dashboard correctly (the most complicated part for me :sweat_smile:). Before I get into it, I’m wondering how you manage your other dashboards with this one.

I already have a dashboard for my phone and one for my computer and I would like to keep them in place while adding this one for my tablets.

I would like to know more about this…
Thanks in advance

Im using a USG, is there anyway to adapt your unifi router package to grab some info from it?

Since I have several devices for the “living room”, I wanted a swipe card here. Unfortunately, the layout of the first page does not fit. the second side, on the other hand, fits. What is wrong? Please help :slight_smile:

  - type: grid
        title: Wohnzimmer
          grid-area: vardagsrum
        columns: 1

          - type: custom:swipe-card
              speed: 550
              spaceBetween: 40
              threshold: 5

              - type: grid
                columne: 2

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: light.deckenspots
                    name: Deckenspots
                     - light
                     - icon_hue

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: light.tischbeleuchtung_gruppe
                    name: 5 Freunde
                     - light
                     - icon_shade

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.samsung_frame_series_65
                    name: Tv
                    state_display: >
                         if (variables.state === 'playing') {
                            return 'På';
                        if (variables.state === true) {
                            return variables.translate_unknown;
                      !include popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml
                     - base
                     - icon_tv
                     - loader

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: light.candela_wohnzimmer
                    name: Candela
                     !include popup/vardagsrum_balkong.yaml
                     - base
                     - icon_hue
                     - loader
              - type: grid
                columns: 2

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.vardagsrum
                    triggers_update: sensor.youtube_watching
                    name: Vardagsrum
                      - media
                      - icon_apple_tv

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.sovrum
                    triggers_update: sensor.youtube_watching
                    name: Sovrum
                      - media
                      - icon_apple_tv

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.spotify
                    name: Spotify
                      - media
                      - icon_spotify

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: media_player.kok
                    name: Nest Mini
                      - media
                      - icon_nest_mini

try it with columns not columne

1 Like

Képernyőfotó 2022-12-29 - 8.51.15


              - type: custom:button-card
                entity: timer.5min
                name: Kert
                  action: call-service
                  service: timer.start
                    entity_id: timer.5min
                  action: call-service
                  service: timer.cancel
                    entity_id: timer.5min
                  - base
                  - desk
                  - icon_christmas
                  countdown: |
                              setTimeout(() => {
                                let elt = this.shadowRoot,
                                circle_stroke = elt.getElementById('circle_stroke'),
                                r = 22.1,
                                c = r * 2 * Math.PI,
                                now = new Date().getTime(),
                                endDate = new Date(entity.attributes.finishes_at),
                                remaining = entity.attributes.remaining.split(':'),
                                duration = entity.attributes.duration.split(':'),
                                startDate = new Date(endDate.getTime() - (remaining[0]*3600+remaining[1]*60)*1000),
                                percent = ((now - startDate) / (endDate - startDate)) * 100;
                                circle_stroke.style.strokeDashoffset = c - percent / 100  * c;
                                circle_stroke.style.strokeWidth = 1;
                              }, 0);

                              let r = 22.1,
                              c = r * 2 * Math.PI,
                              state = variables.state_on,
                              input = variables.circle_input || ' ',
                              input_text = new Date(entity.attributes.finishes_at),
                              hours = input_text.getHours(),
                              minutes = input_text.getMinutes();

                              return `
                              <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                                  circle {
                                    transform: rotate(-90deg);
                                    transform-origin: 50% 50%;
                                    stroke-dasharray: ${c};
                                    stroke-dashoffset: ${typeof input === 'number' && c - input / 100 * c};
                                    stroke-width: 2.3;
                                    stroke = variables.state === 'active' || variables.state === 'idle' ? '#b51a00' : 'none',
                                    fill = variables.state === 'active' || variables.state === 'idle' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.04)' : 'none';
                                    stroke: #b0b0b0;
                                    fill: none;
                                  #circle_bg {
                                    stroke: none;
                                    fill: none;
                                  text {
                                    font-size: 14px;
                                    font-weight: var(--c-font-weight);
                                    letter-spacing: var(--c-letter-spacing);
                                    fill: #97989c;
                                  tspan {
                                    font-size: 10.5px;
                                  #circle_value, tspan {
                                    text-anchor: middle;
                                    dominant-baseline: central;
                                <circle id="circle_stroke" cx="25" cy="25" r="${r}"/>
                                <circle id="circle_bg" cx="25" cy="25" r="${r}"/>
                                <text id="circle_value" x="50%" y="52%">${hours}:${minutes}</tspan></text>
                              </svg>       `;           
                      - display: initial
                      - width: 88%
                      - margin: -3% 2% 0 0
                      - justify-self: end
                      - opacity: 1

Start display:

91 / 5 000

Fordítási találatok

Fordítási találat


Thank you very much for your help if you can. There was a post like this before, but I couldn’t find a definitive one.

Hello, I have searched but not found an answer.
Is it possible to add sensor data in grid title?

- type: grid
  title: Hall {{ states.sensor.room_temperature_sensor.state }}°C

In short: No…
The slightly longer answer is that it is probably possible with a workaround

I have described a method here to make the Titles their own separate button, which can then contain about any text you want.

Keep in mind, the code is for a year old version of this dashboard, and won’t look correct on the latest version, so some manual tweaking would be needed, but the general idea is the same…
A vertical stack card or other type of grid, containing a button card (title) and the grid (for the 4 cards below the title)

its still not clear what your issue is, I’m assuming that you would like to remove the NaN:NaN when the timer is not running, if so try this

- type: custom:button-card
                entity: timer.5min
                name: Kert
                  action: call-service
                  service: timer.start
                    entity_id: timer.5min
                  action: call-service
                  service: timer.cancel
                    entity_id: timer.5min
                  - base
                  - desk
                  - icon_christmas
                  countdown: |
                              setTimeout(() => {
                                let elt = this.shadowRoot,
                                circle_stroke = elt.getElementById('circle_stroke'),
                                r = 22.1,
                                c = r * 2 * Math.PI,
                                now = new Date().getTime(),
                                endDate = new Date(entity.attributes.finishes_at),
                                remaining = entity.attributes.remaining.split(':'),
                                duration = entity.attributes.duration.split(':'),
                                startDate = new Date(endDate.getTime() - (remaining[0]*3600+remaining[1]*60)*1000),
                                percent = ((now - startDate) / (endDate - startDate)) * 100;
                                circle_stroke.style.strokeDashoffset = c - percent / 100  * c;
                                circle_stroke.style.strokeWidth = 1;
                              }, 0);

                              let r = 22.1,
                              c = r * 2 * Math.PI,
                              state = variables.state_on,
                              input = variables.circle_input || ' ',
                              input_text = new Date(entity.attributes.finishes_at),
                              hours = input_text.getHours(),
                              minutes = input_text.getMinutes();

                              return !state ? ‘’ :
                              <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
                                  circle {
                                    transform: rotate(-90deg);
                                    transform-origin: 50% 50%;
                                    stroke-dasharray: ${c};
                                    stroke-dashoffset: ${typeof input === 'number' && c - input / 100 * c};
                                    stroke-width: 2.3;
                                    stroke = variables.state === 'active' || variables.state === 'idle' ? '#b51a00' : 'none',
                                    fill = variables.state === 'active' || variables.state === 'idle' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.04)' : 'none';
                                    stroke: #b0b0b0;
                                    fill: none;
                                  #circle_bg {
                                    stroke: none;
                                    fill: none;
                                  text {
                                    font-size: 14px;
                                    font-weight: var(--c-font-weight);
                                    letter-spacing: var(--c-letter-spacing);
                                    fill: #97989c;
                                  tspan {
                                    font-size: 10.5px;
                                  #circle_value, tspan {
                                    text-anchor: middle;
                                    dominant-baseline: central;
                                <circle id="circle_stroke" cx="25" cy="25" r="${r}"/>
                                <circle id="circle_bg" cx="25" cy="25" r="${r}"/>
                                <text id="circle_value" x="50%" y="52%">${hours}:${minutes}</tspan></text>
                              </svg>       `;           
                      - display: initial
                      - width: 88%
                      - margin: -3% 2% 0 0
                      - justify-self: end
                      - opacity: 1

there is only 1 return in the above code so I can’t understand what the issue was.

NOTE: the above code is not tested and may not work, I don’t have access to my home assistant currently

I’m trying a lot to get the last horizontal-stack to be aligned to the bottom of the sidebar, but no luck so far.

Tried making it a seperate grid idem, ( sidebar2) etc but no luck. Noting changes and stays always stuck to the weather card.

any idea’s?

  - type: custom:grid-layout
    title: Home
      margin: 0
      grid-gap: var(--custom-layout-card-padding)
      grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr) 0
      grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(2, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
      grid-template-areas: |
        "sidebar  .           .       .       ."
        "sidebar  woonkamer  leefkeuken  bios  ."
        "sidebar  media       övrigt  övrigt   ."
        "sidebar  footer      footer  footer  ."
        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-gap: calc(var(--custom-layout-card-padding) * 1.7)
          grid-template-columns: 0 repeat(2, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(5, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            ".  .           .        ."
            ".  sidebar     sidebar  ."
            ".  woonkamer  bios   ."
            ".  leefkeuken      övrigt   ."
            ".  media       tuin    ."
            ".  footer      footer   ."
            ".  .           .        ."
        "(max-width: 1200px)":
          grid-gap: var(--custom-layout-card-padding)
          grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(3, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            "sidebar  .           .       ."
            "sidebar  woonkamer  bios  ."
            "sidebar  leefkeuken      övrigt  ."
            "sidebar  media       tuin   ."
            "sidebar  footer      footer  ."
            "sidebar  .           .       ."

      #extra_styles fix, do not remove
      #also warn if theme is not set

      - type: custom:button-card
          grid-area: 1 / 2 / 2 / 5
        name: SET THEME TO "tablet" IN PROFILE
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: /profile
            - display: >
                  return hass.themes.theme === 'tablet'
                      ? 'none'
                      : 'initial';
            - z-index: 1
            - overflow: visible
            - color: red
            - font-weight: bolder
            - font-size: xxx-large
            - background: yellow

      #                                               #
      #                    SIDEBAR                    #
      #                                               #

      - type: custom:layout-card
          grid-area: sidebar
        layout_type: grid
          grid-template-columns: 5% 90% 5%
          grid-template-rows: fit-content(400px) fit-content(400px) 1fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            "left center right"

#         - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: custom:layout-card
              grid-area: center              
            mode: vertical
              - type: custom:button-card
                entity: sensor.template_sidebar
                template: sidebar
              - type: custom:simple-weather-card
                entity: weather.thuis
                name: ' '
                  - temp: sensor.wupws_temp
                  - precipitation: sensor.wupws_preciptotal
                  - precipitation
                  style: |
                    ha-card {
                    width: 250px !important;
                    --primary-text-color: #6a7377;
              - type: horizontal-stack
                layout_type: horizontal
                  - type: picture-entity       
                    entity: person.tim
                    image: /local/timkleur2.png
                      !include popup/tim.yaml
                    show_name: false
                    show_state: false
                      "home": grayscale(30%)
                      "not_home": grayscale(90%)
                    style: |
                      ha-card {
                        transform: scale(0.6,0.6)
                  - type: picture-entity
                    entity: person.mieke
                    image: /local/miekekleur2.png
                    show_name: false
                    show_state: false
                      !include popup/mieke.yaml
                      "home": grayscale(30%)
                      "not_home": grayscale(90%)
                    style: |
                      ha-card {
                        transform: scale(0.6,0.6)

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[quote=“masoncrawford1994, post:4390, topic:162594”]
there is only 1 return in the above code so I can’t understand what the issue was.

NOTE: the above code is not tested and may not work, I don’t have access to my home assistant currently

Did you try to place it in space?

            left: 21.1%.      
            top: 72.2%