A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Same problem here with the last two, did you figured it out yet?

Not yet unfortunately, hope someone can shed some light on this!

This looks awesome, especially with the multi page and looks like inspired by Mattias’ . Do you mind to share your variant? I am still considering my options on what is a good dashboard, but I think with the sidebar and multiple options I can more easily convince the people in the house to have something like that as well.

How does your ‘power/energy’ page look like?

Thank you very much all, the respondes and examples and Mattias’ dashboard is a real addition to HASS from what I am concerned :wink:

I think you need to remove the border with card-mod. Mind sharing the code for your card?

    style: >
      :host {
        --ha-card-border-width: 0;

Correct, adding card_mod is normal, thank you for your help

Correct, adding “card_mod” is normal, thank you for your help

For the 3rd issue with edges

Did you modify something in themes or are you sure that the theme is fully functioning?
In themes the line responsible for the rounding is button-card-border-radius
Try checking that line out in case you modified something (I have mine set at 8% initially was 10%)
One approach would be to modify it to something obnoxious such as 50% and reloading themes and see if it even works.

Although this might not be the best approach but at least it can give you an idea if the themes are working and can narrow down the problem.

I finally finished updating to the 2023.1 version of this wonderful design. For some reason, I took out Kiosk - Mode because Matias said so but how do I actually go into kiosk mode now? No sidebar and header.
I can’t seem to figure it out. I must have missed something.

Anyone would know?

“Kiosk Mode” works now with Browser Mod 2.

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Thanks man. that did the trick.

I got two more questions:

  1. I can’t figure out why all my button cards (since these last three Matias updates) are now squares but for the Media one and the footer one’s.

  2. My conditional media is working fine when I play different media players. But when I’m on recently added from plex, I often get a blank button (not always). Do I need to implement the backup offline thing I’ve been seeing in this thread?

On another note. I don’t know if you guys have been playing with ChatGPT but it’s been doing wonders in greatly expending my yaml coding. I just ask it to code something in plain english and it does it.

Once again, thanks Mattias and all the big helpers here on this thread. You guys are all great help in making my little HA such a cool toy.

Thanks for your reply! I haven’t modified the theme yaml file honestly, it’s just the default from GitHub. I changed the percentage of the border radius, but nothing happened and/or changed, so I guess something’s missing?? No clue what I’m missing though?

Hi, would you be able to share the card template you made?

I got 1 question and 1 future request/nudge maybe for Laffer :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:

  1. Is it possible to select or deselect the conditional media background based on the source attribute? I’m using a Node2i for both music streaming and output from my TV. I would like to have the media background for music, but not when the Node2i is using the TV-HDMI source or the Analog Input (record player). Currently, the conditional seems to choose my Node2i instead of my TV(as both are “playing”) , resulting in a card that looks like this:

  2. I appreciate the transparency/blur and colour scheme of my own popup cards more than the new UI. However, I find the features of the new UI appealing. So, if anyone plans to create popup cards inspired by the new UI, PLEASE share the code :). // Or if there’s a way to adapt the looks of the default UI I’m all ears

Until then I shall comment out my lights popup :rofl:


Hey @Hell255 this looks dope! Could you share your code please? I’m exactly looking for this!

Hi! It’s amazing reading all your work inspired by Mattias (huge thanks to @Mattias & to all who post their code to understand a bit more of the code).

I´m a newbie with the homeassistant frontend and reading every evenig parts of this topic to understand more and more…
Currently I setet up a dashboard and implement temperature and humidity to a seperated cards. Now I want to combine these cards to a single card but wihtout success. Could somebody help me to modify the code? Thanks


          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.ble_temperature_mi_thermometer_sz
            name: Temp
              action: none
                    - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_mi_thermometer_sz
                    - entity: sensor.nightstate
                      color: gray
                      y_axis: secondary
                      show_line: false
                      show_points: false
                      show_legend: false
                      show_labels: false
              - temperature
              - icon_temp

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.ble_humidity_mi_thermometer_sz
            name: Humidity
              action: none
                    - entity: sensor.ble_humidity_mi_thermometer_sz
                    - entity: sensor.nightstate
                      color: gray
                      y_axis: secondary
                      show_line: false
                      show_points: false
                      show_legend: false
                      show_labels: false
              - humidity
              - icon_humidity


      - base_t 		 #like base but with transparent background
    show_name: false # Hides Card Name
    show_state: true # Hides Card state
    state_display: >
      [[[ return ' '; ]]]
      circle: >
        [[[ {
        const humidity = Math.round(entity.state);
        const input = `<tspan font-size="20">%</tspan>`;
        return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20.5" fill="none" style="
        transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;" />
        <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="28" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${humidity}${input}</text></svg>`; } ]]]
          type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
          height: 140
          hours_to_show: 24
          points_per_hour: 2
          #line_width: 8
          font_size: 75
          decimals: 0
          refresh_interval: 120
            name: false
            icon: false
            state: false
            legend: false
            labels: false
            labels_secondary: false
            points: false
            fill: fade
            - value: 0
              color: "#c0392b"
            - value: 46
              color: "#d35400"
            - value: 55
              color: "#228C22"
            - value: 65
              color: "#276696"
            style: |
                    --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
            graph: [bottom: 0%, left: 0%, width: 130%, position: absolute, margin: 0% 0% -13% -15.2%]
              - width: 67%
              - fill: "#9da0a2"
              - display: initial
              - width: 90%
              - margin: -6% -5% 0 0
              - justify-self: end
              - opacity: 1
          style: |
            ha-card {
                    box-shadow: none;

        - width: 90%
        - margin-left: -20%
        - margin-top: -11%
    icon: >
      <ha-icon icon="mdi:water-opacity"></ha-icon> 


      - base_t		 #like base but with transparent background
    show_name: false # Hides Card Name
    show_state: true # Hides Card state
    state_display: >
      [[[ return '&nbsp;'; ]]]
      circle: >
        [[[ {
        const temperature = Math.round(entity.state);
        const input = `<tspan font-size="20">°C</tspan>`;
        return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20.5" fill="none" style="
        transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;" />
        <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="28" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${temperature}${input}</text></svg>`; } ]]]
          type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
          height: 140
          hours_to_show: 24
          points_per_hour: 2
          #line_width: 8
          font_size: 75
          decimals: 0
          refresh_interval: 120
            name: false
            icon: false
            state: false
            legend: false
            labels: false
            labels_secondary: false
            points: false
            fill: fade
            - color: '#039BE5'
              value: 10
            - color: '#0da035'
              value: 25
            - color: '#e45e65'
              value: 30
            style: |
                    --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
            graph: [bottom: 0%, left: 0%, width: 130%, position: absolute, margin: 0% 0% -13% -15.2%]
              - width: 60%
              - fill: "#9da0a2"
              - display: initial
              - width: 90%
              - margin: -6% -5% 0 0
              - justify-self: end
              - opacity: 1
          style: |
            ha-card {
                    box-shadow: none;
1 Like

Hi @remkolodder, here you go

I’ve included some screenshots and added some notes how to get this thing up and running. The sidebar can be easily created with the sidebar modification, and the rounded buttons with the custom button card. Hope it helps!

Here, hope it helps! A different take on designing a Lovelace UI - #4597 by Hell255

My light cards are squared, but I would want to change them to round edges. Where can I do so?"

I would change this line


- border-radius: 10px

Starting with 2023.3 update, I have custom:button-cards disappearing randomly. After a refresh or two they are back, but disappear again after a couple refreshes. The button in particular contains a swipe-card that cycles through my security cameras. It has worked flawlessly for over a year until this update. I noticed in Chrome Dev tools the following errors when the button is missing. Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Unfortunately it doesn’t look like custom:button-card is an active project anymore.

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: none
            name: Camera
            show_entity_picture: false
            show_state: false
            show_name: false
              action: more-info
            # hold_action: 
                  type: custom:swipe-card
                    effect: fade
                      type: custom
                      pauseOnMouseEnter: true
                      disableOnInteraction: false
                      delay: 4000
                    speed: 2000
                    - type: picture-entity
                      entity: camera.garage_snapshot
                      aspect_ratio: '1:1'
                      name: Garage
                      show_entity_picture: false
                      show_state: false
                      show_name: false
                        action: more-info
                    - type: picture-entity
                      entity: camera.backyard_snapshot
                      aspect_ratio: '1:1'
                      name: Backyard
                      show_entity_picture: false
                      show_state: false
                      show_name: false
                        action: more-info

Not OP but I’m particularly interested in replicating your sidebar, can you share your code there?