A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Good. Now also please send me a screenshot of the following - from Developer Tools


backup template sensor

Okay, it looks like it’s not working

Have you tried to run the automation manually once?

Okay, I’ve run it manually once, but it still doesn’t work

In Developer Tools → Template, what result do you get if you try this: (change the sensor name to your Plex Movies / Recently Added)

{{ states(‘sensor.recently_added_mix’) }}

This MUST be = Online (At least once - when you run the automation)
If this is anything but Online, restart HA until this equals Online.

Okay, it shows online status

Do the same with the following, and see if it returns the data

{{ state_attr(‘sensor.recently_added_mix’,‘data’) }}

Okay, it doesn’t seem to have any content

Then I think you might need to have a look at that first.

If it doesn’t have any data in Developer Tools either, check to see if this sensor is set up correctly.
(and I assume your Plex server actually has content for this sensor to fetch)

Yes, my comparison with yours is completely different after checking. I have filled in a token for plex according to the recently added entity tutorial for plex. You can view the file I posted on GitHub. Please help me confirm if my token is incorrect. Thank you

You should follow the guides made for this, and double check:

And also, check your HA logs for indicators, and make sure HA is able to reach the Plex server.

Can I change to the latest addition of emby? Currently, the recent addition of emby is working normally

I don’t use Emby so I wouldn’t know. Sorry.
But my guess is yes, although based on what I can see, the data provided here has a different structure, so you’d need to modify the sensors accordingly.

“I try to obtain a token for plex, but no matter what I do, it still does not display any data. Is this token like this?”? Why doesn’t it always display data? I feel like I’m going crazy

It looks OK, but I’m not sure if it’s the same as explained in the tutorial.
Which is:
Plex → Video of some sort → Get Info → View XML (bottom left) → URL opens, and the token is at the end of the URL

I’m not sure if it matters, but try placing it in secrets.yaml and/or encase it with “quotes”.

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I put the token of plex into configuration.yaml according to the tutorial, but no matter what I do, it won’t work

Did you try quotes, like I suggested?

token: “ou4zxp_mKs8wozw_-s5M”

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Is it like this? It still doesn’t have any data

Yes. What does your logs say - if you search for plex or recently_added?


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There is no data displayed in the log