A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

That’s strange. I copied your template select into Dev Tools and it said that the variable is missing.
Anyway, I then created a new select entity based on your code, which is working properly. :person_shrugging:

check if your friendly name is set correctly for entities

Okay… I found it… turns out I had misspelled one of my media players… check both at the top and the bottom of the conditional_media template that all your media players are listed correctly.

and as @VietNgoc said that their frendly names are set correctly

Also thanks for the suggestions

Late reply, but i did this the other day by using card_mod to add a temperature monitor (that still needs more styling). This way the card pushed to the bottom isn’t kicked out of the flow.

More info: To align something to the other end of a flex flow you can use margin auto (which direction depends on your flex directon (usually margin-top or margin-left for bottom or right align))

We also need to wrap the vertical-stack in a mod-card since it doesn’t support card_mod inherently, which means we also want to set the height of the newly created object.

      #                                               #
      #                    SIDEBAR                    #
      #                                               #

      - type: custom:mod-card
          grid-area: sidebar
          type: vertical-stack
            - type: custom:button-card
              entity: sensor.template_sidebar
              template: sidebar

            - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              name: Utomhus
                fill: false
                - value: 2
                  color: "#ff9800"
                - value: 0
                  color: "#ffffff"
                - value: -2
                  color: "#639dd1"
                - sensor.utomhus_temperature
                style: |
                  ha-card {
                    border: none;
                    border-radius: 0px;
            .: |
              ha-card {
                height: 100%;
            hui-vertical-stack-card$: |
              #root > mini-graph-card {
                margin-top: auto;

Would someone be able to clarify what changes are required in order to change the colour gradient of a light bulb icon, based upon the brightness % value of the bulb? Instead of the original Blue colour that Mattias used for the light state on colour, I changed it to a yellow colour within the theme:

state-icon-active-color: "#f0b81d" #changed from #3182b7
state-active-color: "#f0b81d" #changed from #3182b7

and I also changed the following:

button-card-light-color-temp: hsl(44, 88%, 53%) #changed from hsl(204, 58%, 40%)

When my light is on at 100% brightness, the bulb icon shows correctly as yellow.
As I dim the bulb down to say 10% brightness, the icon colour changes to a Brown colour. I want this to remain yellow, but just a lighter/paler yellow, which is why I picked the new hsl values above.

The SVG icon I am using in one example case is the ‘icon_recessed’ kindly provided by someone earlier in this thread. In the on state, it uses:


which I don’t have in my theme, so I added one:

 button-card-light-color-no-temp: hsl(44, 88%, 53%)

however, after adding this, the fill colour of the icon remains fully yellow regardless of state or brightness.

I can see in extra_styles.yaml that the first section relates to lights, so it looks like this is where I need to perhaps change something, but I’m a bit lost as to what.

  extra_styles: >
      if (entity) {
          if (entity.entity_id.split('.')[0] === 'light' && variables.state_on) {

              // theme variable and conditions
              let style = getComputedStyle(document.body),
                  theme_var = style.getPropertyValue('--button-card-light-color-temp'),
                  is_hsl = theme_var.startsWith('hsl('),
                  is_color_temp = entity.attributes.color_mode === 'color_temp';

              if (is_hsl && is_color_temp && entity.attributes.brightness) {

                  // calculate lightness in hsl
                  let regex_pattern = /(\d+)(?!.*\d)/g,
                      brightness = entity.attributes.brightness / 2.54,
                      lightness = parseFloat(theme_var.match(regex_pattern)[0]),
                      min = lightness - 10,
                      max = lightness + 10,
                      calc_lightness = brightness * (max - min) / 100 + min;

                  var light_color = theme_var.replace(regex_pattern, calc_lightness);
              else {
                  var light_color = 'var(--button-card-light-color)';
      return `

       /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        *                                 *
        *              LIGHT              *
        *                                 *
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

        svg {
          --light-color: ${
            variables.state_on && entity.attributes.brightness
                ? light_color
                : variables.state_on && !entity.attributes.brightness
                    ? 'var(--state-icon-active-color);'
                    : 'var(--state-icon-color);' }

        .light-color {
          fill: var(--light-color);
          transition: all 0.25s ease-out;

        /* magnification */
        :host {
          --card-portrait: 1.4;
          --card-phone: 2.271;

        ${this._config.template.includes('light') ? `

Developer tools in my browser shows that the var button-card-light-color is being applied, which is coming from ‘extra_styles.yaml’. I’m just a bit lost with all the different light colour styles.

Good evening, good people!
I have tried a lot of different things and haven’t managed to succeed. Is there anyone here who can tell me how to magically change the grid title when swiping on a swipe card, similar to the Media grid? I’ve tried copying conditional_media without success, there must be a trigger somewhere, I think. But I can’t figure out where.


I have a twin ev charger, and want to use an image for each connector with different image on each chargepoint depending on state somewhat like this:
Yeah the images are a little rough right now, but that is fixable. My challenge is how do I set the size so it scales with the button itself depending on dasboard? Here is my code:

      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: sensor.laddbox
        show_icon: false
        show_entity_picture: true
        show_name: false
          - base_charge
            - grid-template-areas: '"mainCharger twinCharger"'
          width: 100%
          height: 100px
          margin-right: 5px
          mainCharger: |
              const mainAttributes = states['sensor.laddbox'].attributes['mainCharger'];
              console.log('Main Charger Attributes:', mainAttributes);
              const mainStatus = mainAttributes ? mainAttributes['connector'] : null;
              console.log('Main Charger Connector Status:', mainStatus);
              return '<img height="100px" src="/local/laddbox_' + (mainStatus === 'CONNECTED' ? 'green' : 'off') + '.png">';
          twinCharger: |
              const twinAttributes = states['sensor.laddbox'].attributes['twinCharger'];
              console.log('Twin Charger Attributes:', twinAttributes);
              const twinStatus = twinAttributes ? twinAttributes['connector'] : null;
              console.log('Twin Charger Connector Status:', twinStatus);
              return '<img height="100px" src="/local/laddbox_' + (twinStatus === 'CONNECTED' ? 'green' : 'red') + '.png">';

i have a very strange problem, my cards are not showing or they disapear when i set the entity to a LIGHT.

when i add to the same code a binary sensor or all other than a light. the card comes back.
the light entity is working, i can switch the light over devices.

- type: custom:button-card
                    show_state: false
                    entity: light.color_temperature_light_29
                    name: Keller
                      - light1
                      - icon_shade 
      - base
      - circle
      - loader
      action: fire-dom-event
        service: browser_mod.popup
          title: >
              return !entity || entity.attributes.friendly_name;
              #popup header
            type: entities
              style: |
                #states {
                  padding-top: 0.5em;
            entities: >
                if (entity) {
                    let lights = [],
                        id = Boolean(entity.attributes.entity_id)
                            ? [entity.entity_id].concat(entity.attributes.entity_id)
                            : [entity.entity_id];

                    for (let i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {
                            "type": "custom:mushroom-light-card",
                            "entity": id[i],
                            "fill_container": false,
                            "primary_info": "name",
                            "secondary_info": "state",
                            "icon_type": "icon",
                            "show_brightness_control": true,
                            "use_light_color": true,
                            "show_color_temp_control": true,
                            "show_color_control": true,
                            "collapsible_controls": true
                    return lights;
      circle_input: >
          if (entity) {
              // if light group get brightness from child to remove bounce
              let child = entity.attributes.entity_id,
                  brightness = child && states[child[0]].attributes.brightness
                      ? Math.round(states[child[0]].attributes.brightness / 2.54)
                      : Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.54);
              return brightness === 0 && entity.state !== 'off'
                  ? 1
                  : brightness
      circle_input_unit: '%'
min_color_temp_kelvin: 2702
max_color_temp_kelvin: 6535
min_mireds: 153
max_mireds: 370
  - color_temp
color_mode: null
brightness: null
color_temp_kelvin: null
color_temp: null
hs_color: null
rgb_color: null
xy_color: null
is_deconz_group: false
friendly_name: Kellerlicht
supported_features: 40

var(--button-card-light-color) and var(--button-card-light-color-no-temperatue) are part of custom:button-card and reflects the colors being provided by a bulb (e.g. pink), see here.

Is there a brightness value when you turn on the lamp?

now i set the lamp manuall to 57%

and there is a value

min_color_temp_kelvin: 2702
max_color_temp_kelvin: 6535
min_mireds: 153
max_mireds: 370
  - color_temp
color_mode: color_temp
brightness: 145
color_temp_kelvin: 2702
color_temp: 370
  - 28.391
  - 65.659
  - 255
  - 166
  - 87
  - 0.526
  - 0.387
is_deconz_group: false
friendly_name: Kellerlicht
supported_features: 40

and then the card works again, but why is he doing this ?
when i then turn off the lamp the card is not visible again

Check your extra_styles.yaml. Most probably it’s not updated according to Matt’s latest one.
For me it fixed the issue.


@VietNgoc ,

I tried youre extra template to show the " imac " icon.

the code that i used:

# macbook CIRCLE
    macbook: >
        return (states[variables.macbook].state == 'on')
          ? '<ha-icon icon="cil:laptop-mac" style="width:100%;display:flex; color:var(--state-icon-active-color);"></ha-icon>'
          : null;
        - position: absolute
        - height: auto
        - border-radius: 50%
        - right: 1%
        - padding: 5%
        - margin: -10%
        - top: 30%
        - width: 15%
        - transition: top 250ms ease-out
        # - background: >
        #     [[[
        #       return variables.state_on
        #         ? 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)'
        #         : '#3082b787';
        #     ]]]

Then on the card:

      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.lampen_inloopkast
        name: Kast
          motion: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_inloopkast_occupancy
          macbook: binary_senor.imac
        triggers_update: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_inloopkast_occupancy
          action: more-info
          - light
          - icon_spot
          - motion
          - macbook

for some reason i get i error on the card.
the macbook template i stored in a extra_circle.yaml file under button_card_templates

Two questions :slight_smile:

(Red) How can I align the date, day and event to the left no matter what I do I can only make the time align left.

(Yellow) I think it was up a while ago but I haven’t managed to fix it. But what is that causes the white borders around the cards and graphs?

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How did you do the buttons in the upper row?

has anyone the same experience since update hass to 2023 11.1? The swipe-card got transparent. (the first card is fix and the swiped cards are transparent)

Am I alone with this problem? So it seem not to be a common behaviour …?

Edit: The Problem only exists on my hass - docker container setup. Running hass on a VM everything woorks fine……


@pedolsky thanks. What about for non-colour bulbs, that just have a brightness attribute - how can i create the desired gradient of yellow based on the brightness %, so that instead of a gradient of yellow (at 100%) down to brown (at 10%), I achieve yellow down to a pale yellow - as if there is a scale of opacity being applied to the yellow. I thought this is what the hsl values i posted would be used for, in accordance with the brightness % attribute of the bulb?

Oh typo, Will try this evening again.
The rest are of the config is oké? It’s no problem to have more variables?