A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

And that fixed it… so much to learn… :flushed:

Thank you @Mattias_Persson!

Thank you @Mattias_Persson for sharing your config with us. Since this now supports responsive rendering, I also ventured to change my previous frontend :slight_smile: I must say I like the result very much. Simple, beautiful and intuitive.

One little thing is a bit strange for me though. When I call the frontend, the clock of the sidebar is sometimes displayed large like in you Screenshots and sometimes small. No matter if I call it on the desktop or on the smartphone. Unfortunately, I have not yet found the cause. Does anyone of you also have the problem?

1 Like

Hi, it’s in the original post :

Known issues

  • card-mod randomly not applying markdown styling on 2021.6.0 #130
  • swipe-card not updating size unless resizing window #32 #147
1 Like

I have a problem with the mqtt switches.
Only one works and the other two don’t.
I suppose it is a matter of how the squad is assembled.

I’ll pass you the jams in case you see the error. I can’t really find it
Thank you

It worked when I put 3 columns.
The number of columns is used for the number of entities?

action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: Balkong
      $: |
        #root {
          grid-gap: 0 !important;
    type: grid
    columns: 3
    square: false
      - type: entities
        state_color: true
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_flor
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: automation.todo


      #                                               #
      #                  VARDAGSRUM                   #
      #                                               #

      - type: grid
        title: Cuartos
          grid-area: vardagsrum
        columns: 2

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            name: Cuarto Principal
              !include popup/vardagsrum_balkong.yaml          
              - base
              - icon_hue

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            name: Cuarto Milena
              !include popup/vardagsrum_balkong.yaml
              - base
              - icon_hue
              #- loader


  - platform: mqtt
    name: Cuarto Milena
    icon: mdi:power-socket-de
    command_topic: cmnd/tecla_touch_723A/POWER
    payload_on: 'ON'
    payload_off: 'OFF'
    availability_topic: tele/tecla_touch_723A/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
    state_topic: stat/tecla_touch_723A/POWER
    qos: 0
    retain: true

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Cuarto Principal
    icon: mdi:power-socket-de                       
    command_topic: cmnd/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    payload_on: 'ON'
    payload_off: 'OFF'
    availability_topic: tele/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
    state_topic: stat/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    qos: 0
    retain: true


action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: Balkong
      $: |
        #root {
          grid-gap: 0 !important;
    type: grid
    columns: 1
    square: false
      - type: entities
        state_color: true
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_flor
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: automation.todo

Ich love your design !
Would you mind sharing your code?
It would be awesome. Thank you.

above is the git link

Every file I open amazes me. The code you wrote is impressive. I admire you for what you did and for sharing it.

1 Like

Wonderful dashboard! I am slowly translating it and tweaking for my purposes, but for some reason I can’t get the fonts to show correctly:

The font.css file and the fonts themselves are accessible through the browser if I check direct links.
When I inspect elements on the page I can see:
font-family: SF Text
for example, but the fonts are not showing.

To make it even stranger when I tried the dashboard as main one, with lovelace mode yaml, I could see the fonts.
Now I want to have some standard UI-editable dashboards as well so I use your in the following way:

  mode: storage
    [ resources listed] 
      mode: yaml
      title: Tablet
      icon: mdi:tablet-dashboard
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui-lovelace-tablet.yaml 

Does anyone have any idea what am I missing to get the fonts to show correctly? What else to check?

try adding from the ui or rename the file to make sure it’s not cache related

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Lovelace resources.

@Mattias_Persson How do I find out the device name?

I have a lot of mistakes and I still don’t understand some things.
Thank you

      name: galaxy_tab_a
    - all

I tried to read it but the language is difficult for me and there are things that I do not understand from the translation. I’ll keep trying. Thank you

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your service developer tools.


Browser_mod.debug triggered it from a service right?
Now. When you are loading browser_mod.js
The service does not appear

  mode: yaml
    [ { url: /hacsfiles/bar-card/bar-card.js,                               type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js,                         type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/kiosk-mode/kiosk-mode.js,                           type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js,             type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/light-popup-card/light-popup-card.js,               type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js,                      type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-hui-element/hui-element.js,                type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js,                type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-slider-entity-row/slider-entity-row.js,    type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-valetudo-map-card/valetudo-map-card.js,    type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js,          type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/swipe-card/swipe-card.js,  

Well, then you need to install it https://hacs.xyz/

Adding /local/font.css in the UI Resources seems to have done the trick! Thanks!

I’m not sure how it works, because I already had it in:

  mode: storage
      { url: '/local/font.css',                                               type: css    } ] 

but it works now (on all devices except my phone, so maybe now that IS cache related).

Another quirky thing is that in Firefox, after clicking on any of the 3 sidebar icons, opening a popup and closing the popup, those 3 icons shrink :slight_smile: This happens after every click, so eventually they almost disappear. This does not happen in Chrome or iPad app, only Firefox. Similarly, there is no blurred background in Firefox, while it is in Chrome or iPad app.

The following is seen on the console when clicking those icons:

Expected media feature name but found ‘-ms-high-contrast’. 0:1:6016
Expected media feature name but found ‘-ms-high-contrast’. 0:1:6300
Expected media feature name but found ‘-ms-high-contrast’. 0:1:6339
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’.  Declaration dropped. 0:1:6496
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’.  Declaration dropped. 0:1:8179
Unknown property ‘backdrop-filter’.  Declaration dropped. 0:5:27
Error in parsing value for ‘max-width’.  Declaration dropped. 4 0
Unknown property ‘backdrop-filter’.  Declaration dropped. 0:4:19
The resource at “https://ha.anarion.pl/static/fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. 0
The resource at “https://ha.anarion.pl/static/fonts/roboto/Roboto-Medium.woff2” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. 0

I suspect this:

Error in parsing value for ‘max-width’.  Declaration dropped. 4 

Any idea why Firefox might be losing this and the background?

backdrop-filter needs to be enabled in firefox https://caniuse.com/css-backdrop-filter
the three icons shrinking is highly peculiar :joy:


I installed it but the service does not appear. These are some of all the erreres that I still have.
The browser_mode.debug service does not exist. When I type browse nothing appears

Error while executing automation automation.homeassistant_start: Unable to find service browser_mod.close_popup
15:18:55 – (ERROR) Automatización
homeassistant_start: Error executing script. Service not found for call_service at pos 2: Unable to find service browser_mod.close_popup
15:18:55 – (ERROR) Automatización

Have you checked the installation steps?

Installation instructions

  • Copy the contents of custom_components/browser_mod/ to <your config dir>/custom_components/browser_mod/.

  • Add the following to your configuration.yaml:


  • Restart Home Assistant

I added it by hacs and it was saved in custom_components.
Probe copying in www/community and add the line
{url:/hacsfiles/browser_mod/browser_mod.js, type: module},

And finally copy to custom_components and add this line in configuration.yaml

  - url: /browser_mod.js
    type: module

What I don’t know is if you need another library or additional configuration.
Nor do I know if the errors that I drag from other things make it not work.