My new NUC ( BOXNUC7CJYH4) with 8 Gb RAM is up and running Hassio, SSH, Samba, Docker and Portainer
This comes after around three years on a single hardworking Raspberry Pi.
The community offers plenty of options to install Hassio but eventually, a variation of the JuanMTech Youtube video was the go.
The OS is “Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver”, minimal install.
The desktop version was used just in case something went wrong (and it did).
The mouse was super laggy, but after six lines of code from the interweb, all was good.
The JuanMTech instructions were clear and also had a written instruction good for copy and paste.
Setting up SSH, Docker and Portainer the guide made it very clear.
The Google Drive storage and restore of the existing install were fantastic.
Thanks to tom_l who fielded the correct answer on the refresh button TLHS to make the backups appear. Man the little things, hehe.
Setting up samba was also a great idea, used this to copy over the backups between machines.
I checked the power consumption figures with 2 watts for the RPi and 6 watts for the NUC.
Next thing is to learn a bit more about Docker to put the NUC to work running a few more things.
Very subjective I know but maybe an opensource music server (maybe).
At this stage running anything and not breaking what I have would be a win!
So early days but thanks to you all for all the posts I have read without anyone knowing.
Definately standing on the shoulders of giants here.