A little help needed with obtaining a text input into Angular

I integrated my Home Assistant with Google Assistant. I created some scripts so I can send a “broadcast”-command to the Google Home. This is all working great, but I was missing the option in Tileboard to create a Text Input Tile.

I managed to create it, through the custom tile function, but I’m stuck getting the text input and assigning it to a variable.

Since I’m too inexperienced with Angular, I can’t solve it on my own. I’m pretty sure that I’m close to the solution.

 position: [0, 0],
 title: 'Custom Message',
 icon: 'mdi-monitor',
 width: 3,
 customHtml: '<div class="form__group field"><input type="input" class="form__field" placeholder="Message..." name="MSG" ng-model="MSG" required /><label for="MSG" class="form__label">Message...</label><div ng-if="supportsFeature(bericht, item, entity)" class="item-button -bottom-right" ng-click="text()"><i class="mdi mdi-send"></i></div></div>',
 action:function (item, entity){

 return this.$scope.sendTextString(item, entity);
   $scope.sendTextString = function (item, entity) {
       var text = $scope.MSG;
        sendItemData(item, {
         type: "call_service",
         domain: "rest_command",
         service: "assistant_broadcast",
         service_data: {
            command: text

The $scope.MSG keeps being “undefined”.
Anyone know how I can update this variable (text)?

Thanks in advance

Hey @resoai,
Maybe you can help me out a little?

Why aren’t you simply passing message as a param to sendTextString?

Thnx for the quick reply!
I understand what you’re saying, but I have honestly too little experience to make it work.
Right now, I can’t seem to wrap my head around it.

Could you set me on to right path a little more? :slight_smile:

There are a lot of weird leftovers you copy-pasted from other places but to make it work, if

console.log(this.$scope.MSG); actually outputs the message in the browser console,


$scope.sendTextString = function (text) {

Thank you!

I might’ve been a little unclear;
The this.$scope.MSG isn’t showing the string, only “undefined”.

I tidied up the code a little:

position: [0, 0],
title: 'Custom Message',
width: 3,
customHtml: '<input type="input" name="MSG" ng-model="MSG" required /></div>',

action:function (item, entity){
return this.$scope.sendTextString(item, entity);


   $scope.sendTextString = function (item, entity) {
       var text = $scope.MSG;
        sendItemData(item, {
         type: "call_service",
         domain: "rest_command",
         service: "assistant_broadcast",
         service_data: {
            command: text

The main question is:
How do I get the input value as the “text” variable?

I figured it out.

Config.js (gave an id to button)

position: [0, 0],
title: 'Custom Message',
width: 3,
customHtml: '<input type="input" name="MSG" id="bericht" ng-model="MSG" required /><div id="MsgClick" class="item-button -bottom-right"><i class="mdi mdi-send"></i></div>',

action:function (item){
return this.$scope.sendTextString(item);

And main.js

    $scope.sendTextString = function (item) {

        document.getElementById('MsgClick').onclick = function () {
             var text = document.getElementById("MSG");
             sendItemData(item, {
                type: "call_service",
                domain: "rest_command",
                service: "assistant_broadcast",
                service_data: {
                    command: text.value


Just be careful not to have two of them since there can be only one MSG

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