A lot of warnings for Cameras after upgrade

Ever since I upgraded I’m getting a lot of warnings in HA about my cameras. Was there a breaking change that I did not see? Here is one of the warnings I’m getting:

2017-11-07 19:52:02 WARNING (SyncWorker_12) [urllib3.connectionpool] Failed to parse headers (url= [StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect(), MultipartInvariantViolationDefect()], unparsed data: '' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 399, in _make_request assert_header_parsing(httplib_response.msg) File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/util/response.py", line 66, in assert_header_parsing raise HeaderParsingError(defects=defects, unparsed_data=unparsed_data) urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: [StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect(), MultipartInvariantViolationDefect()], unparsed data: ''


I also have the same issue after the last update. Keep referring to line 399 and 66 in the same two files.

There’s a note about this error messages in the Generic MJPEG Camera docs.
You can disable them with:

  default: warn
    urllib3.connectionpool: fatal

Before the update it was:

requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: fatal

Thanks for this! Much nicer logs.

Maybe it’s just me but the UI seems a little snappier too!

How come this just showed up after the upgrade to 0.57.2
Seems to only show up on some of my cameras. Only the older ones.

If you update to 0.58.0 you’ll see the warnings again.

Guess I will wait until the next update. No need for me to upgrade right now anyways.

Yup. I just updated to 0.58.1 and lots of errors again. Even getting FFmpeg warnings.

I am in version 77.3 and I get a lot of warnings:

[urllib3.connectionpool] Failed to parse headers (url= [StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect(), $
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py”, line 396, in _make_request
File “/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/util/response.py”, line 66, in assert_header_parsing
raise HeaderParsingError(defects=defects, unparsed_data=unparsed_data)
urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: [StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect(), MultipartInvariantViolationDefect()], unparsed data: ‘’
2018-09-27 07:32:06 WARNING (Thread-7) [urllib3.connectionpool] Failed to parse headers (url= [StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect(), $
Traceback (most recent call last):

I am streaming Video from a Pi Camera (with ‘motion’) on port 8160.

How can I get rid of these warming floof=ding my log file?

Thank you