A new personal project

I have no idea where to post this so If the mods see fit to move it that is OK!

I intend to create an integration using python and MariaDB to allow me to use the 270 recipes that I have and offer recipe ideas based on ingredients in the store cupboard and otherwise provide a shopping list for what is missing.

Sad to say that I have been a sysadmin on internetworking and servers for some 28 years.
But this is my chosen learning curve and any more experienced eyes than mine would be most welcome to review my code.

Point to note:- I suffered a stroke a few years ago, now I am not saying it to carry favour but I can get frustrated with myself.
In saying that it may seem that I am rude or offensive but that is not my point of view. I am just on the edge of my tolerance of my own limitations.

Just wanted to get the cards on the table should any one choose to help!


Hi, before you start all that work, it might pay to look at Mealie. There is a 3rd party addon and a few threads on integrating via REST.

There is also a Grocy integration.

Not trying to dissuade you. I get just wanting to do something. If that is the case, go for it.

Thank you I will take a look!

Thanks @nickrout. Part of the journey is to learn. but the conclusion is also as important. I do have a local database that does what I need but Homeassistant
Provides me a total visual interface.Of course I could use Homepage but That is not what I am looking for! I want it all within homeassistant1

So for closure! I also use Nextcloud as I am a big fan of private data. There is an app that does 90% of what I would like called cookbook. So I am adding to that. Didn’t want to leave a hanging thread in a project as good as this.