A new take on 'meteoalarm' [custom component]

The site meteoalarm.eu is an hub of european weather alarms with the national agencies providing these alarms for their regions. Since long ago, exists a core integration in Home Assistant for it, however it uses ‘ATOM xml feeds’ that are (now) unavailable for the majority of countries. In alternative, there are ‘rss feeds’ which are available for all participating countries.

So I create a new custom integration that uses these ‘rss feeds’. Is a 'config flow' integration and to configure it, you only have to choose your Country, Region and Language from the options provided. To install it please read this.

It provides an entity binary_sensor.meteoalarmeu that is safe when there are no alerts and unsafe when there are, with attributes corresponding to the fields of the alerts.


Thanks. Will try it :slight_smile:

After some months in silence, UK is sending data to meteoalrm.eu again. Then, if you are from UK, you can install meteoalrmeu starting with version 2021.5.7.

In June 2021, meteolarm.eu changed to meteolarm.org and changed the rss API too. These changes aren’t compatible with the meteoalarmeu component! An extensive rewritten is needed of the library meteoalarm-rssapi

So for now please uninstall this component.