A "person" entity to group device_trackers

I’m not 100% sure, but if I recall correctly - I’ve heard something like this in the “state of the union”, so it might not be the “feature request” - maybe it’s just a question about ETA of this feature :wink: anyway…

a person can use quite a few devices, that can be tracked: smartwatch, phone, car, bluetooth tracker etc. all of them can be tracked within zones. if I want to gather all those info and use it in the dashboard or conditions, I can make a group like:

  entity_picture: yyyy
  - device_tracker.google_maps_<some_numbers>
  - device_tracker.my_phone
  - device_tracker.my_laptop

but the group can only get the values like “home” or “not_home”, and the group can’t be viewed on the map, also even if the group’s member entities are in some zone, the group’s state is still “home” or “not_home”.

so maybe it would be a cool thing to make a new entity - something like a group, but with the ability to “get the latest location” from it’s entities and to be viewed on map?

configuration would be similar to group:

  entity_picture: yyyy
  - device_tracker.google_maps_<some_numbers>
  - device_tracker.my_phone
  - device_tracker.my_laptop

but the real difference would be in the handling of those.
device_tracker then should have additional configuration toggle/switch “show_on_map” - so we can exclude them, and then person.this_is_me would have the same “show_on_map” setting so we could see the person entity on the map, but hide all the “duplicates” [meaning: person’s device_trackers] etc.

I really hope you know what I mean :smiley:

Don’t know if anything is coming to the standard release, but I’ve written something you might find useful:

Composite Device Tracker

You probably mean this? It’s in 0.88 which was just released :wink:


@pnbruckner well, yeah, seems like it’s something I thought about, but looking at 0.88 release’s feature, probably I’ll stick with the stock option. thanks!

@syphernl hell yes! haha, I checked before posting & didn’t saw that then ;D that’s probably it! great :slight_smile:

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Indeed, the person component does a great job of tracking multiple devices and more features should be incorporated soon. There is little reason to go custom now.