A small proble, with snapshots

Lately when I try to create a snapshot of my system I have noticed that it takes a long time to HA to create it. It can take up to 7-10 minutes while in previous months it was matter of 1-2 minutes. Even stranger is that after 10 minutes where HA is just showing “create snapshot” (picture below) when the snapshot is done HA reports that snapshot was ready 10 minutes ago!

I really can not understand what the problem is. Can someone help please?

I just tried to create a snapshot. I got the following for more than 10 minutes.

as soon as the above gone I am getting the following

the snapshot is small (371 mb) so the problem is not at the size

My system is

There is no problem… it takes as long as it takes and depends on the platform and database size. The time is just the time it started being made. 371mb is around half mine and I’d rarely get change out of 20 mins to create a full snapshot. This is all as I would expect.

Thanks for the reply. If this is normal I can live with that. The strange thing is that usually for the same size the snapshot was ready in 1-2 minutes until recently at least. (I forgot to mention that HA is installed in a NUC).

I was waiting a long time for snapshots (ever for a restart) when I was running HA in raspberry)