A testing setup for Jinja templates via scripts & automations

I had a decently complex Jinja macro that I wanted to write some test for. I probably could have done something in Python, but I started working through a route to get it working fully within Home Assistant, and it worked out.

It’s not perfect and it’s a bit ugly, but it works. One downside is there’s no real way to catch template errors, but I have a global error handler that reads the log file and reports errors it finds, so those tend to get caught even if I’m not tailing the log file.

Example Macro and Test Suite


{% macro add(a, b) %}
  {{ a + b }}
{% endmacro %}


- macro: add
  description: adding should work well
    - 2
    - 3
  result: 5

And a file gets generated:

{# automatically generated test file. do not edit. #}
{% from 'tests_templates.jinja' import assertion %}
{% from 'math.jinja' import add %}

{% macro run_suite() %}
 {{ assertion(add(2, 3)|int, 5, 'add(2, 3)|int', 'adding should work well') }}
{% endmacro %}


This starts the automation that handles actually running the results. It fires
an event to get that process started and waits on the result. It runs nicely
from the Developer Tools Action screen.

icon: mdi:test-tube
alias: Run Custom Template Test Suite
mode: restart
description: ""
    default: true
    description: >
      Set to `false` to prevent notifying of a successful test run.
      boolean: {}
    default: true
    description: >
      Set to `false` to skip the reloading of automations. Note that this may
      result in test files not being updating properly since the test
      configuration is pulled in through the automation system.
      boolean: {}
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ iif(reload_automations|default(true)) }}
      - action: automation.reload
  - event: templates_test_suite.run
      reload_templates: true
      report_success: >
        {{ report_success|default(true) }}
  - wait_for_trigger:
    - platform: event
      event_type: templates_test_suite.complete
      minutes: 1
  - variables:
      test_results: >
            'timeout': wait.remaining == 0,
            'failures': wait.trigger.event.data if wait.remaining > 0 else none,
  - stop: done
    response_variable: test_results


This actually writes out the test files and then runs the tests. It’s an
automation so that it can run automatically at midnight each night as well.
It needs to be defined at automations/somdir/somename.yaml or you need to
change the path within it so that the !include works properly.

Each test suite is loaded from a .yaml file within custom_templates. A
file is then created by calling the create_test_file macro and the content
of that file is passed off to a shell script to write the test Jinja file into
the custom_templates directory.

It then writes out another file to run all tests and imports & runs them.

id: templates_manage_test_suite
alias: Manage Templates Test Suite
mode: queued
max: 10
description: ""
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - platform: event
      - templates_test_suite.run
  - platform: time
    at: "00:00:00"
condition: []
  - variables:
      notify_devices: mobile_app_my_device
      test_suites: !include_dir_named ../../custom_templates
      report_success: >
          trigger.platform == 'event' and
      reload_templates: >
          trigger.platform == 'event' and

  # reload templates if requested before writing test files to ensure the tests
  # are being written with the most recent templates.
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ reload_templates }}
      - action: homeassistant.reload_custom_templates

  - alias: "Write individaul test files"
      for_each: "{{ test_suites.keys()|list }}"
        - variables:
            content: >
              {% from 'tests_templates.jinja' import create_test_file %}
                  repeat.item|regex_replace('_tests$', ''),
        - action: shell_command.write_template_tests
            encoded_json: >
              {{ {
                'filename': repeat.item,
                'content': content,
              }|to_json|base64_encode }}
          response_variable: command_response
        - if:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >
              {{ command_response['returncode'] != 0 }}
          - action: persistent_notification.create
              title: Failure to write individual test file
              message: >
                {{ command_response['stderr'] }}

  - alias: "Generate full run test file"
      content: >
        {% from 'tests_templates.jinja' import create_full_run_file %}
              |map('regex_replace', '_tests$', '')
  - alias: "Write full run test file"
    action: shell_command.write_template_tests
      encoded_json: >
        {{ {
          'filename': 'test_all',
          'content': content,
        }|to_json|base64_encode }}
    response_variable: command_response
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ command_response['returncode'] != 0 }}
    - action: persistent_notification.create
        title: Failure to write full run test file
        message: >
          {{ command_response['stderr'] }}

  # reload templates if requested after writing test files to ensure the tests
  # are being run with the just written templates.
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ reload_templates }}
      - action: homeassistant.reload_custom_templates

  - alias: "Run tests"
      test_results: >
        {% from 'test_all.jinja' import run_all %}
        {{ run_all() }}

  - alias: "Find failed tests"
      failed_tests: >
        {{ test_results
          |selectattr('0', 'eq', false)
          |list }}

  - alias: "Report test failures"
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ failed_tests|length > 0 }}
      - alias: "Variables: title, message"
          title: Custom Jinja2 template test failures
          message: >
            {{ failed_tests|length }} failed tests:

            {% for failure in failed_tests|map(attribute='1')|list %}
              - {{ failure }}
            {% endfor %}

            Rerun the tests via `script.run_custom_template_test_suite` to ensure
            all tests are regenerated and reloaded properly.
      - action: persistent_notification.create
          title: '{{ title }}'
          message: '{{ message }}'
          notification_id: custom_templates_test_failures__fwd_disabled
      - action: notify.{{ notify_devices }}
          title: '{{ title }}'
          message: '{{ message }}'
            color: '#b30925'
            channel: Alerts
            importance: high
            priority: high
            ttl: 0
            notification_icon: mdi:test-tube
            tag: custom-templates-test-results

  - alias: "Report test success"
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ report_success and failed_tests|length == 0 }}
      - action: notify.{{ notify_devices }}
          title: All custom Jinja2 template tests passed
          message: >
            {{ test_results|length }} tests passed successfully.
            color: '#42c2f5'
            channel: Alerts
            importance: high
            priority: high
            ttl: 0
            notification_icon: mdi:test-tube
            tag: custom-templates-test-results

  - alias: "Emit about completing"
    event: templates_test_suite.complete
      failed_tests: >
        {{ failed_tests|map(attribute='1')|list }}


automation manual: !include_dir_list automations

  write_template_tests: ./cmds/write-template-tests.sh '{{ encoded_json }}'


This file also gets marked as executable. Base64 encoding was needed to get
quoted values to the script properly.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e
cd "$(dirname "$0")"

json=$(echo ${1} | base64 -d)
filename=$(echo $json | jq -r .filename)
content=$(echo $json | jq -r .content)

touch "${file}"
cp "${file}" "${orig}"

# echo "args are ${@}"

cat > "${file}"  <<EOF
{# automatically generated test file. do not edit. #}

diff "${orig}" "${file}" || true
rm "${orig}"


This one is a bit ugly, but it writes out test files and a runner file to run
all tests. So it’s written in Jinja and outputs Jinja. It also contains an
assertion helper.

{% macro create_test_file(suitename, tests) %}
  {% set file = suitename + '.jinja' %}
  {% set ns = namespace(str='') %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% from \'tests_templates.jinja\' import assertion %}\n' %}
  {% for macro in tests|map(attribute='macro')|list|unique %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% from \'' + file + '\' import ' + macro + ' %}\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% set helpers = tests
    |map('default', {})
    |unique %}
  {% for helper in helpers %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% from \'' +
      suitename + '_tests_helpers.jinja\' import ' +
      helper + ' %}\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% for helper in helpers %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str ~ 'iterating for the helper\n' %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str + helper + '\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% macro run_suite() %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '[\n' %}
  {% for test in tests %}
    {% set description = test.get('description') or '' %}
    {% set params_config = test.get('params_config', {}) %}
    {% set result_config = test.get('result_config', {}) %}

    {% set result =
      'none|string' if test.result == none else
      '\' + test.result + \'' if test.result is string else
      test.result %}
    {% set result_typefilter =
      '|int' if result is integer else
      '|float' if result is float else
      '|trim' if result is string else
      '|from_json' if result is mapping else '' %}
    {% set result_preprocess_wrapper = result_config.get('preprocess') %}

    {# create params list as json objects which is a nice way to quote #}
    {% set ns2 = namespace(params=[]) %}
    {% for param in test.params %}
      {% set ns2.params = ns2.params + [
        param|to_json|string|regex_replace('null', 'none')
      ] %}
    {% endfor %}

    {# build invocation to call macro and obtain result object #}
    {% set invocation = test.macro + '(' + ns2.params|join(', ' ) + ')' +
      result_typefilter %}
    {% if result_preprocess_wrapper %}
      {% set invocation = result_preprocess_wrapper + '(' + invocation + ')' +
        result_typefilter %}
    {% endif %}

    {% set params_description =
      params_config.get('description') or
      ns2.params|join(', ' )|regex_replace('\'', '\\\'') %}
    {% set call_description =
      test.macro + '(' + params_description + ')' + result_typefilter %}

    {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {{ assertion(' +
      invocation + ', ' +
      result|string + ', ' +
      '\'' + call_description + '\', ' +
      '\'' + description + '\') }}' + ('' if loop.last else ',') + '\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% set ns.str = ns.str + ']\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% endmacro %}\n' %}
  {{ ns.str }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro create_full_run_file(suitenames) %}
  {% set ns = namespace(str='') %}
  {% for suitename in suitenames %}
    {% set file = suitename + '_tests.jinja' %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% import \'' + file + '\' as ' + suitename + ' %}\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% macro run_all() %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {% set all = {\n' %}
  {% for suitename in suitenames %}
    {% set ns.str = ns.str + '    \'' + suitename + '\': ' +  suitename + '.run_suite,\n' %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  } %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {% set ns = namespace(result=[]) %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {% for name, run_suite in all.items() %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '    {% for pass, description in run_suite()|from_json %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '      {% set ns.result = ns.result + [\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '        [pass, name + \'.\' + description]\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '      ] %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '    {% endfor %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {% endfor %}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '  {{ ns.result }}\n' %}
  {% set ns.str = ns.str + '{% endmacro %}\n' %}
  {{ ns.str }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro assertion(result, expected, invocation, description) %}
{% set pass = result == expected %}
{{ [
  invocation + (
      '; pass' if pass else
      '; fail\nexpected<' +
      expected|string|trim + '> != actual<' +
      result|string|trim + '>'
  ) + iif(description, '\n', '') + description,
{% endmacro %}

Your mileage may vary with this, but I thought someone may find it useful or at least mildly interesting.

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