A way to control the TV

Hello there.
I currently have a question regarding my TV and controlling it.
Since my girlfriend is blind and the tv is a smart tv i have to set the channel and such every time se wants to watch tv.
I wondered if there was a way to send remote commands in order so it does it step by step.
i have read about IR blasters and found one that works using tuya but the seller states it doesnt have build in step by step it gets and sends just 1 command at a command.

So my question is there a device / service that allows me to.
Execute a list of steps including delay to my TV (LG NANO 2022 model)(running WebOS)
Or using IR like the remote does.

A example would be:
Hey google set the tv to channel 1
then the command would run:
Turn on TV
wait 3 seconds
Click OK
Wait 3 seconds
Press down 3 times then OK
wait 1 second
Press OK

if there was a way to do this my GF could finally watch tv the normal way again.

Oh and before u guys ask normal analog tv cannot be used here the bill for it is way to high i cannot afford it. so we have web TV (tv using internet and a app) but the app is kinda hard to learn for her so i wanna automate it to make it accessable.

Thanks in advance

Trying to be as sensitive as possible with this question; If your girlfriend is blind, how does she watch TV?

I would say you can use a Broadlink mini or pro.
The stuff you want to do is fairly easy, you just learn the commands and then create a scrip that execute the in the order you want and with delays.
The issue that could happen is that one or two commands are not picked up by the TV and you get out of sync.

Here is an example of a script I could use to turn on my TV and do three volume down

alias: New Script
  - service: remote.send_command
      device: TV
      command: OnOff
      entity_id: remote.broadlink_4_remote
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: remote.send_command
      device: TV
      command: Volym ner
      num_repeats: 3
      delay_secs: 0.2
      entity_id: remote.broadlink_4_remote
mode: single

You don’t need a IR remote for LG webos,
there is an integration for it

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That sounds like a great project - and if it works it should be very rewarding! :slight_smile:

If I may, I’d like to draw three scenarios for you. #1 is the easy, but not very suitable/adapted way by using IR commands (not recommended), #2 would be to use the integration for WebOS (better, but not my favourite), where #3 would be some kind of ultimate solution for your GF (this is, what I’d do). :slight_smile:

#1 IR
I wouldn’t recommend that, as it is a uni-directional way of communication, that is by definition error prone. And it offers no benefit at all, at least not for your GF, as she still isn’t the “master of the TV”, but just a participant in a guessing game. If this is really the way you want to go (after reading the alternatives down below), please tell us, so we can go deeper into this and explain it further. :slight_smile:

#2 LG WebOS integration
This one is a robust solution, where you can achieve most things you want to. The advantage of this solution is the bidirectional communication that is made with an integration into HA. If you send a command, you will immediately get back a result to HA, so HA knows what state the TV is in, which level for volume is set and a lot of other things, one could need to make an informed decision.

It is as well a better solution compared to IR, as you can react on things, that happen on your TV, which you can’t with only just IR, simply because you have no back channel from your TV to HA.

#3 Introducing Rhasspy voice assistant
This is, IMHO, the best solution, as it is a combination of the WebOS integration, combined with a local voice assistant, that get’s the hard work done for your GF. After a little training (don’t worry, nothing fancy and no sports equipment needed :rofl:), Rhasspy can do the heavy lifting of getting the idea what is wanted from the TV and translates/transforms this intention to an automation, that is run by HA and will control and change your TV settings.

Let me give you an example: If your GF wants to swith to a specific channel, she’s just telling the TV: “Rhasspy, switch to BBC” or “Rhasspy, turn up the volume by two points”. But the real fun comes with custom commands, that save time and nerves, like “Rhasspy, I want to watch “Desperate Housewives” on Amazon”.

This is the point, where you can’t go with Google, as it is a PITA to learn and control all the various wishes one can have. And it let’s you control what is happening, and not Google guessing, what should happen. I know, I know, Google gives a cheap and for most cases very good possibility to use a voice assistant, but if you want a lot more control (and therefor the possibility to customize this experience) over your voice assitant, I’d highly recommend Rhasspy!

Wichever way you choose, in the end it is running an automation in HA, that changes things the way you like. So taking your example, it would be something like this in the action part of your automation:

  - service: webostv.turn_on
    entity_id: media_player.lg_tv_livingroom
  - delay: '00:00:03'
  - service: webostv.button
      entity_id: media_player.lg_tv_livingroom
      button: 'ENTER'
  - delay: '00:00:03'
  - repeat:
      count: 3
        - service: webostv.button
            entity_id: media_player.lg_tv_livingroom
            button: 'DOWN'
  - delay: '00:00:01'
  - service: webostv.button
      entity_id: media_player.lg_tv_livingroom
      button: 'ENTER'

Depending on the way you choose, this most likely can be shortened, at least the delay can be left out, as the TV should understand commands, that are sent after one another. No need for a delay. And in regard to the documentation of the LG WebOS integration, you can simplify this by sending the direct command for what you want to achieve, like “Switch to channel 1” and just use this:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
  media_content_id: 1
  media_content_type: "channel"

You see, with the integration (and maybe Rhasspy as well), you can build a very intuitive way, to control the TV and make your GF happy (and down the road yourself). :slight_smile:

Hope this helps in deciding which way to go. :slight_smile:

Just thought of a different solution.
What about a ZigBee remote, lets say the IKEA four or five button remotes.
When you click on a button this triggers a TTS message “Channel 1”, and it waits, if no new command comes then it does channel 1.
If you click again a TTS “channel 2” and so on.

That way it’s tactile, but you get a TTS of what is supposed to happen.
You don’t need to use the voice and all the issues that come with that.

She listens to wacht tv. (u dont always need vision to see whats on tv) :slight_smile:

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Amazing reply’s from everyone thanks for the headsup i only found homekit but after some more digging i found the intergrations i will try to use webOS to do the job :smiley: thanks again!

The integration works really well and can do pretty much all the things the remote can.
The only little hurdle is the turn off function which might require a little fiddling, but search and ask on the forum.

On a side note.
Your TV can probably use the LG MagicRemote, which actually have Google and Alexa Support build in.
You just press the microphone button just over the wheel and speak into the remote.