A zigbee switch which allows direct binding to scenes

Hi, does anyone know if there is a zigbee switch, which allows direct binding of buttons to scenes?

I’m interested in this, because I’m looking for a way to make scenes work even when the server/coordinator goes down. As far as I understand, this should be possible, because scene and group settings are stored within the lamps.

I just tried with a Philips Hue Tab Dial and zigbee2mqtt without luck.

I found a solution for the hue switches here: Expose recall_0 and recall_1 for philips 929002398602 (RWL022) by MartB · Pull Request #3815 · Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters · GitHub

To summarize the solution

You need to bind the Philips Hue switch to any group using the “Scenes” cluster. After that you can hit the scene buttons of your hue switch and you’ll find z2m debug log entries in this format {"groupid":YOUR_GROUP_ID,"sceneid":SCENE_ID}

For my dial I got this for the four buttons:

  • {"groupid":35853,"sceneid":1}
  • {"groupid":35853,"sceneid":0}
  • {"groupid":35853,"sceneid":5}
  • {"groupid":35853,"sceneid":4}

You then create a group with YOUR_GROUP_ID (in my case 35853) and four scenes with the scene ids from the logs.

Then you bind the new group to your dial using the Scenes and LevelCtrl clusters only.

After that you can dim the group, activate the different scenes and turn the group off if you keep a button pushed. All this works without HA or your zigbee coordinator.

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Hi, is this specific only for Philips hue switch for the scene buttons? Do other switch support this

With zigbee2mqtt, it should work for all switches that support the ‘genScenes’ cluster, at least in theory. Unfortunately it’s very difficult to find out if a switch supports the cluster or not before buying…

I can only confirm that these provide the ‘genScene’ cluster:

  • Philips Hue Tap Dial (works with direct binding)
  • Philips Hue Dimmer Switch (direct binding NOT tested)
  • Philips Hue Smart Button (direct binding NOT tested)

These do NOT provide the ‘genScene’ cluster (direct binding won’t work for scenes)…

  • TuYa TS0043
  • TuYa TS0041
  • TuYa TS0044

If anyone knows some more switches that provide the genScenes cluster, I would be very grateful to know about it.

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About tuya

This is so interesting! I still don’t understand where I would set up the actual scenes, though. Where/how do I configure what brightness/color each bulb would have in each scene?

Would greatly appreciate your insights on this!

You can configure the groups/scenes in the zigbee2mqtt webUI. There is a main configuration section for “groups”. Once you created a group, you can configure different scenes for it.