AAA Alexa-Appdaemon-App a new complete way to connect HA with Alexa

i created a new complete App for Appdaemon.
after installing the app and configuring the skill on amazon developer you can easy add your own intent apps.
i did add a complete tutorial on how to setup the whole connection and how to create the skill.
at this moment all text (almost all in the yaml) is only german, but i hope to have the english versions from all text ready for the end of the weekend.
i already have included 16 example intents that are easy to reuse. and the big advantage is that we all can share our intents.
So lets go crazy!
installation and instructions can be found here:

a short description from the 16 included intents:

  1. command
    Alexa gives a list from all commands that you have programmed.
    Helpfull for when you live in a house where several people use the skill. this way they can always ask what they can say to Alexa.
  2. goodmorning
    I use Alexa to set a sensor (sensor.rene) from Asleep to Home.
    Other automations then are programmed on the state from that sensor.
    After changing the state Alexa tells me some info i like to know like temperatures, riverwater levels, last seen movement, etc.
    I didnt take out the text parts to yaml because this listens to specific sensors.
    You need to edit the app yourselve.
  3. help
    There is a default help Intent in the conversation skill.
    You can modify and use the default or just copy the one i created.
    the default would use the skill with a capital H mine is with a small h.
  4. hotCold
    This intent checks if you say warm or cold, and then sets the heating in the room that you are in low or high, for 30 minutes.
  5. inKeller
    An intent i wrote specific for our situation.
    If we say to appdaemon that someone is there a notation is made in a logfile with the time and the person.
    If it is a known person, it saves an identification number else it saves the name.
    If the time tells it is when we are home, the skill just greetz the person.
  6. lightState
    The intent is still called lightstate, because thats what i used it for at first.
    But it tells every state from every entity in home assistant that you like.
    Just add a friendly name and the entity in the yaml and you can ask alexa for the state from that entity.
  7. repeatStory
    See Story it just tells the last told story 1 more time.
  8. searchYoutube
    This intent lets you search on youtube.
    When the search is completed, it show the top 6 search entries on a dashboard
    You can then use showYoutube to view 1 of the 6 videos
  9. SetBedOlinde and setBedOlindeOff
    2 connected skills to turn on and off 1 switch.
    The reason why i didnt use 1 intent is because the sentences my wife speaks to Alexa are not with on and off in it.
    They could be combined with 1 on/off slot in it.
  10. showYoutube
    Lets you show 1 of the 6 videos from the last youtube search on a dashboard.
    Just say the number from the video and it will show for a preset time.
    As long as you dont ask for a new search, you can always repeat the last video.
  11. sleep
    An intent to tell the state from 1 specific entity on several humorous ways.
    In this case if i use it so that my wife can ask if her heating blanket is on or off, to check if automations did work.
  12. story
    An intent that tells stories.
    In a predefined directory you can place txt files with short stories.
    In 1 file you can make a list to set the order that the stories are told.
    There is also a file that has the number from the last told story.
    That way the stories wont be repeated. with the repetStory intent you can repeat the last story as much as you like.
    You can write your own stories or just collect them from the internet.
  13. temperatureState
    Actually the same as the lightState intent that now tells general entity states, just with textline that are specific for temperature.
  14. viewCamera
    In the yaml you can give friendly names for all cameras you own and have created in home assistant.
    After you have created a dashboard for those cameras this intent shows the cameradashboard for a set amount of time.
  15. whatDoesSomeone
    A nice way to entertain your friends. Just create humorous answer for all your friends and Alexa will speak them out.
    Also included the possibilitie to make distinction between people from your household and from outside.
  16. woIsSomeone
    Somewhat like the previous Intent, just with some more specific information bout the household. You can predifene dinertimes, when people are at work, on their way home, sleeping, etc. Lets you ask wo someone is, without having to think about the timeschedule from that person.

English version from the app now available.
6 intents already have english version, tommorow i hope to have all intents translated.

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complete english version now online!

I hope to see some intents from others soon here. :wink:

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How this compares to HAASKA? And this should also work on if you install AppDeamon and nginx addon. Right?

this is an app that lets you connect Alexa directly with appdaemon.
so you can write your intents directly in python and use all appdaemon functions to communicate with HA.

I think it will work with hassio, but i dont know how to configure nginx in that case.
thats why i did write that i dont support hassio setup.

Hi @ReneTode
I have a couple of questions:

  1. Can it coexist with Nabu Cloud Integration
  2. How can I check simply that the infrastructural prerequisites (i.e. the nginx extternally reachable endpoint) can be simply checked to be working (I mean without needing to build a test skill / install appadaemon)

PS: I have appdaemon running and would gladly translate the files in your github to add an ITalian version . If I only mange to get the endpoint connection work

  1. it should be no problem to do this beside anything else.
    for sure because nabu cloud id HA and this is pure amazon and appdeamon, it would even work without HA.
  2. you could use curl to test the api endpoint. but with things like this testing is never easy.

but i abandoned this project myself. they changed a lot on the amazon developers site, so not everything there is up to date.
the appdaemon part is still as it should be though.

the reason i abandoned it is because i wasnt using it anymore because there are now way more options. when i created it there was no option for TTS to alexa, and no option to start routines( routines didnt even exist at that point)

so no reason for translation i guess. if you are willing to try (there are still some benefits from that) then better give me a call on discord.

Thanks… I discoverd routines…