Aarch64 vs. armv7 installations?

I have 2 pcs of RPi 4/ 4GB running.
From Portainer I just noticed, that one is running on linux aarch64 Home Assistant OS 6.3 and the other on inux armv7l Home Assistant OS 6.3.

I guess I have somehow chosen a wrong file to install.

Should I do something about this, and if so, how? What is the recommended system?

aarch64 is 64bit, armv7 is 32 bit. I would prefer 64bit.

aarch64 is 64bit, armv7 is 32 bit. I would prefer 64bit.

OK… If I wish to move to 64bit, is it OK to just install new aarch64 + HA and extract my setup from snapshot made in armv7, considering that the apps there are 32 bit as well…?

Save snapshot somewhere safe, reinstall, restore snapshot. That’s all.