Aarlo Mode Change

I can’t work out where I’m going wrong here, hoping for some help. I can’t get my Arlo base station to change mode, I have the following in the config file:

  username: <username>
  password: <password>
  tfa_source: push
  tfa_type: PUSH
  mqtt_host: mqtt-cluster-z1.arloxcld.com
  backend: sse

  - platform: aarlo
    away_mode_name: armed
    home_mode_name: home
    trigger_time: 30
    alarm_volume: 8

This pulls all the cameras, base station, etc., so I can see them in my list of entities. Now I try to make an automation with the action below, but it will not change in the Arlo app when I check:

- id: '1698498970803'
  description: ''
  trigger: []
  condition: []
  - service: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_set_mode
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_rosewood_way
      mode: home
  mode: single

I’ve tried both mapped modes, but neither work. FYI, I am manually triggering the automation right now, just for testing…

I can not also change modes, after changing to the “new experience” on the Arlo app and all the fta problems that I was able to get help on and work through. Wish this worked again


I jump in this discussion because I’m totally lost with Aarlo. I guess it’s partly due on my lack of experience in HA. Indeed, I just left domoticz to implement HA, but I realize every time I try to add something that the philosophy are totally different. Any way…

Firstly, I simply wanted to use HA to change the mode of surveillance. But I can’t even understand how to achieve this.

I’ve got Aarlo installed and connected to my arlo account. I can see live streaming on a card.

Then, to test it, I just wanted to manually change the state with a button on my dashboard :

type: entities
  - input_boolean.mode_surveillance

So, @lawriebaker you mentioned that you managed to manually triggers the automation, could you give me advice on it ?


I tried to dig in my problem and tried to write an automation : I use Alarmo, and I’d like to synchronize both mode.

Here is my configuration :

  username: "********"
  password: "*************"
  refresh_devices_every: 2
  stream_timeout: 120
  mqtt_host: mqtt-cluster-z1.arloxcld.com
  backend: sse
  tfa_source: imap
  tfa_type: email
  tfa_host: imap.gmail.com
  tfa_username: "*****************"
  tfa_password: "**********************"
  - platform: aarlo

  - platform: aarlo
    away_mode_name: armed
    home_mode_name: home
    night_mode_name: night
    disarmed_mode_name: disarmed
    trigger_time: 30
    alarm_volume: 8

And here is the automation I try to write :

  -alias: Arlo armed quand personne a la maison
     -platform: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      to: 'triggered'
      - service: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_set_mode
            entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_location_roquettes
            mode: armed

But, it doesn’t make the trick, and here is my error message :

2023-11-12 16:17:12.980 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.async_] Detected blocking call to putrequest inside the event loop by custom integration 'aarlo' at custom_components/aarlo/pyaarlo/backend.py, line 167: r = self._session.put(, please create a bug report at https://github.com/twrecked/hass-aarlo/issues
2023-11-12 16:17:12.980 WARNING (MainThread) [pyaarlo] request-error=RuntimeError
2023-11-12 16:17:12.981 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139741300094656] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Any clue ? Thx