Hi Everyone,
I have been Vera user for the last 10 years and am new to home assistant, so far i have been able to integrate all my devices except one. The alarm decoder with ad2serial connection. I have left several posts asking for help but received no response. Can anyone guide me in the right direction or recommended an alarm system that can easily integrate with home assistant? Thanks
My Alarm Decoder USB is connected to a dedicated Raspberry Pi on top of the alarm panel box, and links fine to HA over the TCP/IP network. Been bullet-proof for over a year now…
thanks, Any tutorial and how to achieve a setup like yours? the way I had it set up in vera is alarm panel connected via ethernet cable directly into the adapter and usb into the vera. installed the plugin and it all worked perfectly for many years.
Thanks again for the help
I set the Alarm Decoder Pi up several years before I moved to HA, and don’t remember much other than the Alarm Decoder folks provided a Raspberry Pi installer (and at one time marketed a Pi “hat” board that integrated into alarm panels just like the serial and USB ones they sell).
This is the HA stuff that I am using, via network socket:
It also appears to support connecting directly to USB and serial Alarm Decoder devices. If your HA system doesn’t have a serial port, you can pick up an RS-232-to-USB serial port adapter thingy.
I’m personally sticking with the Pi, since I use the Alarm Decoder Pi stuff for emergency remote virtual keypad access…