(! abandoned project !) Talking recycling calendar


I have sensors pulling data from the local recycle app, and I have a Moes Zigbee button (via a Conbee stick) that I’d like to use to query if there’s any garbage collection the next day.

I have 5 sensors for each type of garbage collection (the output is in dd/mm/yyyy)
I have 2 sensors for today & tomorrow (which I don’t know the output from yet, as there wasn’t a collection this week)

With that data I’d like to broadcast on my kitchen nest hub what the collection for tomorrow is. If there isn’t any, it should tell me just that.

I’m trying to do this with Node-RED to keep oversight as this is a pretty complex flow, and the reason i’m trying to do this with a button is because my partner is blind and she cannot read the calendar. Now I tried to get the Moes button triggered in Node-RED but I got no debug output. I also got the broadcast to work, but everything in between is still a work in progress. As this is my first attempt at Node-RED, every tip or help is welcome.

Thanks in advance.

So I just got the button to work via ‘events: state’. I just don’t want the double click that the button requires to go to the off state. So I think i’m going to make it turn to the off state with a timer. problem with that is that the trigger will pick that up and I don’t want it to do that. Still figuring this out.

So I figured out that this brand of buttons does not allow to automate the state for some reason. So I wrote a timed-out repeating broadcast to ask the user “press the button 2 times to reset”, because it takes 2 presses to turn it’s state to off.

I did it! It took me a whole day but I managed to do it!

Do you mind sharing the flow?

I would if I still had it. A few software updates later it was so disabled that I had to delete it. It was spewing out random data and the button would not reset anymore, causing it to announce untrue garbage collections at random times, including at night, which was freaking out my partner and my daughter. I am planning to build a new one with ESPhome now.