Ability to hide a group from the default view

Currently, we have the ability to change your default view and manually specify which groups and components show up on the default view. This is handy, but once you manually define your starting view new components stop automatically showing up, obviously because you didn’t specify that it should be there.

I think it would be useful if we could define which groups we want to exclude from the default view and have everything else continue to work as is. For example, on of the first groups I created was my RaspPi card. Next thing I did was create a new tab for my “device information”. Now I have two raspi panels, one on default and one on my device information tab. Ideally, I could modify the group config so that it would not show up on the default view unless I manually specifed it in a default view config.

TL;DR - Override default tab view with default_view: no

name: Raspberry Pi
- sensor.cpu
- sensor.cpu_use
- sensor.disk_use_
default_view: no


You can do that by setting hidden: True

If I do the following, the panel disappears all together and the sensors I had grouped into Pi get dumped on the screen. I’d like it to appear in Devices tab, but not home, without having to manually select all of the tiles that appear in default view.


    hidden: true


name: Devices
view: yes
- group.pi

name: Raspberry Pi
- sensor.cpu
- sensor.cpu_use

I’m going to move this to Configuration as it is already a feature but may not be well known by some users.

Thanks :slight_smile: As best I can tell, I still cant do what is described in OP but Im sure someone will correct me eventually :slight_smile:

I’m struggling to do this as well… It does not appear there is a way to hide things from the Home tab (default view) without manually defining what you want to see on that view… I wish it was easier to move something to a tab (view) and have it not show up on the Home tab anymore…


i woud like to see that.

Especially in the beginning.
I am still a noob regarding the Home Assistant universe and i created some groups to organise and work with some other automation.
Those groups are now shown, but i would not mind if they would not be seen, as i need them just to work with them in the background.

I am also voting for this as an update request.

At the moment it appears I have 2 choices:

  1. Home tab which shows literally everything - which is far too messy.

  2. Home tab which only shows what I specify EXACTLY. Which is pointless because I can do that with another named tab anyway. And has a big disadvantage in that any new items don’t show up in the Home tab.

What I really want is a Home tab which only shows me items that I haven’t specified elsewhere and/or specifically excluded.


Or a filter for the dev states panel that would show only entities that aren’t already a part of a group…

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Can this thread be moved back to the feature requests?

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Done :thumbsup:

(note that the vote count is zero, don’t know what it was before it was moved, so people need to vote again)

There exist a patch for this (but it were unfortunately rejected): https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/11592

It was rejected with the point “you can override default view”. The problem with this is the logic that DPB61 expressed above.

I’m running into this where I’m new and need “auto discovery” to show me new things but I have media players popping on it from the roku, tv and plex. I don’t care about those for a “home status” so want to put them on a Tab. If I move to tab as a group they are still on home. If I hide in customization they go away from the tab… If I static set what I want to see on home I loose “new discovery”. Maybe allow for a home/default-view that you can make static but allow for a “group” that is the auto-discovery items that haven’t been “managed”.


Actually, if you really like/need/want this feature, you should probably add to that discussion at GitHub to make the devs aware of us.

They locked it :slight_smile: I guess it creates some logic bombs against some of the core principles. colliding universes.

Well, not really, the discussion is moved elsewhere:

Solved with introduction of Lovelace

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