Ability to re-organize dropdown helpers

After you make your helper list, your stuck with the order unless you re-do the entire thing. Be nice to be able to drag and drop to change order.

In picture below, I’d like to move Strobe to position in-between Aurora and Static

Not taking away from your request (it is a good one) but for now you should be able to cut and paste the options to the order you want if you edit it in YAML.

Also don’t forget to vote for your own request.

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How/where do i go to edit in yaml? I cant find it

No idea where the UI puts them. I don’t use the UI for input_selects. I have this in my configuration.yaml file:

input_select: !include input_selects.yaml

and all my input_selects are in the file input_selects.yaml.

Hmmm seems like its not possible (or at least easy) to edit UI made helpers.

Ah, well that’s spanners to that plan then.

Doesn’t mean that it’s not possible.

It’s just that it’s in json format instead of yaml.
And… If you mess up, nothing will help you realize it before it’s too late.

You should be able to use both YAML and the UI, but helpers created in YAML will not be editable in the UI.

So whats the format if I do one in yaml? Can you show me an example

It’s been a while, but I came across this topic and in case it helps anyone, I noticed that you can easily edit UI-created Input Select entities via the Developer Tools → States page.

If you select the input_select it’ll show you the options list and you can edit/rearrange them and save, without having to directly edit the /config/.storage/input_select file.

You can also add parameters that are not supported in the UI editor yet e.g. “initial”


Sadly, this looked like it worked but upon rebooting my instance reset the changes back. =(

Circling back to this. Still not possible to edit already made dropdown order? Creating a new one in yaml is the only real option.

Added my vote on this. This is important. Thanks

:heavy_plus_sign: to being able to edit helpers in the UI.

This has been implemented for 2023.9