Ability to retrieve the name/alias of the condition that was satisfied in an automation

Detail here: Include met condition in action notification - #9 by 123

May not be all that common of a use case but in situations with ORed conditions it would be nice to be able to get the name of the condition that was met to use in a notification.

In the link above I was provided a solution and I appreciate that, just thought I’d see if it was something that warranted another way to do it that would still allow the UI OR functionality to be used.

Each specialized feature take up resources, both in disk space, ram and developer time, and there are plenty of special cases that might seem to warrant their own function, so it could quickly become a huge pile to drag around.
Keeping the functions simple but with lots of possibilities allow them to perform many different functions without much resources spent.

But if you really like the idea, then I suggest you at least vote for it yourself. :wink:

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